The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element Text 6 076, a large collection of beautiful girls

Time flies quickly, and in a blink of an eye, it's the rest day.

And Jingzi and his party, after Kulom conveyed Nie Kong's news, they made Jingzi and several girls look forward to the day off.

"Xiaojing, Kulom, Xiaochun, Biyangqi, are you all right?"

Early in the morning, a few girls had already gathered in Jingzi's room, looking mysterious, and deliberately preventing Nie Kong from entering.

"Teacher, sorry, wait a minute, it will be done soon!"

Jingzi just opened the door through a gap, and then hid behind the door, showing only one head, smiling apologetically at Nie Kong, and motioning to Nie Kong to wait.

Nie Kong smiled helplessly, and had to wait in the living room.

No need to guess, those girls must be trying hard to dress themselves for travel!

"Ah, it seems Kyoko and the others are extremely excited!"

Sasakawa took a rest in the living room, looked at Nie Kong's appearance, and then looked upstairs, and patted Nie Kong on the shoulder with a dumb smile.

Although Nie Kong is a teacher, because Kyoko likes Nie Kong, when he was at home, Sasakawa Rakuping naturally regarded Nie Kong as a teacher and friend, and got along very naturally and easily.

Of course, if Nie Kong was not so harsh when teaching homework, Sasakawa Rakuhei would be even more happy.

"Ding Dong—Ding Dong—"

Just then, the doorbell rang.

Nie Kong raised his eyes and glanced at the wall clock hanging on the wall. Judging from the time, the person who came should be Kurokawa Hua.

"Ah, let me open the door!"

Sasakawa Rakuhei consciously moved to the entrance and went to open the door.

"Hello, Teacher Nie Kong."

Although Kurokawa doesn't have a good face for her childish boys, she still respects the elderly.

"Like Ping, go call the Hayato, let's go together!"

Nie Kong guessed that Kyoko and his party were about to be ready, so Shi Shiran got up and motioned to Sasakawa to stop.

"I also bought some yukatas for you to wear during the fireworks display!"

While taking good care of those girls, naturally we can't forget the boys.

Yamamoto's sushi restaurant will be busy on holidays, so he went back to help set up his own shop, and he also has a yukata himself, so he doesn't need to prepare.

"Okay, I know."

Sasakawa nodded calmly, and went to the basement.

When he showed up in the living room again with the Hayato at Prison Temple, Kyoko and his party also came downstairs.

"Ah, Kyoko, you look so cute like this!"

Kyoko was a little shy and walked down the stairs wearing a small foreign dress. Before she could ask Nie Kong, Kurokawa, who had already rushed over excitedly, hugged her.

"My Kyoko is indeed the cutest in the world!"

"Don't say that!"

Kyoko flushed with praise from Kurokawa Hana, "Xiaohua, you are exaggerating!"

"Sister Kyoko is the most perfect look all the time!"

The Hayato at the Prison Temple enthusiastically added that as a diehard fan, no matter what Kyoko looks like, it is the most perfect!

"Ah, why even Prison Temple Lord said that!"

Kyoko was ashamed of herself.

"Xiao Jing."

At this moment, Nie Kong, who had been watching with a smile, suddenly said, and beckoned to Jingzi.

"Come here." "Yeah."

Jingzi nodded, responded in a low voice, and walked towards Nie Kong.

No matter how praised others were, Jingzi still wanted to hear comments from Nie Kong.

When Kyoko walked to his side, Nie Kong raised his hand, stroked the strands of Kyoko's hair that was inadvertently messed up because of being embraced by Kurokawa, and chuckled.

"Such a cute Kyoko, I don't want to take it out and be seen by others!"

Kyoko blushed immediately and lowered her head, trying to hide her shyness.

"Teacher Nie Kong, what about Xiaochun?"

After Kyoko received the compliment, Xiaochun immediately rushed to Nie Kong's face, her eyes gleaming, looking forward to Nie Kong's comment.

"Xiaochun is also very cute!"

Nie Kong raised his hand and rubbed Xiaochun's hair, speaking softly, then looked up at Kulom and Bi Yangqi who were standing quietly not far away, smiling and nodding.

Kulom smiled warmly. After all, Bi Yangqi is older than Jingzi and the others. Naturally, it is not easy to compete with them on this occasion. Seeing the amazingness in Nie Kong’s eyes has already made her heartfelt. Happy.

"Time is almost here, let's go!"

Nie Kong naturally took Jingzi's hand in one hand, and Xiaochun in the other hand, and walked out of the house.

Because of the large number of people, Nie Kong drove his own car directly.

Originally, Nie Kong was also planning to bring Fengtaihe Yiping Lanbo, but because of Yiping's relationship, the other two had already gone to Hibari's house to have fun with Yiping.

However, this also saved Nie Kong a lot of things.

The main purpose of Nie Kong and others this time was the kimono garment making shop. When the group arrived in the shop, the group of people were basically attracted by the elegant and gorgeous kimono hanging on the cabinet.


Seeing a customer coming in, the shopping guide wearing a kimono hurriedly stepped on the wooden clogs, walked to the side of the group in small steps, bowed slightly to show etiquette.

"Hello, I'm Nie Kong, I made an appointment to bring someone over."

Nie Kong also nodded, and said his identity softly.

This high-end clothing store basically implements an appointment system except for internal or high-level people.

"Hello, Mr. Nie Kong, my name is Nadeshi, and I am very happy to serve you. Who are those who want to make ready-made clothes?"

The girl named Nadeshiko gestured to Nie Kong with a very elegant smile. The well-tailored kimono wears her body very well to set off her temperament. She has her hair tied into a bun behind her head, making the whole person elegant and generous. move.

"Everyone here makes ready-made clothes."

Nie Kong also responded with a gentleman's smile and nodded, "Thank you, Miss Nadeshi."

"Ah, good."

After all, it is a high-end clothing store, and it is not a cheap price, so Nadeshiko was obviously shocked at everyone mentioned by Nie Kong, but then returned to normal.

"I'm sorry to disturb the interest of the ladies and gentlemen, please come here, we need to measure the body size for the ladies and gentlemen."

Everyone's body is different, if you want clothes to fit, you must tailor them.

Basically, the more sophisticated the clothing store, the more tailor-made this system.

It doesn’t take much time to measure the size. After a while, everyone’s size is already registered.

"This is the fitting area. According to Mr. Nie Kong's request, all of them are yukatas. Gentlemen and ladies can directly choose what they like to try on."

Nadeshiko took Nie Kong's party into the bathrobe area of ​​the inner hall very conscientiously and gave an introduction.

"Unfortunately, if you haven't picked the ready-made clothes you like, there is the fabric section. There are many fabrics with various patterns for the ladies and gentlemen to choose."

This shop is the largest kimono manufacturing shop in Minsheng, so the shopping guide named Nadeshiko is very confident that Nie Kong and others can choose their favorite styles in their shop.

"Okay thank you."

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