The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element Text 6 069, dialogue with Penglai

"But I am watching and listening as the next leader. I am not Sasakawa Kyoko, but the Sasakawa Patriarch."

When Jingzi was in the car, Nie Kong had already listened to Nie Kong to talk about the specific content of the meeting, so he had a certain degree of psychological preparation for the people he wanted to meet.

Hearing this, Tsunayoshi Sawada widened his eyes in disbelief and froze in place.

"Ah, ah, what is Tsuna stunned, take the guests to your father's room."

Sawada Nana didn't know the relationship between them, so she didn't feel anything. She patted Tsunayoshi Sawada's shoulder casually and told him a few words before turning her head and looking at Nie Kong.

"Teacher Nie Kong sit down first, and I will prepare refreshments for you."

Nie Kong nodded, and then followed the somewhat embarrassed and bewildered Sawada Tsunayoshi, leading Bovino and Kyoko to the stairs together.

Several guardians followed only one, and the others stayed outside.

"It's been a long time!"

After Nie Kong and the others entered the room, Sawada Iamitsu and the ninth generation leader of Penggli had been sitting and waiting early in the morning.

Because of the small size of the room, Xanxus was very upset and uncomfortable at first, but because it was related to the memories of the Pengley family, he had to endure it forcibly.

Although the gloom on his face made Tsunayoshi Sawada look inexplicably panic.

"A Gang, go and see if Mom has anything to help."

After Nie Kong and his party settled down, Tsunayoshi Sawada was about to sit down too, but Iemitsu Sawada casually found an excuse and sent it out.

"I thought, Mr. Sawada, you are more inclined to make your son the leader of the ten generations than Mr. Xanxus!"

"Azuna is too tender now."

Sawada Iami seems to be very upset about Nie Kong's insults, but he has to judge the situation and take back all his emotions for the time being, and he is only thinking about the family.

"Peng Lie's outside adviser Sawada Iamitsu, the ninth-generation leader, and the tenth-generation leader alternate, this battle actually matches."

The so-called outside consultant is a member of the Pengley family, and is not a member of the Pengley family. They are usually irrelevant people, but when the family encounters an extraordinary period, they can run out of authority second only to the leader. It is actually the second leader of the family.

Moreover, the outside consultant has the same decision-making power as the leader when choosing heirs.

These powers and permissions, that is, the powers of Nie Kong's special adviser in the Bovino family are basically the same.

Like the opponent's formation, Nie Kong is also a special adviser, the current leader and the next leader.

"It's so noisy."

Xanxus has always had a bad temper, and doesn't like to look at other people's faces to determine his own behavior. He has always been a person who does what he wants. Naturally, he is very uncomfortable with this kind of communication that is not important.

"Young people can't be so impatient!"

Nie Kong chuckled lightly and glanced at Xanxus sideways.

"It seems that as the next leader, neither Mr. Xanxus nor Tsunayoshi Sawada are immature!"

In the face of Nie Kong's deliberate ridicule, Xanxus was naturally intolerable, and just about to get up angrily, but under the gentle pressure of the nine-generation leader of Pengley, he had to reduce his anger and change the subject.

"It's an honor to meet again, Miss Kyoko."

"Hello, Chief Pengley. Although I really want to say a few words to you, the current situation does not allow it. I'm really sorry."

Compared to Xanxus's personality to do whatever he wants, Kyoko looked much more mature and calm.

"Every time I see Kyoko, it always surprises me!"

When we first met, the little girl who knew her identity would exclaim and be at a loss, blushing like she was seeking advice, has slowly grown into a calm and composure little leader.

Although he is still a little immature in his behavior, but in such a short period of time, there can be such a big change, I don't know whether to admire Nie Kong's superb teaching, or to admire Kyoko's unlimited potential!

"Thank you for your compliment."

Kyoko nodded slightly to express her gratitude. Although she was very happy to hear the praise of the ninth generation leader, she did not show it.

Nie Kong said that when negotiating, you can't let the other party notice any of your own thoughts, otherwise you will easily be led by the other party's nose, thus failing to achieve the result you want.

"Hehe, Kyoko is indeed much better than my stupid boy!"

Sawada Iamitsu has always been rough and carefree. He can say whatever he wants. If it weren't because he had suffered a loss in Nie Kong's hands, I am afraid that at this time, he has already asked Kyoko to consider his son.


Xanxus disdainfully glanced at Kyoko's direction coldly. He, who was not interested in the weak, didn't quite understand why other people admired her.

"Close to the subject, we are here this time. I think you should be very clear about our intentions."

"About this matter, our leader has already drawn up relevant documents." Kyoko laid out the documents.

Povino is the top Mafia family in Italy. It is different from other small families. Coupled with the reason that the current leader, the next leader and the special adviser are all in Japan, this makes the leader of Bovino have to settle in a hurry. The task in hand came to Japan to negotiate.

"If it is an alliance, we can still consider accepting it."

The ninth-generation chiefs had finished reading Nie Kong's documents, the smile on their faces had disappeared, and the majesty on their faces, as the chiefs of the world's top Mafia family, was immediately revealed at this moment.

"It's just that the content of this document, doesn't Mr. Nie Kong feel that it is too much?"

I have to say that they are indeed afraid of Nie Kong's endless general power, but this does not mean that their dignity as the Pengley family can allow them to be violated by people from other families at will.

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