The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element Text 6 067. Family gatherings!

"It's not long between lunch breaks, everyone hurry up and finish eating. When we finish eating, we still have some family matters to discuss!"

"Does skylark count?"

Sasakawa's voice was louder, so in order to accommodate, he deliberately lowered his voice, gestured for Hibari's direction, and asked.

Kyoko is his most important younger sister, so Sasakawa Rape has to be more concerned about the surrounding situation.

"Since it is a meeting of the guardians of the family, it is only natural that Kyoya, one of the members of the guardians, is also there!"

Nie Kong explained, but this news is particularly shocking to someone!

"Master Skylark is very powerful and reliable. With his joining, people can't help but feel relieved a lot!"

For some reason, Takeshi Yamamoto and Hibari Kyiya have actual combat experience, so they also have some understanding of his power.

Although the temper is a bit uncomfortable, but in this respect, the degree of uncomfortableness of the prison temple Hayato is about the same!

"Ahahaha, it turned out to be like this, then I can rest assured!"

Sasakawa Rakuhei scratched his head a little embarrassedly, feeling a little bit about his lack of intelligence, and was also pleasantly surprised by Hibari Kyouya's joining.

Teacher Nie Kong is really no ordinary person, even people who are more difficult to deal with than the sky can be solved quickly!

The Hayato at the Prison Temple wanted to vomit and object, but he could only hold back.

"Hayato, if there is something in your heart, or if you have any doubts or dissatisfaction with the decision, you can say it!"

Nie Kong looked at the Hell Temple Falcon who was hesitant to talk, and this kind of twisted look was really not suitable for the prison temple's character of daring to love, hate, say and do.

"The so-called family means to get along with each other as family members. If there is a gap, there is no way to live in harmony forever!"

"You are right, Prison Temple Lord, you don't have to be so enthusiastic to me all the time. We are all friends. Just say what you want to say!"

Jingzi nodded, agreeing with Nie Kong's opinion very much.

"I know."

The prison temple Hayato struggled for a while, and finally decided to express his thoughts.

"Let Liu Dao Mukuro and... that guy join as one of our guardians, is it really no problem?"

One is too mysterious and dangerous, and the other is too disobedient to control.

"That guy won't talk about it. Liu Dao Mukuro escaped from the Avengers prison. Those Avengers will never give up!"

Hellji Hayato is not afraid of any challenges to people, but he doesn't like getting into unnecessary trouble.

As one of the Mafia, the Prison Temple Hayato has never seen the Avengers Prison and the Avengers, but it is a very famous and scary group in the Mafia world.

"As for the people in the Avengers Prison, some of them have become my subordinates, and I have already dealt with the rest, so there is no problem."

"Actually, I just invited Mr. Mukuro to join the family. In fact, his identity is my special adviser, not a guardian. He is responsible for following my instructions in the dark to act secretly. Maybe there may not be many opportunities to meet in the future! "

Because he was defeated by Liu Dao Mukuro, Hibari Kyoumi was particularly sensitive and concerned about Liu Dao Mukuro's news. When he heard Nie Kong say this, Hibari Kyoumi suddenly let out air-conditioning, and stared from the high platform with dissatisfaction. Nie Kong.

"Don't forget our agreement!" Hibari interrupted.

"Promise other people's things, I will naturally follow."

Nie Kong didn't care at all, replying to Hibari Kyouya.

This agreement was actually made by Nie Kong and Hibari silently at the time when Hibari was fighting Liu Daomou.

Hibari likes to fight against the strong, especially the strong like Liu Dao Mukuro who has defeated him, Hibari is very interested.

However, it was learned from Nie Kong that even if Liu Dao Mukuro was defeated by him, he would be supervised by the Avengers Prison and would never be able to fight him again.

He didn't like this result.

Therefore, he obeyed Nie Kong’s agreement and asked Nie Kong to incorporate Liu Dao Mukuro into his own organization. He did not do any "trouble". At the same time, the exchange condition was that Liu Dao Mukuro must obey his will and He fights, and he is not allowed to refuse any invitation to fight.

Nie Kong agreed quickly to this condition.

Only then did Nie Kong's intention after this be Liu Daomu's personal freedom bet.

I have to say that if Liu Dao Mukuro knew that he had been sold by Nie Kong before he joined the organization, he might be depressed for a long time.

"Mr. Mukuro is a master of illusion, so it doesn't really matter where I am!"

Nie Kong solemnly explained that even if Liu Dao Mukuro himself is far away, he will not be unable to respond to the challenge from Skylark.

"Are you satisfied with what I said?"

Nie Kong had a gleeful smile on his face, so he looked at Hibari Kyouya in his spare time.

"I hope so."

Hibari Gongmi narrowed his eyes and stared at Nie Kong's eyes. Seeing that he wasn't dealing with himself casually, he withdrew the cold pressure and lay lazily on the high platform.

"That, in fact, Lord Mukuro is not a bad person..."

As Liu Dao Mukuro's apprentice, Kulomnono said, wanting to say something good for Liu Dao Mukuro.

"Well, no matter what, it should be impossible for Teacher Nie Kong to let Kulom recognize a dangerous person as his master! There are more people!"

The good old man Takeshi Yamamoto is basically an tolerant type to anyone. As long as he is not a heinous person, Takeshi Yamamoto is accustomed to treating him equally.

"Liu Dao Mukuro actually didn't actually hurt our people. Don't care about it in Prison Temple!"

"Don't worry about what he said. Although he is the guardian of our family, his identity and organization are independent, and he will never do anything that endangers the family!" Nie Kong said.

"I understand."

Nie Kong had already explained it clearly, and the Prison Temple had no reason to refute, so he nodded to show his obedience.

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