The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element Text 6 097, Bermuda visits

When the lunch break came, Nie Kong had already returned to his office, only to find that his office had welcomed another unexpected guest.

"If I didn't guess wrong..."

Nie Kong silently closed the office door, leaned against the door lightly, and locked it quietly.

"This sir, this is the school. If you have anything, please wait until I get off work to talk about feasible?"

Originally intending to say the identity of the other party, but Nie Kong looked at the other party standing by the window and just saw the active students on the playground, suddenly changed his attention.

"Ha ha."

A sneer overflowed from the opponent's mouth, and did not look back at Nie Kong, but continued to maintain his sight of the playground.

"Unexpectedly, you are indeed a teacher who loves students!"

"I'm not ready to shoot you at the moment. So, don't let me kill you either!

After hearing Nie Kong's threat, the uninvited visitor was finally willing to turn his head and look at Nie Kong.

"Since you can take away my men, why can't I also take away a few of your students?"

"After all, I am still losing!"

The students who have no power to bind the chickens are completely useless, and compared with the powerful Avengers, they cannot be compared on the same table.

Bermuda's resentment towards Nie Kong is not so strong.

After all, after planning for such a long time, a person who was inexplicable and knowing the details suddenly appeared, and he digs out the manpower that he has finally cultivated. No matter who it is, he will be crazy.

"So, are you here to seek revenge?"

Nie Kong calmly sat down in his place, and silently set a barrier in the room.

"Vengeance can't be said, I just take a look, who is the legendary Nie Kong!"

The people who can take away the subordinates they have carefully cultivated are certainly not ordinary people.

Therefore, after knowing that his subordinates had been abducted by others, Bermuda did not rush to find Nie Kong the first time, but silently searched for Nie Kong's information from many aspects.

Know yourself and know the enemy in a hundred battles.

However, I didn't expect that the previous information of Nie Kong could not be found at all, and there was no trace to be found.

As mysterious as the guy he has been looking for and want to deal with!

For such a guy, Bermuda has to wonder whether these two people are accomplices or the same person!

However, Bermuda is also very confused.

If this guy Nie Kong is an accomplice with that person, or he is himself, then why should he keep his own existence?

When the people under him returned to say goodbye, Bermuda knew that Nie Kong knew their identities.

As for their identities, I am afraid that no one will know except that guy!

Bermuda really couldn't figure it out, and the plan to create difficulties for Nie Kong's family was not successfully implemented, so it had to come to Japan and plan to meet Nie Kong himself.

"If I'm not mistaken, the Bruno family and the Garibaldi family have been silently providing gossip, but have not revealed their identity, is that you?"

Although it was an interrogative sentence, Nie Kong used affirmative sentences.

"Sure enough, I can't hide it from you."

Bermuda replied with a chuckle, but there was no warmth in her tone.

"Ah right!"

Nie Kong suddenly thought of something general, "I want to know, how did you come into contact with Chuanping?"

After all, Bermuda is a person who has been in direct contact with Chuanping, and there may be any clues.

"Who is that."

Bermuda's voice did not fluctuate, but there was a faint sense of impatience and discomfort.

"Ah sorry, maybe you were not in contact with this name at that time. If I said the name Gakafis, you should have an impression, right?"

When I heard the name "Gakafis", Bermuda suddenly burst into a strong murderous aura. If Nie Kong hadn't set a barrier for the room in advance, I was afraid that the indispensable would hurt Students who don't know anything outside.

"Calm down, don't get excited."

Ignoring the strong murderous spirit on Bermuda, Nie Kong leisurely poured himself a cup of tea.

"About Gakafis, do you know where he is now?"

Regarding Nie Kong's question, Bermuda stared at Nie Kong, secretly speculating on Nie Kong's intentions, and did not answer.

"Is this kind of reaction you don't know? Or even if you know you don't intend to say it?"

Although he didn't expect Nie Kong to answer this question, Bermuda couldn't help but ask.

"What is your relationship with that guy!"

"If it has anything to do with that guy...well..."

Nie Kong thought for a while, and felt that he was not very praised. "It should be said that I know that guy, and that guy doesn't know me!"


Under Nie Kong's deterrence, Bermuda was a little unsteady, secretly surprised at how powerful Nie Kong was, and at the same time tried to threaten Nie Kong stiffly.

"If I can't find my student, then I'm not qualified to be a teacher!"

Nie Kong smiled faintly, ignoring Bermuda's threat.

As he expected, this guy in Bermuda has kidnapped his student!

"If I say, as long as I have an accident, those children will die with me?"

Bermuda was the world's top killer before becoming the son of the rainbow. There were countless blood on his hands. Of course, he didn't mind killing a few more unrelated children.

Of course, he couldn't just do such a preparation.

"Mr. Bermuda, I thought you were here to talk about cooperation with me."

However, the more nonchalant Nie Kong was, he actually expressed his increasing danger.

"So, did you post a war against me?"

Bermuda is indeed the most powerful person Nie Kong has come into contact with at this stage.

However, even if it is a pity, Nie Kong will not allow people who pose a threat to himself to survive in this world!

Bermuda was not sure about Nie Kong's strength, but when he knew that the murderous aura he released with all his strength could not reach Nie Kong, his heart was still a little vacant.

He had guessed at the beginning that Nie Kong would be a very powerful person, but he didn't expect it to be so powerful.

I don't know who is stronger if compared with Gakafis?

Thinking of this, Bermuda suddenly flashed in his mind and thought of a possibility.

So, in order to confirm what was in his mind, Bermuda asked tentatively.

"If you find Jakafis, what will you do?"

Nie Kong said before about cooperation. If possible, Bermuda also wants to cooperate with people like Nie Kong.

It is more cost-effective to recruit strong and partners than to establish terrible enemies!


Seeing Nie Kong's expression, Bermuda calmed down.

Indeed, he also thought about this kind of thing, so it is normal for Nie Kong to have this kind of thought.

No one wants to be strong!

"That guy is not so easy to deal with!"

Even if Nie Kong said so, it still did not eliminate Bermuda's suspicion of Nie Kong.

"The more difficult it is, the more interesting it is, isn't it?"


Bermuda suddenly laughed out loud.

"Well, I like this style!"

After becoming the abandoned son of the Rainbow, and blinded by revenge for so many years, Bermuda has almost forgotten her own courage.

"I can work with you, but—"

Bermuda was very friendly and patted Nie Kong on the shoulder, but then he paused for a while, looking mysterious and unpredictable.

"But what?"

Nie Kong raised his eyebrows and looked straight into Bermuda's eyes indifferently.

"However, even though I have searched for so many years, I still haven't found that guy."

Bermuda's eyes were a little sad.

"Since you can't find it, you can only force him out."

Nie Kong didn't care much. Anyway, when the time came, that guy would naturally come out.

"You already have a plan?"

Bermuda was shocked, but his face remained calm.

"Do you think, why did Gakafis know the true identity of your Avengers, but didn't take action against you?"

Since Gakafis is the god of this world, it is impossible not to know who the Avengers are.

"Although I have also thought about this issue, our identities have always been kept secret, it is impossible..."

Bermuda frowned slightly and hesitated.

Nie Kong laughed but said nothing.

"what do you mean--"

Thinking of a possibility, Bermuda suddenly widened his eyes, and saw Nie Kong's smile, which made him feel more annoyed.

"Damn it! That guy!"

In all fairness, if Nie Kong was Gakafis, if nothing happened, even if he knew the identities of these avengers, it would not be great.

Because it is not necessary.

Gakafis did not take the power of the Avengers into his eyes.

Just as Nie Kong was interested in the power of Bermuda, but only interested in it, not to be afraid of.

"If I remember correctly, there are few things that would make Gakafis interested and show up automatically, but it's not uncommon."

Bermuda hesitated, "The choice of the Rainbow Son!"

"This is also considered."

Nie Kong nodded, "But the most important thing, I think, the pacifier of your Rainbow Child can win him to appear."

However, this is also Nie Kong's estimate.

After all, in the future chapter, the Penglai ring has been destroyed, and the children of the rainbow have also disappeared, and the pacifier representing the children of the rainbow has also disappeared. Except for the Marley ring, all the other elements that make up the third cube of seven have disappeared. Up.

So, why didn't Gakafis do it at that time?

"Now, let's do an experiment."

After thinking about the possibilities, Nie Kong spoke out in a hurry and talked to Bermuda about his plan.

"Your task is to gather the current children of the rainbow. No matter what method you use, even if people can't get there, the pacifier can be recycled."

Now that the Penglee ring is in the hands of Kyoko's people, if they seize the other two, they might be able to draw Gakafis out.

"Can you complete this task?"

Nie Kong looked at Bermuda with a faint smile, with a provocative smile, which made Bermuda particularly dazzling.


Bermuda sneered, "Don't underestimate me!"

"In order to show friendship, I can tell you some information I know now."

After thinking about it, Nie Kong decided to inform Bermuda of what he knew about Gakafis in order to make Bermuda work hard for him.

"Don't ask me where I got the message. I can't answer you, nor can I answer you. You just need to know, I don't have to lie to you, this is enough."

Nie Kong who should be said will say, Nie Kong who doesn't want to say, Nie Kong does not intend to say it.

"Of course, if you don't want to believe it, please do so."

Although the information Nie Kong told was a lot of information, Bermuda was still stunned for a while and quickly returned to normal.

"I want to believe you."

Rather than being willing to believe, it is better to have to believe.

Bermuda couldn't figure out the true identity of Nie Kong, but it didn't matter to him.

For him, as long as he can help him, he doesn't care about the identity of the other party.

"Those kids, I will let them go back where they should be without anything happening."

Before leaving, Bermuda turned around, and after leaving such a sentence to Nie Kong, she disappeared.

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