The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element Text 6098, Simon, Gu Li Yanzhen!!

After solving the Bermuda matter, the afternoon class started.

Nie Kong sorted his clothes, went out like a okay person, and continued to work as a teacher.

Time flies quickly, and in a blink of an eye, it is time for school.

As soon as the prison temple Hayato was out of school, Sasakawa pulled him for training, and Yamamoto followed him with a smile.

Kyoko also pulled Kurokawa flowers, and it is said that she was going to buy cakes.

After Nie Kong processed the test paper in his hand, he felt that there was nothing wrong with him, so he was ready to stroll around in the street.

Having been here for so long, Nie Kong is not even familiar with Bing Sheng Ding, and speaking of it, he is really ashamed.

I just wandered around and investigated the terrain. At this moment, I accidentally discovered a malicious incident in a corner hundreds of meters away.

Although Nie Kong is a teacher, he will not manage the school bullying too much.

He was saved once, but he couldn't keep saving.

Unless the person being bullied becomes stronger himself, whether it is physically strong or mentally strong.

Otherwise, they will always be bullied.

However, when he saw the red hair, Nie Kong suddenly stopped.

I always feel...very familiar...

"It's the end of school now. If there are no students for club activities, it is best to go home as soon as possible!"

Nie Kong walked forward with a smile, pinned one hand behind, and patted the shoulder of the outermost student with the other hand.

"Moreover, bullying classmates is not fun!"

"You guy, who!"

Nie Kong's voice suddenly appeared, and the bad boy who was slapped on the shoulder was startled. He saw that Nie Kong was only one person, and he did not look like a weapon. Because he had a lot of people, he was not afraid.


"Go away, don't let Lao Tzu see, or Lao Tzu will hit you all over the floor!"

The other bad boy was in a very bad mood. After taking a bite at the person who was shrunk in the corner and was beaten so hard to speak, he turned around and took a look at Nie Kong.

"By the way, you are the same. If you don't want to be beaten, take out your wallet obediently! It just happens that Xiaoye has a tight hand these days!"

It's just a pity that their abacus was destined to fail when they met Nie Kong.

"Although it is not your teacher, I still have to teach you a lesson."

Nie Kong’s smile remained unchanged, and he stretched out his hand calmly and grabbed the hand of the bad boy closest to him. With a gentle force, the bad boy’s complexion immediately changed with the sound of "Ga Deng" fractured. Twisted up.

"Children must be polite to their elders!"


A sorrowful scream came out of the bad boy's mouth. The other boys were taken aback, hesitated, and looked at each other. In the end, they panicked the bad boy with his broken hand and ran away in a panic.

The boy who was bullied stared at what was happening in front of him, but he didn't react.

"Classmate, are you okay?"

Nie Kong walked slowly in front of the opponent, squatted down, and asked softly.

With red hair, red eyes and band-aids on his hands, he was very embarrassed. The old wounds were not healed, and new ones were added.

The cowardly and cautious and confused look is very similar to Sawada Tsunayoshi.

If Nie Kong remembered correctly, the child in front of him should be the leader of the Simon family, and Gu Liyan was really right.

"My name is Nie Kong, and I am now a teacher in Bingsheng Middle School. Don't be nervous."

"What's your name? Can you still stand up?"

Nie Kong didn't mind the mess on Gu Li Yanzhen's body, and stretched out his hand to help him.

"I, I... nothing."

Guliyan really looked at Nie Kong flattered, and with the help of Nie Kong, stood up.

"I, my name is Gu Li Yanzhen, thank you for saving me..."

Gu Liyan lowered his head cowardly, and thanked him quietly.

"Is Guliyan really?" Nie Kong was clear.

Sure enough, he remembered correctly.

However, he didn't quite understand that Gu Liyan really thought.

Unlike the current Sawada Tsunayoshi, although Kuriyan is really timid, but he has enough strength to resist.

Why not resist?

"Why don't you resist?" Unconsciously, Nie Kong had already asked.


Gu Liyan really opened his mouth, but couldn't tell why he came, so he lowered his head silently, embarrassed to speak again.

"Where do you live? Do you need me to take you back?"

The other party did not want to say, and Nie Kong did not force it.

The Simon family and the Pengley family have been in a very good relationship since the first generation.

It's just that because of the ulterior motives of the first generation, the current decline was caused.

It's just that the Simon family's ring of the earth, although incomparable with the Penglai ring, is also very powerful.

The first leader of Pogolie and the first leader of Simon have a very good relationship, and their personalities are very similar.

Unexpectedly, in the current generation, Tsunayoshi Sawada and Kuri Yanzhen's personalities are closer.

"That..." Gu Liyan really hesitated, and finally planned to advise Nie Kong.

"Those people are not very easy to deal with, you must be careful, they will definitely bring someone back to seek revenge from you!"

Gu Liyan is really guilty, because of his own reasons, this good person who helped him may also be implicated.

"Haha." Nie Kong chuckled lightly and looked at the wound on Gu Li Yanzhen's body. "Are you still worried about me?"

"If they dare to come, unfortunately, they can only be those guys."

Seeing Nie Kong not worried at all, Gu Li Yanzhen felt relieved.

"I don't want to go back now, otherwise I will let them see it and worry about me again..."

Gu Liyan's voice is really very soft. If it weren't for Nie Kong's good ears, if he were an ordinary person, he might not be able to hear him clearly.

"The wound on your body needs to be dealt with properly. If it is inconvenient for your companions to see..."

"If that's the case, then go to my house. I'll have someone bandage and treat you."

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