The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element Text 6 107. Lessons Enzo

After sensing Kusabiki Tetsuya's gaze, Hibari Kyoumi gave Kusabiki Tetsuya a vicious look, glanced at Enzo, and then looked at Nie Kong impatiently.

Hibari Kyouya hates gatherings and is psychologically annoying.

Nie Kong knew this, so he explained his specific plan to Hibari Kyouya in a simple and clear way.

"Just do it!"

Regarding Nie Kong's suggestion and plan, Hibari Kyoumi thought about it, and then categorically agreed, and then, as if she couldn't bear it, quickly left the room.

Tetsiya Kusabi looked helplessly in the direction where Hibari Kyouya left, then walked to Nie Kong's side, and took Nie Kong's plan.

"I will order as soon as possible, and will implement it as soon as possible in accordance with the plan."

Hibari Kyouya is the shopkeeper, and the Commissioner for Discipline and Discipline can be united as it is today. Tetsuya Kusaki has a great contribution to this.

"Thanks for your hard work."

Nie Kong smiled gently and nodded.

"Sometimes I may not be able to give you a reference in time. If you have any questions, you can contact Enzo and he will advise you."

Nie Kong, who is more and more inclined to throw away his hands, spared no effort to hand over tasks to Enzo as much as possible.

The way to allow a person to grow quickly is to put pressure on it with appropriate motivation.

Some people are more oppressed, the more they can stimulate their potential and grow rapidly.

It's the Hayato and others, and so is Enzo.

"He escaped faster than I expected..."

Nie Kong had already anticipated that Skylark Kyouya would definitely leave from the beginning, so it wasn't that strange.

"Master Nie Kong seems to like Senior Lark specially..."

Enzo thoughtfully.

Nie Kong didn't even notice that he was extremely tolerant of Skylark Kyoumi.

"Kyouya has a lot of room for growth, but I am really looking forward to it!"

Although Enzo had been specially trained since he was young, Hibari Kyouya, who was trained by Nie Kong, is now much stronger than Enzo.

What's more, Hibari Kyouya has unlimited potential.

"Maybe because, I know he won't betray me!"

Even though, interest accounts for a large proportion of this trust.

"Master Nie Kong, where else to go next?"

Enzo asked casually.

"There is nowhere to go for the time being, or let's go home."

Nie Kong also replied casually.

Enzo was silent for a while, opened his mouth, and hurriedly organized the language first, and then asked tentatively.

"If Master Nie Kong is convenient, can you take Enzo to visit this school?"

Never let Nie Kong go home without receiving notice from Miss Jingzi!

"Enzo, are you interested in Ningsheng Middle School?"

Nie Kong looked at Enzo wickedly and joked with a smile.

"Or are you interested in the lovely students in this school?"

Enzo was a little embarrassed, "The subordinates are just curious about the school that Miss Kyoko is studying..."

Enzo hadn't even thought about school girl or something!

"Then, let Kyoko take you to visit the school next time! Let's go home first."

Seeing that Enzo had no intentions, Nie Kong waved his hand and planned to go back.

"Master Nie Kong, I..."

Seeing that Nie Kong was really planning to go back, Enzo was anxious, and quickly called Nie Kong, but he still hesitated, not knowing how to stop Nie Kong.

Although he can speak standard Japanese, this is the first time he has come here. He is not familiar with the terrain and does not know what excuses he should use to stop Nie Kong quietly and complete the task that Kyoko explained.


Nie Kong was still turning around, without recovering, calling Enzo's name coldly.

"I asked you to come to Japan because of your ability and potential. Don't let me down!"

When he noticed Nie Kong's cold tone, Enzo immediately became excited and realized that there was something wrong.

Enzo lowered his head silently, thinking hard about the meaning of Nie Kong's words.

Nie Kong would not say this for no reason.

Moreover, I always feel that there is something important that I have ignored!

"Master Nie Kong..." Enzo was ashamed. After thinking about what Nie Kong meant, he felt guilty and felt that he was sorry for Nie Kong's trust.

How could a smart person like Nie Kong fail to see Miss Jingzi's plan!

Along the way, Nie Kong would occasionally reveal flaws for Enzo to discover, and Enzo wanted to work hard to complete the task that Kyoko gave, so he just ignored it.

Nie Kong was displeased by not being careful enough.

"Enzo, there are so many talents in the special adviser, if you don't work hard, you may be replaced at any time."

Nie Kong smiled coldly, turned around, and looked at Enzo with piercing eyes.

"Are you enlightened?"

Because of the reason that Nie Kong looked after and brought Japan to follow, Enzo not only began to drift a little, but also completely lost the sense of vigilance that was always on guard when he was at the base.

What Nie Kong needs is a good assistant who is calm and calm in handling the tasks he has given him, and can get along with the people around him.

Ability level, this is a condition that can be relaxed.

After all, if Nie Kong really wants to protect a person, even if he is not by his side, even if he has no power to bind a chicken, Nie Kong can protect him well in the Mafia world.

I have to say that Nie Kong's performance in Italy was relatively satisfactory.

However, after arriving in Japan, Enzo began to become impetuous and fluttered.

This was something Nie Kong could not allow.

"Master Nie Kong, the subordinates know they are wrong."

Enzo fully awakened, knowing that he was faceless facing Nie Kong, but wanted to continue to follow Nie Kong's side.

For Nie Kong, he didn't need life and death. Nie Kong was strong enough to protect himself and the people around him.

What Nie Kong needs is someone who can understand what he means, and help him do things in an orderly manner!

For example, Kulom.

Nie Kong did not speak, but frowned, looking at Enzo, waiting for his answer.

"Thank Master Nie Kong for willing to give Enzo another chance. Enzo will work hard to no longer live up to Master Nie Kong's expectations!"

Enzo understood what Nie Kong meant.

He is waiting for his enlightenment.

Once he answered badly, he would be immediately assigned back to Italy.

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