The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element Text 6 081, Balian in the hot spring hotel

It is indeed a high-end hot spring hotel. Whether it is the materials of the clothes or the quiet surroundings, it makes people feel very comfortable.

Because Yamamoto Takeshi, Yuji Temple Hayato, and Sasakawa Rapei were already waiting in the bamboo space, Nie Kong and the others put down their luggage and went to the bamboo space for dinner.

When Yamamoto Takeshi and Sasakawa saw the arrival of Nie Kong and others, they were very happy.

However, the expression of Hayato in Prison Temple was a little gloomy.

"Hayato, you don't seem to be particularly happy!"

As an older sister, Bi Yangqi saw the strangeness of her younger brother at a glance.

"Boss Nie Kong..."

The corners of the Jail Temple Hayato's mouth twitched, looking at Nie Kong awkwardly, and some difficult questions.

"Did you invite those guys next door together?"

"Those guys next door?"

Kyoko frowned, not understanding what the Hayato of Prison Temple said, and knocked on the door next door curiously.

"Not the next door over there, I mean the one over here..."

Seeing Kyoko knocking in the wrong direction of the door next door, the Prison Temple Hayato quickly pointed to the left, and then watched the door knocked by Kyoko on the right suddenly opened. A loud sound echoed through the bamboo.

"Hey-don't disturb us eating so loudly and loudly -"

Squaro opened the door with a ugly expression. Before he could see the person on the other side clearly, he let out a howling. The deafening sound made Kyoko and the others startled.

"You! Why are you here!"

Enemies are extremely jealous when they meet!

As the leader of the prison temple Hayato, after being shocked by the loud voice, he quickly reacted, blocking Kyoko's face, and staring fiercely at Barry between the "pines" next door. An all people.

"Hehe, what a coincidence!"

Nie Kong had noticed the existence of these people from the time he approached the hotel. Although he was a little surprised, he didn't care much.

Although the relationship between the Pengley family and the Bovino family is very tense, they have reached a default agreement.

Although peace is only temporary, even if Balian's leader Xanxus is stupid, he will never ruin his own future and the future of his family at such a time when it doesn't matter.

What's more, they only listened to the advice of Iamitsu Sawada and their nine-generation chiefs before they were ready to enjoy the hot springs in this hotel before leaving Japan, but they did not expect to meet people from the Bovino family.

"It's really a coincidence, but you will encounter it if you just soak in a hot spring."

Ma Meng said blankly, "Perhaps I should use this luck in the lottery. Maybe I can win the jackpot. At least I can save some losses."

As a money fan, he felt very resentful for the amount of money he lost to Nie Kong.

Because Mamun's words didn't look malicious at all, he couldn't help alleviating the tense atmosphere at the scene.

Xanxus was the first to perceive the existence of Nie Kong and others, but whether other people noticed that he did not know, but his attitude was originally intended to be ignored.

Even if it is now head-on, Xanxus intends to ignore it directly.

However, Levi, a loyal fan of Xanxus, misunderstood what Xanxus meant.

"Boss, do you need me to get rid of these guys!"

Levi's words successfully stiffened the atmosphere of the scene again.


Xanxus narrowed his eyebrows slightly, and gave Levi a displeased look. The sake in his hand suddenly splashed on Levi's face.

Even if he was treated like this by Xanxus, Levi looked like he was going to climax, and he was very excited to bear the insult from Xanxus.


With the sound of a chilling weird laughter, the sliding door between the "Mei" next door followed

After being pulled away, Liudao Mukuro appeared in the sight of everyone with Chimoto Chikina Kakimoto and Jojima Dog.

When he saw Liu Dao Mukuro, the expression of Hayato in Prison Temple turned dark, but at this time he also knew the situation, and did not pay much attention to it, but took the lead to guard against Balian.

"Well, everyone, don't be so nervous, we come to the hot springs to relax, don't put the cart before the horse!" Kyoko said.

"Sorry to interrupt your meal, you continue." Yamamoto said, closing the isolation door again.

"The people in the hotel will come here to set up dinner later, but it's just a coincidence. Don't bother everyone!"

"Although I really want to ignore it, it's hard to make people careless in this situation!"

Bi Yangqi said what everyone thought.

"Since this is already the case, there is no way, get them out!"

Seeing that Jingzi and others looked reluctant, Nie Kong said calmly.

Nie Kong paused, and after seeing the serious gazes of everyone, he couldn't help raising the volume, ready to let the person on the other side hear it.

A long white-haired Squaro opened the door with a fierce look, and stared at Nie Kong angrily, very angry at his behavior.

A hoarse voice came out from Squaro's throat, growling.

It was his performance that he was trying his best to control his actions. If it wasn't because the family didn't allow fighting at this time, I'm afraid he would have been shot by Nie Kong long ago.

"Even in the heyday of power, you can't do anything to me, what do you think you can do with me?" Nie Kong shot, and before everyone else didn't react, he clasped the other's neck.

Those guys in Balian stared at Nie Kong murderously. The last lesson didn't seem to make them remember.

Of course, at the same time that Balian's murderous aura was released, the Prison Temple Hayato and the others immediately got up, protected in front of Kyoko, frowned tightly, and stared back at Balian's with an unkind expression.

"You guy—"

Seeing that his subordinates were controlled, Xanxus still did not hold back the investigation, his eyes closed slightly, and he looked at Nie Kong angrily.

"Do you want to tear this harmonious surface with your own hands!"

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