The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element Text 6 108. Kyoko's Gift

Lifting his eyes and looking around, Nie Kong turned his head and glanced at Enzo, "Everyone will get busy after this, and I will take you around this opportunity today!"


Enzo nodded quickly, thought about what Nie Kong meant, and quickly replied, "I will get acquainted with Ning Sheng Ding as soon as possible!"

"That's right!"

Seeing Enzo's reaction, Nie Kong smiled with satisfaction.

Although it was just a casual sentence, Nie Kong was expressing two meanings.

Today I will take you to get to know the surrounding road conditions, you must get familiar with it as soon as possible.

After that, everyone will get busy. An Sheng's life will not last too long. You must always be vigilant, and while earnestly completing the tasks assigned by Nie Kong, you must also pay attention to the surrounding situation.

You are here to work, not to enjoy life.

There is no time for you to slowly familiarize yourself with the surrounding environment. You must rely on your own strength and effort to follow Nie Kong's steps as quickly as possible.

Just like Kulom didn't need Nie Kongming to say, he would also try hard to get to know the Italian headquarters and the location of the special adviser's base in advance, and learn as much as possible about the main characters in the family.

Therefore, even if Kulom's body is weak, his strength is not particularly strong, Nie Kong also likes her very much, and agrees with her ability to work.

Seeing Enzo finally understood his thoughts, Nie Kong was in a good mood and took him around.

It seems to be hanging out, but Nie Kong is actually preparing for the construction of the base in the future.

Enzo's memory is very good. While trying hard to remember what Nie Kong said, while trying hard to remember the map location, he no longer had the somewhat laid-back and lazy appearance before.

Field inspections and negotiations took longer than Nie Kong had imagined, so when Nie Kong was free, it was almost time to go home.

"Master Nie Kong, the arrangements have been made by Miss Jingzi, and we will wait for you to go back."

After talking with Kyoko, Enzo reported the situation to Nie Kong.

Now, Enzo has no need to keep hiding.

Anyway, Nie Kong actually saw all their actions in his eyes, just pretending to be ignorant.

"Then let's go back!"

Nie Kong stood up sharply, ready to go back.

Enzo went out with Nie Kong on this trip and fully realized how attractive Nie Kong was.

After a few steps, you will meet a lot of conversations, or cute cute girls, or domineering royal sisters or charming little women, etc.

Not only that, from the elderly to the children, Nie Kong is very popular.

If there were only a few, it wouldn't be a big deal. Once there were more people, Enzo began to feel a little overwhelmed.

However, Nie Kong did not change his face, maintained a gentle and elegant gentleman's demeanor, was gentle with everyone, and approached everyone in an orderly manner, gentle, but not touched by the flowers.

Enzo is absolutely, if he is also a girl, I am afraid he will be overwhelmed by Nie Kong's charm.

How could there be such a perfect person in the world!

High ability, good looks, high IQ and EQ, arrogant and cold, but not at all disgusting.

When he noticed something was wrong in his heart, Enzo recovered his emotions in time.

Concentrating on driving Nie Kong home, Nie Kong closed his eyes and calmed down, and Enzo would not bother him. Only when he was about to arrive, he was about to give a reminder, only to find that Nie Kong had opened his eyes.

"happy Birthday!"

As soon as he opened the door, Nie Kong received the unanimous blessings of everyone in the room, and the colorful ribbons flying all over the sky.

Seeing how the living room was decorated so warmly and beautifully, Nie Kong was a little surprised.

"Teacher, today is your birthday, so we specially prepared a birthday play for you!"

Kyoko smiled sweetly, greeted Nie Kong in, eyes curled, full of happiness.

"This is arranged by all of us, do you like it?"

"I like it very much."

Nie Kong glanced around, nodded, then tilted his head and pursed his lips as he looked at Kyoko and the others with a light smile.

"However, I like the birthday present you give me even more!"

"How can you ask for gifts directly like this!"

Jingzi flushed, pouting, embarrassedly pulling Nie Kong to the next dining table.

"These are the gifts we prepared for you. If you can guess which gift is from whom, I will give it to you!"

Having said this, Jingzi suddenly smiled and looked at Nie Kong with a malicious smile, "If we can't guess, then we will take back the present!"

Nie Kong laughed dumbfounded, and calmly walked to the dining table, holding the gift box, looking at the packaging and laughing to judge the gift-giving person.

After Nie Kong was able to identify all of them, Jingzi and others were dumbfounded and speechless.

They just made some mini games for Nie Kong, even if Nie Kong made a mistake, they would not really get it back.

Unexpectedly, Nie Kong was right about everything!

"Teacher, you..."

Kyoko glanced at the people around him, swallowed, and organized the language.

"Have you known our plan a long time ago and have seen our gifts?"


Nie Kong shook his head, so he could look at the few people in front of him in time.

"This is the first time I have seen these gifts, and I am very happy that you have specially prepared this birthday surprise for me."

What Nie Kong said was the truth, but also the truth.

"Then... Then how did you guess who these gifts were?"

Although Jingzi knew that Nie Kong would not lie to herself, she still couldn't believe it at once.

"It's very simple, each of you has a very obvious personality, you can guess it at the first guess."

Nie Kong picked up a cute pink gift box, "This is a cute gift at first glance. You don't have to guess or know that it must be prepared by you and Xiaochun. It's full of girls' hearts!"

"Ah, that's what I said..." Kyoko thoughtfully.

"The packaging of this gift box is very simple. As expected, it is flat. If I guessed correctly, it should contain a pair of boxing gloves."

Sasakawa Rakuhei has a relatively simple personality and would like to introduce and recommend things he likes to others.


Sasakawa scratched his head in embarrassment, "Teacher Nie Kong, you guessed it, this is my favorite boxing glove. You will definitely like Teacher Nie Kong too!"

"Where is mine?" The prison temple Falcon couldn't wait to take a step forward, looking forward to Nie Kong's evaluation.

He chose this gift for a long time.

"Falcon, as an Italian, your taste will not be bad, and the packaging is also true."

After all, the Falcon of Prison Temple grew up in the Mafia family in front of the young master, who knows a lot about good things and can't help but bring the taste of Italy to the gifts.

Enzo listened carefully to Nie Kong's analysis. This was a great opportunity to learn.

Nie Kong was able to judge so accurately that it had something to do with his power of observation and analysis.

Enzo now thinks he is still studious.

"Although Bi Yangqi is also Italian, she is a woman after all, and she is also a popular beauty."

Bi Yangqi's gift is very feminine and tempting.

Just like Bi Yangqi himself.

"This gift, even if I don't open the package, I can already smell the sweetness inside."

Nie Kong smiled while holding a beautifully wrapped paper bag and looked at Kulom.

Under the guidance of Nie Kong, Kulom's cooking skills have improved greatly.

Although this gift is not expensive, it is Kulom's full heart.

"This...this is a new dessert I came up with..."

Kulom blushed and looked at Nie Kong a little embarrassed.

This is a new snack that she finally developed after learning about Nie Kong's birthday and trying it many times.

"Now, do I need to continue to analyze it?"

Nie Kong looked at the person in front of him with a faint smile, "It's been a long time since no one celebrated my birthday. I am very happy. I understand your wishes."

Seeing Nie Kong's sincere smile, Kyoko and the others also felt a sense of happiness.

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