The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element Text 6 071, the speechless blue wave

The sushi restaurant is very lively. Basically everyone has arrived. Bagir, who had been in a coma before, also woke up and was invited by Yamamoto.

Of course, this was brought over by Takeshi Yamamoto sloppyly when he didn't know who these people were.

"Ah, benefactor, see you again below!"

When he saw Xiaochun and Nie Kong, Bagir was obviously very happy, and quickly got up from his seat to greet him.

"Thank you very much, your benefactor, for saving me, I am grateful!"

Bagir is the person who belongs to the outside consultant of Pengley. Although he is only 14 years old, he has a serious, strong and gentle personality. He is very polite and a very charming child.

It’s just a pity that I was instilled in the wrong Japanese culture by the guy Sawada Iamitsu. The first person is the next, calling others an adult, and I like the Japanese culture of "washing clothes with a washboard", even though these are very different in modern Japan. Strange things, but I didn't notice it at all.

Nie Kong also knew that if Bagir knew that he had been listed as an enemy with Peng at this time, he would definitely not allow himself to stay here, but Nie Kong was not prepared to tell him at this time.

Judging from the fact that ten years after he was taken out by himself, he relied on his own strength to avoid the pursuit of Bai Lan's family, he is indeed unlimited.

"Don't be too restrictive, everyone is a nice person."

Nie Kong responded softly. At this moment, Jingzi also walked to the door slowly because he saw Nie Kong and Xiaochun.

"Bajir, if you don't go back to eat your sushi, you will be snatched by Lan Bo~"

Kyoko now only treats Bagir as a friend to entertain him enthusiastically, without thinking about that aspect of the family.

"Ah, the sushi below!"

Originally because of Nie Kong's gentleness and the friendliness of Takeshi Yamamoto and his group, Bagir couldn't help but gradually let go. After hearing what Kyoko said, he couldn't help but lose his color and immediately ran back to his seat.

"Xiaochun is very beautiful today."

"Kyoko, how you look today also surprised me! Very handsome!"

Just like Kyoko's amazement with Xiaochun, Xiaochun was also very surprised by Kyoko's dress.

Because he didn't want her brother to wait for reasons of urgency, Kyoko didn't go to change clothes, but just wore a suit.

"Haha, isn't it? It's the first time for me to wear this! It won't be strange!"

Kyoko stuck out her tongue a little embarrassedly, and enthusiastically took Xiaochun's other hand and greeted her and Nie Kong to sit down.

"By the way, teacher, did you invite Xiaochun?"

After sitting down, Jingzi suddenly remembered something and asked Nie Kong with his head tilted.

"Not this one yet."

Nie Kong shook his head calmly.

"Huh? What invitation?"

Hearing that it was about herself, Xiaochun opened her confused eyes and looked at Jingzi and Nie Kong curiously.

"It's just that the outside is not very peaceful these days, and Xiaojing knows that you are a girl and you are not at home alone, so I want to invite you to live with her!"

Because it was the owner of the family, Nie Kong made the invitation to Xiaochun.

"Huh? But, won't this cause you trouble?"

Hearing Nie Kong's invitation, Miura Chun was a little excited, but hesitated.

"If Xiaochun, you are afraid of causing us trouble, as a condition of compensation, can you trouble Xiaochun to help Kyoko study together?"

Seeing Miura Chun hesitating, Nie Kong had to change his opinion.

"Ah, yes, this is no problem!"

Sure enough, after Nie Kong changed his opinion, Miura Chun accepted it with peace of mind.

"Ah, Teacher Nie Kong is here!"

"Hurry up and try my new sushi."

Father Yamamoto, who came out with the freshly made sushi, saw Nie Kong's figure at a glance, and he was very happy to get to Nie Kong's side, almost seeing the year-end friendship.

"Teacher Nie Kong has to come often, but my father always talks about you!"

Takeshi Yamamoto still remembered that when he brought them home with the Prison Temple before, he was very helpless when he asked Nie Kong's own father in the first sentence.

However, now he probably can understand why his father likes Teacher Nie Kong.He is gentle and polite, able to answer any questions, and is patient with students, but not harsh.

"Hehe, I'll talk later when I have time." Nie Kong responded indifferently to Yamamoto Takeshi's invitation.

Because Japan stipulates that minors cannot drink alcohol, the small wine on the table is specially set for Nie Kong and Bi Yangqi.

Therefore, the sake on the table is only Nie Kong and Bi Yangqi.

"Hey, don't drink too much, I won't carry you back when I am drunk again!"

Prison Temple looked at Bi Yangqi, who was drinking non-stop, and reminded with dissatisfaction.

Although he had a lot of dissatisfaction with Bi Yangqi in his mouth, his heart still cared about his sister.

"Allah, I'm so happy to hear Hayato cares about my sister so much!"

Bi Yangqi laughed softly when she heard the words.

Hearing that, Bi Yangqi got up lazily and tidied up her long hair casually. Because of her drinking, Bi Yangqi had a blush on her face, which seemed particularly temptation.

At least, several Mafia guards at the table blushed.

"Cough cough, old sister, keep your nerves!"

The falcon in the prison temple sharply noticed the embarrassingly lowered heads of the people at the table. He coughed a few times and checked Nie Kong's reaction reflexively. After seeing that the other person’s expression was faint and nothing unusual, he got there. Bi Yangqi's ear reminded in a low voice.

"This thing looks delicious!"

Lan Bo didn't know what wine was at this time, but everyone didn't let him drink it, which made him want to drink even more.

So, when everyone was not paying attention, I quickly grabbed the bottle and prepared to take a sip.

"Lambo, it's impossible, children can't drink!"

The one who has been playing with Lan Bo has a flat eye and swiftly wanted to grab the bottle in Lan Bo's hand, but when he grabbed it, Lan Bo had already taken a sip, and because he couldn't hold it firmly, the wine poured himself all over. .

"Puff-such a terrible drink!"

Lan Bo, who originally thought it was a sweet drink, noticed that the wine was bitter, and suddenly squirted it out, which happened to be on the face of the Hayato in Prison Temple.

"Stupid bull, what did you do!"

The Falcon of Prison Temple was originally angry because Lan Bo robbed him of the wine, but now he was sprayed on his face by Lan Bo. He couldn't help becoming more annoyed, and he clenched his fist and punched Lan Bo in the head without any explanation.

"Be~bear~ be patient~"

Lan Bo was originally very uncomfortable because he drank the crying "drink". After he was beaten like that by the Prison Temple Hayato, he immediately burst into tears and snot, and pitifully endured the instinct of crying.

"Wow-can't bear it anymore -"

In the end, Lan Bo still didn't hold back the sadness in his heart, and said with tears on his face that "Prison Temple is a big idiot" while taking out the bazooka from his messy hair for ten years, and then got in.

With the sound of "Peng--", a burst of pink smoke suddenly appeared where the rocket launcher was located, and a thin figure gradually appeared in the sight of everyone.

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