The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element Text 6 080, Kyoko's surprise?

"Sorry for waiting, we are back!"

After Xiaochun and Kyoko returned to Nie Kong's side with joy, they found the Sawada family in front of them.

"Ah, Kyoko!"

After seeing the appearance of his own goddess, Tsunayoshi Sawada was full of surprise.

Even though his father had warned him, never think about the idea of ​​going to Sasakawa Kyoko, but Sawada Tsunayoshi still has a secret crush on Kyoko.

"Ah, hello, I'm Kyoko Sasakawa, a classmate of Sawada-kun."

In front of the classmate's parents, Kyoko was very polite.

Moreover, because Nie Kong told himself that Sawada Nana didn't know anything, she was just an ordinary home director, which made Kyoko very naturally relaxed when facing Sawada Nana.

"Hello, Sawada-kun."

Although the relationship between the family and the Pengley family is not friendly now, because Sawada Tsunayoshi did not join the Pengley family relationship, so Sasakawa Kyoko's attitude toward the relationship between Sawada Tsunayoshi is just that of ordinary classmates.

"It's getting late, we have to go back after we play for a while!"

Nie Kong Ruowu reminded Xiaochun and Kyoko to remind them to implement it as soon as possible if they had any plans, otherwise there might be no time to wait.

After Nie Kong's reminder, Xiaochun immediately reacted, stretched out her hand, grabbed one of Nie Kong's hands, and blinked playfully.

"Teacher Nie Kong, Jingzi and I have prepared a surprise for you!"

"Oh? What's the surprise?"

"Come with us!"

Xiaochun pointed to the direction they came back and motioned Nie Kong to go with her.

After Nie Kong and Sawada Nana bid farewell, they left with Xiaochun and Kyoko.

After all, it was Xiaochun and Jingzi's surprise for Nie Kong, so Bi Yangqi and others consciously didn't follow it together, leaving space to the three people.

Because Kurokawa didn't like children, and just because there was something at home, she talked directly to Bi Yangqi and left.

The remaining Kulom and Bi Yangqi, with wind and blue waves, followed by a bad boy dressed up, and Tetsuya Kusabi, who was completely inconsistent with the joyous amusement park, went to play various exciting games.

Because of the practice, although the roller coaster ride did not make Kulom and Bi Yangqi feel exciting, it still made them enjoy themselves.

Until Nie Kong returned with Jingzi and Xiaochun, especially Jingzi's cherry lips and Xuebai neck, several hickeys appeared.

Looking at the blushing Xiaochun and Kyoko, and Nie Kong who couldn't help but smile, Bi Yangqi naturally guessed the result of this surprise.

I think I wanted to surprise Nie Kong, but he was surprised by Nie Kong!

After all, I have personally felt Nie Kong's sultry technique, Bi Yangqi looked at the shy two people, and felt a little bit.

"Let's go, Ping, they probably are already waiting for us!"

This trip to the amusement park has been rewarding.

Nie Kong smiled and took a group of people to the next destination.

"Where are we going next?"

Seeing that it was not the direction home at all, Kyoko couldn't help but asked a little curiously.

"Xiao Jing, are you tired from playing today?" Nie Kong asked not to answer.

"Well, I had a lot of fun! Now I want to take a comfortable bath and relieve the fatigue of the day."

Kyoko nodded and said how she felt.

"Let Kulom play with us for so long, so I have to give Kulom a good massage. If I get tired, it won't be good!"

Although there is a car on the road, but after a day of playing, it is still a bit tired.

The energetic Kyoko and Koharu are still like this, not to mention, it is Kulom who is not in good health.

"Ah, it doesn't matter to me!"

Hearing this, Kulom quickly waved his hand, indicating that it didn't matter.

"It just so happens that I think so too!"

Nie Kong laughed lightly, "Today, we are going to live in a hot spring hotel!"

He had arranged in advance for the others to set off first, but he was afraid that they should have already arrived at this time.

"Master Lan Bo will take a hot spring together!"

Lan Bo was very excited when he heard the word hot spring.

"Huh? Lan Bo doesn't like bathing, but likes hot springs!"

Kyoko looked at Lan Bo with some surprise. After all, it took a lot of time and energy to wash this bear child before washing his hair.

"Master Lanbo wants to soak in the hot spring with Yiping!"

Lan Bo, who is only five years old, has no gender concept. Because Yiping is a good friend of his own, Lan Bo also wants to continue playing with Yiping when he is in the hot spring.

"No, Lanbo, you can't be with Yiping when you are in the hot spring!"

Feng was too blushing, and quickly stopped Lan Bo's thoughts.

Kyoko and the others laughed without saying a word, turned their faces slightly, embarrassed to look straight.

"Lan Bo, the hot spring I reserved has only the difference between male spring and female spring. If you want to go to the hot spring with Yiping, are you going to enter the male spring or the female spring?"

Nie Kong asked carefully while driving the car.

"Master Lan Bo is a man, so naturally he is the male spring to enter!" Lan Bo replied very confidently.

"What about Ippei as a girl?"

"Since it is a girl, it must be a female spring!"

After knowing that he couldn't continue playing with Yiping, Lan Bo suddenly lost his momentum.

"Lan Bo, it doesn't matter, even if Lan Bo is not there, aren't there still brother Nie Kong and I!"

Looking at Lan Bo's appearance, Feng Tai hurriedly expressed comfort.

Nie Kong's car drove steadily and fast, and soon reached the destination.

The people at the hot spring hotel had already waited at the door.

"Supper is ready, Mr. Nie Kong is going to eat in?"

"Dinning is good, thank you."

Because of the large number of people, Nie Kong did not hesitate to decide to eat in.

"Okay, let's take a break first, gentlemen and ladies. We will arrange dinner soon."

After welcoming Nie Kong and others to the designated room, the bathrobes and various toiletries that everyone needs to wear after bathing in the hot springs are ready.

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