The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element Text 6 068, Mafia leader party invitation

"Ahem, okay, this matter has been handled, next, I will announce another matter."

Nie Kong cleared his throat and signaled everyone to calm down. After seeing the success that made everyone's attention on his body, he continued.

"The day after tomorrow there is a party about the Mafia family. You will have our family customized clothes for you tomorrow. Remember to prepare."

"Huh? Ah, good."

Takeshi Yamamoto, who only knew about it now, couldn't help being shocked when he heard it, and then he reacted.

"Just us?"

"It's not. Although it is still uncertain, there will be more people scheduled."

Although Nie Kong's certainty of the situation had reached the point where he knew everything, he still chose a conservative estimate, who didn't like waste.

Nie Kong habitually exhorted him, and then smiled after taking Yamamoto and his party out, and then he withdrew his smile.

After speaking, Nie Kong also stopped by to customize the clothes of the Sasakawa family, usually black suits, but Nie Kong chose pure white instead.

Paired with a white shirt, although it looks very white, from the perspective of the fabric and the design of the suit and shirt, I am afraid it is also very valuable.After the clothes were ready, Nie Kong asked them to pick up their clothes.

"Ok... alright..."

Jingzi didn't want Nie Kong to wait for a long time, so she quickly changed her clothes, and then she held her clothes flushed and motioned.

Nie Kong slowly turned around, and looked at Jingzi's dress with interest, thoughtfully.

"Yes, I'm sorry, I haven't worn this before. Yes, is there something wrong with it?"

Jingzi was uncomfortable under the gaze of Nie Kong, for fear of where she could not wear it well. She hadn't tried this style before, and she didn't know how she would look like wearing it.

"Sure enough, it's weird, right?"

Kyoko's appearance is sweet, and she is only the age of a middle school student. Wearing a serious suit, she always feels strange.

"Hehe, it won't be weird, Xiao Jing is well dressed."

Nie Kong chuckled lightly, watching Jingzi's face flushed in his spare time, and involuntarily outlined a petting smile at the corner of his mouth. He walked forward slowly, stretched out his hand, and helped her organize some places that were not in place.

"All right."

After finishing the arrangement, Nie Kong took a look at his results and felt quite satisfied, so he took Kyoko's hand and went downstairs to meet the leader of Bovino.

"Let's go!"

Because only Nie Kong knew the reason for the destination, the car that drove in the front was the one where Nie Kong and Jingzi were sitting.

"Teacher, where are we going?"

The car drove steadily on the road. Kyoko looked at the familiar street scene around him, hesitated for a moment, and finally couldn't help but curiously asked.

"I'll know later. The Mafia family gathering in Japan, there may be several leaders of the Mafia family coming back."

Nie Kong held Jingzi with one hand, and put one hand on his leg casually, lightly tapping regularly, his eyes were full of thoughts, as if he was thinking about something.

Seeing that Nie Kong was thinking about something, Jingzi couldn't bother, so she leaned on the backrest lightly, closed her eyes lightly, and started to review what she learned this morning using the memory method taught by Nie Kong. Italian content.

The car was very quiet, except for the sound of the car driving, there was no other sound.

"What is Xiaojing thinking?"

Looking at Jingzi's appearance, the regained Nie Kong chuckled and asked aloud.

"Well, I am using the method you taught me to consolidate the knowledge I learned today."

Kyoko didn't open her eyes, and replied with a voice.

"I feel relieved to see Xiaojing you working so hard, but in that way, a quiet and relaxing environment is more suitable!"

Nie Kong stretched out his hand warmly and helped Xiao Jing manage some messy hair.

"Um...that's it..."

Xiao Jing opened his eyes with a little regret, and was shocked when he saw the cheek that was slowly approaching when he closed his eyes.

"Hehe, Xiao Jing's expression was so cute when he was scared!"

Nie Kong couldn't help scraping Kyoko's nose, watching Kyoko's pink face gradually become flushed, and his mood became very good.

"Well, I won't tease you anymore."

Nie Kong gently rubbed Jingzi's hair, and then retracted the center of gravity to his seat.

Jingzi leaned softly on Nie Kong's shoulder, feeling the happiness brought by Nie Kong.

"It's not far ahead."

Nie Kong directed the direction, Jingzi raised his head and glanced around.

"This is... Sawada-san's home?"

The place where I used to live is here, and I will meet Tsunayoshi Sawada on the way to school, so Kyoko still knows the address of Tsunayoshi Sawada's home.

"Yes, because Sawada Iamitsu lives here, the ninth generation chief also stayed here temporarily."

Nie Kong nodded and opened the car. After the gentleman got out of the car with Jingzi, he rang the doorbell at the door.

"Allah, is it another guest!"

The one who came out to greet a woman who looked very virtuous and graceful, looked at Nie Kong and his party standing outside the door, and opened the door very enthusiastically and cheerfully.

"Hello, Ms. Nana, I am Nie Kong who has made an appointment to visit."

"Ah, isn't this Teacher Nie Kong!"

Sawada Nana went to the parent audio-visual conference organized by the school, so he also knew Nie Kong, who is his son's teacher.

"Teacher Nie Kong, please come in!"

Because Kyoko was dressed up in a serious suit, Sawada Nana didn't recognize it at once.

Sawada Tsunayoshi, who came out immediately, recognized the goddess he had crushed for many years.


"Hello, Sawada-san, I'm sorry to interrupt you."

Kyoko did not stand beside Nie Kong because he was the leader. After hearing Sawada Tsunayoshi's call, he nodded politely to show friendship.

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