The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional text 6 072, instigate Bagir

The strange phenomenon attracted the attention of everyone present. Nie Kong watched the fifteen-year-old Lan Bo, who was slowly appearing in everyone's eyes ten years later, slightly raised his hand and greeted him casually.

"Oh, the boy Lan Bo ten years later, it's been a long time since I saw you!"

Nie Kong has seen Lan Bo use a rocket launcher for ten years, so he is not curious, but many of you have never seen it, so he is very curious and confused about this strange phenomenon now.

Ten years later, Lan Bo became a handsome lazy boy with a slender figure. Wearing the same cow-spotted shirt as the kid Lan Bo ten years ago, he was still weak and good bullying.

"Ah, it seems that ten years ago I was bullied again!"

The teenager Lan Bo was just confused about the situation in front of him and immediately understood the situation. He couldn't help but muttered a few words, then raised his hand and lazily greeted the person in front of him.

"Yo, how are you guys from ten years ago."

"Boss Nie Kong, you mean--this is Lan Bo ten years from now?"

The Falcon of the Prison Temple looked at the suddenly grown-up Lan Bo in disbelief. He felt impossible no matter what he thought, but knew that Nie Kong didn't need to lie to himself, so he was very entangled for a while.

"Hayato, if you don't believe it, you can go and give Lan Bo a try again. Although he has grown up now, his combat effectiveness is estimated to be stronger than you are now."

"Ah, Brother Nie Kong, how can you do this--"

After hearing this, the teenager Lan Bo quickly protested. However, the activist Falcon of the Prison Temple had already started directly, clenched his fists, and directly punched the teenager Lan Bo in the head.

"Wow—you all bullied me—"

The teenager Lan Bo, whose head was beaten out of a big bag, grinned with pain, and sat on the ground without any image and started crying. This look was exactly the same as Lan Bo who cried a few minutes ago.

"Ah, it seems that this is indeed Lan Bo!"

If the Falcon of Prison Temple nodded with enlightenment, he confirmed the identity of the other party.

"Well, you guys don't always bully Lan Bo!" Jingzi said.

"Lambo, come over to me, I will give you delicious food!"


As soon as he heard the familiar voice he had been missing for a long time, and was still saying "delicious" words, the teenager Rambo stopped crying immediately.

"Sister Kyoko is the best to me!"

He opened his mouth and was about to eat sushi, but his body suddenly turned into a pink smoke. Then, the child Lan Bo, who was ten years ago, reappeared in everyone's sight.

After having dinner at the Yamamoto Takeshi's sushi restaurant, Kyoko and his team consciously prepared to go back, study and practice.

And Nie Kong took Bagir, ready to talk about digging the wall by the other leader.

"Ah, I remembered, my mission!"

Before Bagir had finished guessing the meaning of what Nie Kong said, he suddenly remembered the most important thing he had forgotten.

"Really, how could I forget such an important event!"

I don't know if it was the cause of the serious injury or something. When Bagir woke up, his memory was not complete. He only remembered the people who belonged to Pengley and the things saved by Nie Kong and others.

When Nie Kong said what he saw for the first time, Bagir's memory suddenly wanted to recover, and he remembered it.

"You must tell Lord Sawada as soon as possible that the Pengley ring has been robbed!"

Bagir looked anxious, completely devoid of his usual calmness.

"Actually, you don't need to be so nervous. The Penglai rings you are wearing are fake anyway. If they are robbed, they will be robbed!"

Nie Kong spread his hands indifferently, wanting Bagir to calm down.

What's more, there is no such thing as a Penglai ring anymore!It's no use for him to be anxious now.

"Your master Sawada Iemitsu knows that you are not good at protecting the safety of the ring, so I specifically asked you to bring the ring to Japan to find Sawada Tsunayoshi and give it to him. At the same time, he released the news to Balian and let people over there chase you. ."

To be honest, Nie Kong did not agree with this approach.

"Take you as a bait to attract the attention of those in Balian, and then let the Dino chief of the Gabriel family secretly Chen Cang's with the real Pengley ring to Japan."

Looking at the gradually calm and silent boy, Nie Kong's face gradually lost his smile.

Nie Kong didn't have any expression on his face, and he didn't know he was talking to Bagir, or perhaps talking to himself, looking at Bagir, as if trying to see someone through him.

"Master must have his reason to do that."

Bagir's voice was a bit low, but it was because of his lack of ability, and he didn't mean to blame Sawada Iamitsu at all.

"Master said that if you want to be on your own, you must have experienced many, many, many things!"


Nie Kong noticed the subtle atmosphere in the air, glanced at a distance inadvertently, and after slowly feeling a familiar breath, he could not help but bend down slightly and stare at Bagir.

"Then, see you next time!" Nie Kong didn't force Bagir to change, leaving a seed is enough.

Nie Kong could easily destroy the Pengley family one by one, but it was not bad to let Jingzi use it as an experience.

Just when Bagir was lost, Lieburn's voice appeared in time, recalling Bagir's thoughts.

"Ah, Lord Lieburn!"

Bagir was very excited when he saw an acquaintance.

"Have you seen Master Nie Kong?"

Bagir knew that Lieburn was stronger than himself, and he didn't know how much he would know the whereabouts of Lord Nie Kong.

"Did that guy Nie Kong send you back!"

However, after hearing Bagir's words, instead of answering Bagir's question, Lieburn frowned, and, in serious words, warned word by word.

"In the future, stay away from that guy!"

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