The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element Text 6 096. News about Chuanping?

"For a specific plan, do I need my help?"

Nie Kong thought for a while, and kindly offered to help.

"Of course." Hibari Kyouya was also unceremonious.

After reaching an agreement with Hibari Kyouya, Nie Kong had time to ask Kusabi Tetsuya about what he arranged to do.

"Tetsuya, I arranged for you to investigate the situation last time, is there any news?"

"Um... I'm very sorry!"

Tetsuya Kusabi hesitated, but in the end he didn't intend to delay time, "We haven't found it yet."

If there are any clues, that's fine. In this case, even if you turn this Minsheng Town upside down, the people of their Discipline Committee can find it.

However, the person Nie Kong asked to be investigated seemed to have never existed, and there was no trace at all.

Kusabi Tetsuya originally planned to investigate again, but there was really no news to report to Nie Kong.

But now that Nie Kong asked in person, he couldn't continue to delay.

"Is there no trace?"

Nie Kong frowned slightly, his eyes closed, thinking.

"In the information of the people registered in Binsheng Town, there is a person named Chuanhei, but that does not fit the situation of the person mentioned by Mr. Nie Kong, and the people who have no registered permanent residence found by the following people are not called There is someone with the name Kawahira!"

Kusabi Tetsuya was also very troubled.

It stands to reason that the members of the Commissioner of Discipline and Discipline are already all over the town. It is impossible to find someone in the town to be so difficult!


The opponent is a hidden master!

"I know."

Nie Kong seemed to have already thought of something, and did not continue to entangle this issue.

"Excuse me, you can inform the people of the Discipline Committee to stop searching."

Nie Kong's hand lightly rested on the tabletop, his fingers tapped on the tabletop regularly, thinking of countermeasures silently in his heart.

He was careless.

A person like Chuanping can be regarded as the god of this world.

Since it is the word of God, it is not particularly difficult to hide your traces from being discovered by others.

"I'm very sorry, I didn't help Teacher Nie Kong!"

Caobi Zheya was very guilty. Nie Kong rarely asked them to do things, but they didn't do a good job. This really disappointed Teacher Nie Kong, who had been working so hard to help the people of the discipline committee formulate daily exercise plans.

"Teacher Nie Kong, in fact, we can go a little deeper to check the person you are looking for!"

Seeing Nie Kong's annoyance, Kusabi Tetsu finally didn't hold back, and asked apologetically.

At the same time, he was also very curious about who this teacher Nie Kong was looking for was "Chuanping" that even their discipline committee could not find.

"no need."

Nie Kong faintly refused.

"If he wants to hide, you are really unlikely to find him."


Hearing this, Skylark Gongmi, who had been waiting quietly for the food, raised his eyebrows slightly. Suddenly he became interested in Nie Kong's words and raised his eyes to Nie Kong, "Is that guy very strong?"

Hibari Kyoumi didn't think that Nie Kong would waste time and thoughts searching for a weak person.

"It should be very strong!"

Nie Kong unconsciously evoked an arc of evil intentions, "Otherwise I don't need to spend a lot of time looking for this guy."

"How strong is it?"

Hibari Kyouya became interested, and with high spirits, he asked Nie Kong about the situation.

There must be very few other situations that can arouse the interest of the fighting frenzy except for the powerful and powerful!

"It's hard to say..."

Nie Kong said with a deep smile, "Maybe it is similar to Liu Dao Mukuro, maybe stronger!"

Because he had never actually played against each other, Nie Kong himself was not easy to evaluate.

"That's quite interesting!"

After hearing Nie Kong's words, Hibari Kyouya completely ignited the fighting enthusiasm.

"That guy is in Namimori Town?"

"This is not certain."

Nie Kong looked calm and composed, "However, since there is no way to find his position, wouldn't it be more convenient to bring him out!"


Hibari Kyouya does not care about the process, he only cares about the result.

"Not urgent."

Nie Kong noticed the waiter approaching outside the door and put away the topic.

"This matter can't come in a hurry, when the time is right, I will naturally not forget to inform you."

"It's served, and I'm hungry, let's have lunch first! The lunch break is not very long!"


Seeing that Nie Kong was like this, Hibari Kyouya did not continue to question, but withdrew his thoughts.

"Don't forget it."

As soon as the voice fell, there was a knock on the door of the private room. Then, the waiter carrying the lunch politely entered the private room and set up the dining table.

After finishing the arrangement, I asked the situation politely, and after seeing nothing else, he took the door and left.

Hibari Kyouya picked up the chopsticks and took a sip without hesitation. Although it was okay, it was still not as satisfied as expected.

"It's not as delicious as your cooking."

This is the first sentence Hibari Kyouya said after tasting it.

"Oh, I think it's pretty good."

Although Nie Kong has high requirements for cooking, he is not very picky.

"Could it be that your appetite, is it possible that I have nurtured you? As for my cooking, I have only eaten you less than twice..."

Nie Kong just said something casually, but he didn't expect that Skylark Gongmi really paused, frowned slightly, thinking seriously about what Nie Kong said.

"It seems to be the case."

Hibari Gongmi nodded lightly thoughtfully, then looked at Nie Kong with a look of "you know".

"Even so, I won't cook it for you. My own cooking is only made for people I like."

Nie Kong joked with a chuckle.

Kusabi Tetsuya blushed on one side, but did not dare to make a sound, wishing that he was an invisible person, for fear that he would disturb the two in front of him.

This scenario is too weird!

The high-ranking chairman of the Skylark, even when someone else is responsible!

Teacher Nie Kong, you really are the most powerful existence!

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