The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element Text 6 073. Advance the future?

Liborn had to admit that the man Nie Kong was very attractive.Even Bi Yangqi, who originally belonged to a cooperative relationship, was affected little by little, and eventually became a partner in their camp.

I'm afraid that if I didn't stand against him, I would probably be attracted by his personality charm.With his skills, maybe create a mafia family like Penglai.

However, this is not a good thing.

At least, this is a very dangerous thing in the mafia world.

At this time, Nie Kong didn't know Liborn's warning to Bagir, but he could guess how much.

It is impossible for Bagir to betray his master, so even if Nie Kong does what he does, it is impossible to spend too much time on someone who cannot be himself.

Nie Kong’s last warning to Bagir was already when he sent Bagir back by car

For family matters, he still has a lot of things to wait for him to deal with.

"Brother, welcome back."

After returning to his home, Kulom, who was processing the documents, consciously got up to greet Nie Kong's return.

"Well, I'm back."

After returning to his home, Nie Kong felt his whole body relaxed a lot. He took off his outer jacket and handed it to Kulom. After moving his muscles and bones, he was ready to start work.

"How is the situation reporting on Liu Dao Mukuro?"

"Master Mukuro has already asked everything about it. I have compiled it into a file. Please wait a moment."

Kulom took Nie Kong's jacket, tidyed it up a bit, hung it on the outer hanger, then quickly returned to his desk, searched for a document, and handed it to Nie Kong.

"That's it, take a look."


Nie Kong faintly responded, and took the folder in Kulom's hand.

"Because my brother hasn't returned yet, I don't know what to do for the time being, so I decided to check some information about some families without authorization."

So, she checked some more information when she had time.

I have to say that her ability is very easy and much simpler to find some unknown information.

Except for some special exceptions.

"Well, I see, you did a great job."

Nie Kong flipped through the information in his hand while picking up the teacup by the table, only to find that there was no tea in it, and he was shocked.

"I'll make you a cup of coffee!"

"No, Kulom will rest early."

Even if Kulom was happy that Nie Kong was willing to make tea for herself, she also hoped that she could help Nie Kong more tasks.

"Some family members I will leave it to the Avengers to do it. Presumably they would be boring if they didn't do anything."

The affairs on Nie Kong's desk have basically been processed, and the rest is just to implement.

"We have to give them a chance to show their faces, whether for them or for the family."

Nowadays, many people are eyeing the family, I am afraid that if there is no Nie Kong, it may not be possible to give Jingzi a peaceful life.

However, if someone with the Avengers comes forward, the situation will be reversed a lot.

In the Mafia world, the reason there is the Avengers, an organization that is left unchecked between their Mafia families, is entirely because they cannot resist the Avengers.

After all, even the world's top Pengley family is afraid of the Avengers prison and dare not directly confront it.

"Ah, yes, I get it."

Kulom nodded, "Then is there any information I need to deal with today?"

"Hehe, Kulom is good!"

Seeing that Kulom looked like he wanted to help herself with the burden, Nie Kong gently touched her head, "Now it’s okay to relax. After all, wait for the leader of Povino to send it back to the headquarters. There must be a lot of information coming over!"

"Oh I got it."

The current Kulom didn't know the relationship between the Bovino family and the Pengley family, but after listening to Nie Kong's words, it suddenly became clear why Nie Kong was going to rest at this time.

Only when you have a good rest can you have a better spirit to deal with the future work!

"Colom, work is important, but rest is also very important!"

Even though Nie Kong has worked very hard to raise Kulom with delicious food, it is a pity that she is still skinny, which makes him very troubled.

"Girls don't have too many worries, this is bad for your health!"

Unlike Kyoko's mild endurance durability, Kulom's explosive power is very good, but endurance is always difficult to keep up.

Nie Kong's guess is that this is probably related to her living environment since childhood.

After returning to his own room, Nie Kong, who was restored to his own state, began to organize his thoughts.

The reason why the Penglai family can become the world's top is not only related to the hereditary relationship that has been passed down from generation to generation, but also because the strength of the Penglai ring has driven the strength of the entire family.

However, after all, Penglai has been founded for so long and has a deep foundation. Even without the Penglai ring, there is still no way to take him down for a while.

However, it is only a matter of time.

Nie Kong remembered that in the original work and in the future, the Pengley family without the Ring of Pengley was basically annihilated by the Miruffiole family.

It was still necessary to rely on Jiang Zhengyi to use the rocket launcher for ten years, so that the people of ten years ago saved their family with the Pengley ring that had not been lost.

And now, how long can the Penglai family, which has no Penglai ring in advance, support it?

Nie Kong suddenly laughed.There is no need to think about it, Kyoko will definitely replace Dumb Tsun, and even surpass Penglai.

"Perhaps, the plan for the future chapter can be implemented in advance. Although the potential of a few members of the family is good, it is a pity that the number is small."

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