The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element Text 6 078, go to the amusement park

With Nie Kong's help in choosing the clothes, the few people basically decided after they tried on the clothes. Bianchi's black butterfly pattern is mature and charming, and Bianchi's skin is as white as snow, and she is extremely charming.

Kurokawa originally came to accompany her, but under Kyoko's recommendation and Nie Kong's indulgence, she was embarrassed to choose a suitable bathrobe.

The boys' ones are all pure colors with dark patterns, simple atmosphere, and elegant colors that both Gokuji Hayato and Sasakawa Rapira like very much.

After finishing the yukata, it was almost noon. Nie Kong took a group of people and planned to go to the high-end restaurant for dinner. However, under Kyoko's proposal, he changed to the family restaurant.

After eating lunch, Sasakawa decided to go back to practice with Heiwa Prison Temple Hayato, so he left first, leaving behind the enthusiastic girls, and Nie Kong who agreed to be with him, and started the afternoon raid.

Kyoko and Xiaojing had a special relationship, and they kept discussing desserts with Nie Kong along the way, while the more mature Kurokawa Hana hit it off with Biangqi and discussed the advantages of a mature man.

On the contrary, Kulom has been quietly following behind the group of people, always paying attention to the surrounding streetscape, and working hard to remember it in his mind.

A few days ago, she saw that in the family's plan, there was a tendency to build underground places in the underground of Binsheng, so that the underworld was moved underground.So taking advantage of this rare opportunity to go out, Kulom looked hard at the surrounding environment and surveyed.

Nie Kong was slightly stunned when he saw Kulom inadvertently, and he felt distressed for the child who had been working secretly.

"Colom, what are you looking at?"

Nie Kong withdrew from Jingzi and Xiaochun's side, retreated to Kulom's side and asked.

Kulom, who had been investigating seriously, was obviously startled by Nie Kong who suddenly appeared next to him, and then smiled embarrassedly, "I'm investigating the terrain."

"Oh? Kulom is great!"

Nie Kong replied casually, and then suddenly said, "But Kulom, if you do everything by yourself, you can easily tire yourself out!"

Raising his hand and rubbing Kulom's head, Nie Kong sighed, "Does Kulom want us to worry?"

"No, I don't want to!"

Kulom shook his head quickly, pursed his lips and looked at Nie Kong, a little bit confused about what he meant.

"Colom, I do have plans to build underground places, but we only need to plan. For terrain surveys, we can arrange professional personnel to make reports and submit them, and then we can modify the plan based on the report. Up."

"It's a good thing to do everything yourself, but knowing people can improve the degree of completion of things!"

"In terms of terrain, I think that as the overlord of this place, the Commissioner of Discipline on the side of Kyouya is easier to get started. This kind of thing can be left to the Commissioner of Discipline."

Although they were members of the discipline committee, the group of discipline committee members led by Hibari Kyouya were completely like a local gang. Although they maintained their order, they also charged protection fees.

Because of Hibari Kyouya's strength, no one dared to have any opposition.

"Moreover, we are out to play, not to work! Don't always think about work when you are resting!"

After talking about his suggestions, Nie Kong started talking about his ideas.

"Colom, even though you work so hard to share the burden for your brother, this makes your brother very happy, but my brother hopes that Colom can live happily every day!"

"I know."

Nie Kong was the first person to be good to himself, so Kulom wanted to help Nie Kong from his heart.

But he didn't expect that his own assertiveness would still worry Nie Kong.

"Kulom, your health has not been very good. If you don't want to worry about your brother, you have to take good care of your health!"

Nie Kong likes Kulom because she is a very sensible child.

However, just because he was too sensible, Nie Kong felt very distressed.

Although Nie Kong knew from the beginning that Colom was a strong and somewhat unyielding child, he liked that Colom was able to learn to enjoy his life even more.

However, Nie Kong also knew that he was used to a depressive life since he was a child, and it would not be easy to change it for a while.

Forget it, take your time!

"A rare opportunity, do you want to go to the amusement park together?"

Seeing Kulom's appearance, Nie Kong suddenly flashed his inspiration and made suggestions.

Not only Kulom, but Kyoko did not have much chance to play in the amusement park.

If possible, Nie Kong hopes to make up for what they have lost as quickly as possible.

"Amusement park?"

Hearing the three words for amusement park, Kyoko's eyes lit up, and her unconscious increase in volume revealed her expectations.

"Amusement park is a good suggestion."

Beyoncé thoughtfully, did not reject this proposal, but rather agreed, "It's just been a long time since I went!"

In fact, as long as she is with Nie Kong, no matter where she goes, she is very willing.

Kurokawa Hana is lacking in interest, but knowing that Kyoko is very longing for and looking forward to such a place, she did not refuse.

"Hay! Go to the amusement park!"

Xiaochun was also very excited, but obviously focused on the wrong point.

"Xiaochun must take a photo with the puppet bear this time!"

She has wanted that set of puppet bear clothes for a long time. Although there is no way to sell them there, there is no problem with taking pictures together!

"Colom, how about you?"

After seeing everyone agree, Nie Kong looked down at Kulom next to him.

"Well, I want to go too."

Kulom's voice is very soft, but very light. It can be seen that Kulom is also longing for amusement parks.

"I see, then, go to the amusement park!"

Nie Kong raised his head, looked in the direction of Bi Angqi, and said with a light smile.

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