The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element Text 6 077, Kyoko's reverie

Nie Kong's existence undoubtedly attracted the attention of non-girl shop assistants.

Even the calm and elegant Miss Nassau could not help but flushed her cheeks slightly, embarrassed to look directly at Nie Kong.

I have to say that Nie Kong fully meets the standards of almost all girls' dream lovers.

"They are all so beautiful, I don't know which one to pick is better..."

Kyoko looked around in a hurry, her eyes were not enough to see, and her eyes were full of surprises.

She and her brother have been dependent on each other since she was a child, and there is no chance to go to such a high-end clothing store to choose clothes.The appearance of Nie Kong gave her unprecedented love, just like her own father.

Oh,'s not right, Teacher Nie Kong wants to be his lover, he is not a father and daughter.Thinking of getting married at the age of sixteen after graduation, Kyoko couldn't help his heartbeat speeding up when he put his wedding dress on Nie Kong's arm and walked into the hall..

Although Xiaochun's family is relatively rich, she does not have the opportunity to come to this kind of shop, so she is very excited about this rare opportunity.

"Yeah, yeah, Xiaochun's eyes are about to see flowers!"

"Sora, is it really okay?"

However, after the surprise, Jingzi reacted and approached Nie Kong with some embarrassment, and whispered the exporter to discuss.

"The clothes here... are not cheap..."

To be honest, when Kyoko first entered the store and saw the price of the gorgeous kimono locked in the cupboard, she was shocked.

Although those are out of print and are for viewing only, presumably, the other clothes in it cannot be cheap.

"If Kyoko's problem is that you don't see a favorite, then that is really a big problem. However, if Kyoko's problem is about the price, then there is no need to worry at all!"

Nie Kong blinked mysteriously at Jingzi, "It's not just that I don't lack money, but Jingzi is now our leader. There is no problem with this little money!"

"Well, I got it."

After listening to Nie Kong's statement, Jingzi settled down and happily joined the fun of fitting clothes with Xiaochun and others.

The girls are very hot, but the boys are a bit deserted and embarrassed.

Sasakawa looked at the ready-made clothes that were invisible before him, and finally turned to Nie Kong for help.

Let them fight, let them choose this kind of clothes, they really don't pay much attention.

If it's a suit, it's okay. Compared to Prison Temple Hayato, he has come into contact with him more before, but he hasn't come into contact with Prison Temple much like Yukata, which makes him worry.

Not to mention the choice, he doesn't even know how to wear it!

"Laiping, Hayato, one set for one person, give it a try."

Seeing the awkward and embarrassing look of the prison temple Hayato and Sasakawa Rapei, Nie Kong laughed blankly, carefully selected two sets of clothes, and handed them one set to them, and motioned them to try.

"Boss Nie Kong, thank you very much!"

The falcon in the prison temple, like a pardon, immediately took the clothes in Nie Kong's hands and went to the fitting room to try them on.

He naturally believed in Nie Kong's vision very much. If he didn't want to look too trivial, he would have chosen this set directly.

"Teacher Nie Kong!"

Xiaochun had already changed into a yukata at this time, and was waving at Nie Kong happily. After seeing that he successfully attracted Nie Kong's attention, he ran to Nie Kong's side and made a circle.

"Teacher Nie Kong, how do you think Xiaochun wears this suit?"

Koharu chose a pink yukata with a cherry blossom pattern, which was very cute and cute.

"Well... it's cute, but..."

Nie Kong raised his hand, squeezed his chin, carefully observed it, then picked up a yukata that he looked satisfied with, and handed it to Xiaochun, "If you want to compare this one, Xiaochun will try this one. ?"

Although the pink cherry blossom pattern looks very delicate and lovely, the look is too sweet and gentle. Xiaochun's words are more suitable for a lively pattern.

The red maple leaves and the enthusiastic red set off Xiaochun's youthful and lively character. Nie Kong thought it should be very suitable.

"Hayi! Okay, Xiaochun will try it right away!"

Xiaochun took the clothes selected by Nie Kong and ran back to the fitting room happily.

Nie Kong watched Xiaochun leave, and then walked slowly to Jingzi's side, "Xiao Jing, have you found someone you like?"


Kyoko looked very distressed, and shook her head, "They all look very beautiful, and I don't know which one is more suitable for me."

"In this case..."

Hearing this, Nie Kong thoughtfully, picked up a white yukata with a simple cherry blossom pattern on it, and handed it to Xiao Jing.

"I think this set is very suitable for Xiao Jing. Would you like Xiao Jing to try it?"

"Ah, this one looks so good!"

Kyoko just glanced at the bathrobe in Nie Kong's hand, her eyes filled with surprise.

Simple yet sweet and cute, Kyoko fell in love at a glance!

"I will try to see the effect of putting on the upper body!"

Jingzi blushed and took it from Nie Kong's hand, and then ran to the fitting room.

At this moment, Kulom walked out of the fitting room embarrassedly wearing the bathrobe he chose.

"Colom's body is very beautiful!"

Nie Kong's eyes lit up, and he admired Kulom's vision very much.

"Kulom's vision is so good, there is no use for his brother!"

"Brother, what a joke!"

Kulom, who was wearing a lavender yukata with a dark patterned flower branch, did not expect that he was praised by Nie Kong as soon as he left the fitting room. His face blushed, and he walked to Nie Kong's side embarrassedly.

Kulom didn’t really like yukatas with fancy patterns, so he deliberately chose a rare piece of lavender with pure dark patterns. The result was unexpectedly suitable for him. Not only did it look not monotonous, but it was very gentle and atmospheric. It is to set off the temperament of Kulom.

Nie Kong chuckled and held Kulom's little hand, very happy in his heart.

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