The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element Text 6 109. Scarru’s fear

Seeing Nie Kong's sincere smile, Kyoko and the others also felt a sense of happiness.

They are a family.

Nie Kong’s birthday party went on very late, and everyone was very happy. Nie Kong originally wanted to let them have a good time, but they were very self-controlling and prepared to go to rest almost at the time.

Nie Kong was a little surprised by this.

After all, children at this age are all like to play with disobedience.

"My brother used to mess around when I was not paying attention. Since I met Sora, my brother has changed a lot!"

Standing next to Nie Kong, Kyoko looked at Sasakawa Leping who was walking towards her room, and couldn't help but scream.

"The previous brother always had too much energy, and every time he practiced boxing secretly before going to bed, he couldn't get up in the morning. This gave me a very headache!"

Kyoko frowned, feeling helpless when he thought of his former brother.

"But since my brother trained under Sora, his life patterns have become much more normal."

Jingzi looked at Nie Kong gratefully, and felt happy from the bottom of her heart that she knew Nie Kong.

"Ha ha."

Nie Kong chuckled lightly.

In the early stage, the training was very intense, and Sasakawa was almost at the end of the training and couldn't wait to sleep right away, where there is still energy to continue practicing, after all, there is training for getting up early in the morning.

Over time, a habit is formed.

"It's okay, you are still growing your body now, and I am somewhat responsible for your body."

Nie Kong turned his body to his side, looked at Jingzi's face, and gently touched Jingzi's head, "You also go to rest! If you don't take a good rest now, your body may not be able to stand it in a few days."

The peace now is only temporary.

Judging from the situation of being attacked today, Nie Kong knew--

In the days after this, I will get busy.

"Then I'll go to wash and rest first, so you should rest earlier."

Jingzi blushed and waved at Nie Kong before jogging back to her room.

After watching Kyoko leave, Enzo appeared behind Nie Kong.

"How is Kyoko's study status?"

Nie Kong didn't turn his head either, keeping the previous action of watching Jingzi leave, asked aloud.

"Ms. Kyoko's learning ability is very strong, although the study time is not long, but now Miss Kyoko can have some ordinary conversations."

Enzo truthfully answered Kyoko's study status, "Miss Kyoko has worked very hard, thinking that it will not take long before she can communicate with the people in the headquarters without barriers."


Nie Kong was silent for a while, and finally only said four words, and there was no other order.

As the next leader, Kyoko, language is one aspect, and the next leader training is the real focus.

Nie Kong’s birthday party was the last relaxing time for Jingzi and others. After that, Jingzi and others were studying hard in order to cope with the final exam.

As a teacher, Nie Kong also implemented strict protection facilities in order to allow them to review with peace of mind.

At the same time, Nie Kong is also focusing on preparing for all aspects, not only the family matter, but also the teacher's matter, as well as the child of the rainbow.

Nie Kong had to take care of it at the same time.

Therefore, except during class, at other times, it seemed a bit difficult for Jingzi to see Nie Kong.

At this time, Nie Kong was lying on the roof of the school, taking a break.

"Nie...Master Nie Kong..."

Skaru appeared tremblingly in front of Nie Kong, reporting the completion of his mission tremblingly.

"Scaru, how did you accomplish your task when I told you?"

Nie Kong, who closed his eyes and calmly did not open his eyes, but moved his mouth to ask about the situation.

"End... Complete!"

Sculp wanted to cry without tears.

God knows how much it took him in order to gather all those people who were amazingly awesome!

"Tomorrow morning, according to Master Nie Kong's instructions, they will gather here one after another..."

"Well, you did a great job."

Hearing this news, Nie Kong raised his mouth and his mood improved slightly.

"Scaru, do you want to get rid of your baby's body and return to your original face?"


At the moment of shrinking, I wanted to escape from Nie Kong's Skaru. When he heard Nie Kong's words, he immediately stepped forward and grabbed Nie Kong's clothes. "You can get me back to the original body of?"

Feeling that his clothes and jacket were being held tightly by Skaru, Nie Kong opened his eyes slightly displeased, and squinted at Skaru.

"Sorry, Lord Nie Kong!"

Glancing at Nie Kong's cold eyes, Skaru was so excited that he quickly let go of his hand holding Nie Kong's clothes, stepped back, and bowed his head in a cold sweat while apologizing.

In this way, Skaru felt that he had discredited the Rainbow Son.

"Where there is sacrifice, there is gain, and when there is gain, there is sacrifice."

Nie Kong chuckled, looking at Skaru in his spare time, "I am not interested in losing money."

In fact, in fact, Nie Kong is not sure about this matter. After all, he has never been exposed to this situation.

However, in theory, there is no problem.

It depends on whether Skaru is willing to bear the consequences.

Of course, to bear the consequences is the psychological preparation that Skaru himself should have, in addition to that, Nie Kong naturally wants to get his own benefits.

Seeing Nie Kong's attitude, Skaru's trembling body stiffened for a while, and he fell silent for a while, his head drooping, his voice muffled, and his mood very low.

"Actually, you already had this plan early in the morning!"

Although it was an interrogative sentence, Sculp said it in a declarative tone.

Although he persuaded a little, he was not a fool.

Anyway, he was also the one who was chosen as the son of the rainbow.

"Although you are asking, but I have no room for rejection, do I?"

He also knew that when Nie Kong first met him, he was already worried about his abilities.

This is why he fears Nie Kong so much.

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