The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element Text 6 070, Xiaochun joins

"Don't stare at me like that. If you have the ability to deal with me, I won't mind accepting your challenge."

Nie Kong looked back at Sawada Iamitsu and Xanxus disdainfully, with contempt in his eyes.

"Even though, it would just be a waste of my time."

"Trash, don't think I really dare not kill you!"

Sawada Iamitsu's endurance is relatively strong, even if he is so angry, he has a good control of his emotions.

It's just a pity that Xanxus didn't mean to be obedient at all. He stared at Nie Kong with a fierce look, and looked like he could do it at any time. Kyoko couldn't help but feel a little panicked.

However, Nie Kong himself, who was being stared at, still looked leisurely, and did not see the threat of Xanxus in his eyes.

"Didn't you plan to kill me in the first place? Saying this in front of me before you are strong enough will be more convincing!"

Nie Kong seemed to be deliberately challenging Xanxus' endurance. If it hadn't been for the ninth-generation leader who had been around to suppress Xanxus, I was afraid that Xanxus had been beaten to the ground by Nie Kong.

"Mr. Nie Kong, negotiation is about sincerity. If you continue to be aggressive, I am afraid that I will have to doubt the purpose of your coming at this time."

While pressing Xanxus, the ninth-generation leader reminded Nie Kong with an unkind expression.

"You can manage your subordinates before talking."

However, the initiative is in the hands of the other party from the beginning, and if nothing is done to regain the initiative at this time, I'm afraid this meeting will end up unhappy.

The consequence of being unhappy and going away is--

A war between the two families.

"I'm very sorry, I apologize for the rudeness of Xanxus on my side, and I hope Mr. Nie Kong will forgive me."

The man was able to bend and stretch, and the ninth generation leader immediately apologized for what Xanxus said.

"Furthermore, there are still many imperfections in your agreement. We have a lot of Pengley family alliances, such as the Gabriel family, and I think we will not agree to our own decisions that will affect their families. The agreement!"

"Then there is no way to cooperate. Our Sasakawa family does not allow other forces to watch. If we meet again in the future, it may be an enemy. Then, sorry to interrupt, we have an appointment later, so we will leave first."

The two most important things in the contract are, one is to protect the ring, and the other is to remove the power of the Sasakawa family in the urban area where Pengley is located.

After the negotiation broke down, Nie Kong was not in a hurry to say anything cruel. Relatively speaking, the calm waiting was even more painful!

"Ah, are you going back now?"

When she left the door of the room, Sawada Nana was late to bring the follow-up refreshments, only to find that Nie Kong and his party were ready to go back, and couldn't help but feel a little curious.

"It's better to stay for dinner together! It just so happens that I also want to ask Teacher Nie Kong about A Gang's learning problems!"

Although Sawada Nana is the wife of Iemitsu Sawada, a consultant outside the Pengley family, she doesn't know anything about the Pengley family. She is just a virtuous, gentle and ordinary housewife.

"I'm sorry, Ms. Nana, thank you for your kindness, but we will have an appointment after this."

"As for Sawada's grades, in fact, he has great potential. If Sawada is willing to study hard, it will not be difficult to improve his grades."

Although the relationship is now hostile, Nie Kong still has the professional ethics of a teacher and seriously put forward his own suggestions to Sawada Nana.

And Tsunayoshi Sawada, who was hiding in the corner watching Kyoko’s departure, just heard Nie Kong’s words. He was very hostile to Nie Kong because of Kyoko’s relationship, but he didn’t expect that Nie Kong didn’t seem to mind at all. He also said such words to his mother, which made his heart not only shaken.

In fact, even though Nie Kong knew that Tsunayoshi Sawada was hiding, he didn't intentionally tell him this.

He just likes a strong and gentle woman like Sawada Nana, and because of his status as a teacher, he has said what he thinks.

Even if he has no feeling for Tsunayoshi Sawada, he will never deliberately belittle or obliterate a person's original potential at will.

Sawada Tsunayoshi is too weak, and he feels that he can't do anything habitually before doing anything, which makes him useless now.

That is Nie Kong's least favorite point.

Kyoko is different. Even if she can't do it, she will work hard to do it first. Even if she doesn't have the confidence, the heart that will work hard for it can help her accomplish a lot!

After leaving Tsunayoshi Sawada's house, beside the car, Kyoko suddenly asked, "That... teacher."

Suddenly, Jingzi hesitated to grasp the corner of Nie Kong's clothes, hesitating to say something, but didn't know how to say it.

"Does Xiaojing want to pick Xiaochun over and have a party together?"

Nie Kong seemed to have a mind-reading skill. Before Jingzi could say it, he had already said what Jingzi wanted to say.

"Yeah." Kyoko also expressed some worry that Xiaochun was at home alone.


Although Kulom was the same year as Kyoko, her current status is basically her own assistant. In addition to her studies and practice, she also helps herself with official duties, and may not be able to accompany Kyoko.

As for Xiaochun, not only does she have similar interests and hobbies to Kyoko, but she also studies well at an advanced girls' school. It can help Kyoko study together and at least make Kyoko less boring.

Besides, Nie Kong also likes that kind of lively, cheerful and natural girl.

"Huh? Can you?"

Jingzi looked at Nie Kong in surprise, with a smile that couldn't hide.

"It would be nice to have someone with you."

Nie Kong gently rubbed Jingzi's hair, "Be careful on the way."

Nie Kong knows how to drive himself, so the driver consciously gave up his seat and handed the car to Nie Kong with confidence.

After parting with Jingzi, Nie Kong drove directly to Xiaochun's residence.

In fact, although Xiaochun didn't know the way, she said she could find it, but Nie Kong was not at ease, worried that Xiaochun would be targeted by some caring people, so she volunteered to pick it up.

Being able to let the person he loves to pick him up, after a moment of surprise, Xiaochun immediately agreed to Nie Kong's proposal with surprise, and waited at home for Nie Kong's arrival with peace of mind.

As the saying goes, a woman is a person who is pleased with herself. After hanging up the phone with Nie Kong, Xiaochun opened the closet and picked out nice clothes and jewelry one by one.

Even knowing that this is a gathering of everyone, I hope I can dress up to welcome Nie Kong.

This is the little thought of Xiaochun's girl.

It's just that, because of the beginning of the love affair, Xiaochun not only failed to dress herself up, but was too nervous and made a mess.

At least, when Nie Kong was standing at Xiaochun's house and saw the image of Xiaochun coming out to open the door, he was somewhat surprised.

"Is this any new tricky game? Xiaochun?"

Nie Kong looked at Xiaochun, who was wearing a messy white dress with messy hair and messy makeup on his face, sighed helplessly.

"I, I just wanted to learn how to make up like a magazine..."

Xiaochun wanted to cry without tears, lowered her head, showing no face in front of Nie Kong.

She secretly used her mother's cosmetics, but because of the lack of craftsmanship and to no avail, she turned herself into what she is now.

Nie Kong amusedly helped Xiaochun sort out her messed up hair, "Xiaochun without makeup is also cute!"

"Okay, I'll go wash it up right away!"

Xiaochun is an actionist, and his movements are violent. After washing her face quickly, she came out a little embarrassed.

"Then let's go, it took a lot of time, I'm afraid it will make them anxious!"


Miura Chun was obediently holding Nie Kong's hands. After the excitement passed, what was left was full of joy.

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