The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element Text 6 117. Goodbye Bailan

After reporting the current situation of his family, Kyoko began to talk about the current situation among the Italian mafia.

"The curse of the children of the rainbow has been lifted with your help from Nie Kong, but now Liborn and the others have lived in seclusion and no longer appear. Those pacifiers are protected in your hand, and as a condition of protection, Gaka Fez

Also submit to our side."

"Miss Aaliyah has left, and now the Chirioneiro family is managed by the little Youni, who is surrendered to our family, and fights Bailan together."

"and also……"

Jingzi kept talking about the future situation, and then when talking about later, a cloud of smoke appeared around Nie Kong, and Jingzi's voice became blurred, and he couldn't really hear it.

"Ah! Teacher Nie Kong!"

Seeing Nie Kong who suddenly appeared in front of him, Ru Jiang was shocked, and quickly pinched off the stopwatch, and then hurried to Nie Kong's side to check his situation.

"Don't worry, I'm fine."

It only took less than a second to change the space, and Nie Kong discovered that he had returned to the original world. It seemed that the effects of a ten-year rocket launcher had arrived.

Nie Kong didn't give Ir Jiang Zheng a lot of entanglement, but just took a break and asked, "How long did it take me to go to the future this time?"

If his time is not wrong, his time to the future will be exactly five minutes.

Iru Jiang looked at Nie Kong, who had returned to normal, and was very surprised.

"Less than five seconds."

Irue glanced at the stopwatch in his hand and answered honestly.

The time was too short, basically Nie Kong just disappeared, then suddenly appeared in front of him.

That's why he was so surprised when he saw Nie Kong who reappeared.

"This time difference is interesting..."

The corner of Nie Kong's mouth, who had returned to normal, unconsciously evoked a sneer, constantly thinking about the relationship between loss of power and time difference in his mind.

"It seems that there will be a few more trials before we know the reason."

Nie Kong thoughtfully, raised his hand to support his chin, eyes drooping, but for a moment, countless doubts were already in his mind.

"Also, do you have to try again?"

Irrigation was conditioned to swallow his saliva, completely unable to understand Nie Kong's thoughts.

Generally speaking, if so much damage is caused by a ten-year rocket launcher, ordinary people should have shadows, and they should avoid it!

If it’s Irue Masaichi himself, maybe he will try again later because of the spirit of exploration, but there will definitely be a shadow in his heart, let alone with Nie Kong, who has recovered so quickly, and immediately thought of Try again.

Irue Masaichi seemed to understand some of the reasons why Nie Kong was so powerful.

"This thing seems to be a heavy burden on you, Teacher Nie Kong...your body..."

Iru Jiang Zhengyi hesitated for a moment, and finally wanted to express his thoughts, "Ms. Nie Kong, would you like to delay the experiment for a while?"

In the future of Rujiang Zhengyi ten years later, Nie Kong will still take good care of him, so Rujiang Zhengyi did not want to watch Nie Kong unexpectedly.

"It doesn't matter, I have a sense of measure."

Nie Kong chuckled lightly, indicating that it didn't matter to him.


Signaling that Liu Jiang was ready for the time, then Nie Kong restarted the rocket launcher for ten years.

However, this time, the place where Nie Kong is located is no longer by Jingzi's side.

"Ah, there really is a distinguished guest here~"

A cynical voice picked up at the end came from behind Nie Kong, with a special sweetness.

Nie Kong turned around unhurriedly, looked at Bai Lan behind him, and looked calmly.

The appearance of Bailan ten years later and the appearance of Bailan when the abilities he met before were not mature, but the strength on his body was more than a little stronger.

"Seeing me, this makes me have some questions."

Nie Kong was calm and composed. He didn't feel that he would be in danger when he was in the enemy's camp.

"Although your strength is indeed much stronger than before, but it is not so, why can you be hostile to me?"

Although arrogant, this is indeed what Nie Kong really thought at this time.

It's just a pity that Bai Lan still maintained the same expression as before, and didn't respond at all to Nie Kong's words, "Teacher Nie Kong is really a poisonous tongue as always!"

Bai Lan ate the marshmallows in her hand as if nothing had happened, and did not see Nie Kong's irony at all, then suddenly thought of something, stretched out the marshmallows, and greeted Nie Kong enthusiastically, "You Want to eat marshmallows?"

"No thanks."

Nie Kong indifferently refused, facing such Bailan, this made Nie Kong interested instead.

"I probably know why I didn't kill you directly."

"Oh?" Bai Lan raised her eyebrows, unmoved.

"You are really interesting."

Such Bailan, Nie Kong really wanted to defeat him completely.

"I have always remembered Teacher Nie Kong's grace to me ten years ago!"

Bai Lan is not interested in this world, and everything he does is what he wants.

However, for Nie Kong, he has an extraordinary obsession.

For so many years, he has worked hard to strengthen himself and recruit capable men. Everything he did was to have a face-to-face confrontation with Nie Kong.

"That's really an honor for me."

Nie Kong responded indifferently, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

Think of it as passing the time!

"Then, Mr. Bailan~"

With the slightly raised corners of his mouth, white smoke gradually rose up around Nie Kong.

"Don't let me down!"

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