The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element Text 6 118. Kyoko worried

Nie Kong's voice gradually dissipated with the smoke and disappeared. Although Bailan did not hear clearly, he also understood Nie Kong's thoughts.

This time when Nie Kong returned from ten years ago, Nie Kong was already mentally prepared and ready to resist. However, I don’t know whether it was because of the first reason or for some reason. This time Nie Kong reappeared. When Irie Masaichi, he was completely fine.

"Ah! Teacher Nie Kong!"

Seeing Nie Kong returning intact, Rujiang Zhengyi was finally relieved.

"You finally came back!"

Nie Kong moved his body, except for some discomfort, his body didn't have much burden.

"How much time did it take this time?"

Nie Kong looked at Rujiang Zhengyi, speculating about the relationship between the rocket launcher and his body for ten years.

"Teacher Nie Kong, it took you two hours, thirty-five minutes and four seconds to come back this time!"

Rujiang Zhengyi, who was holding the watch, was very excited, and his eyes were particularly enthusiastic when he looked at Nie Kong. It can be seen that he was really worried about Nie Kong's safety during this period of time.

"Teacher Nie Kong, what happened to you ten years later?"

For so long, this is something that Rujiang Zhengyi has never encountered before. If he had not believed in Nie Kong's strength, he would have already planned to seek help from Teacher Nie Kong's companion.

In fact, if he has not returned for more than three hours, Irie is ready to ask for help.

He planned so.

Fortunately, Teacher Nie Kong came back safe and sound.

"So that's it..."

After listening to the time provided by Rujiang Zhengyi, Nie Kong had an idea in his heart.

"Teacher Nie Kong, do you have any ideas?"

Irue Zhengyi didn’t know what happened to Nie Kong ten years later, and he didn’t know why Nie Kong had a sudden sense of relief after listening to the time he reported. He is very good at science, but looks at interpersonal communication. Very bad at this aspect.

Therefore, he couldn't understand what Nie Kong was thinking.

"Nothing, it seems that the future has not changed much." Nie Kong chuckled.

The plot has not changed much, except that Kyoko becomes his own woman.Faith is scarce a bit, and it seems that we have to prepare quickly.

"Teacher Nie Kong, have you used this ten-year bazooka before?"

Iru Jiang nodded as if understanding or not, after a moment of thought, he suddenly raised his head to look at Nie Kong and asked.

"If it's the one from Lan Bo, I often see it, but for this, today is the first time I have seen this modified bazooka for ten years."

Nie Kong glanced at the Ten Years Rocket Launcher not far away, shook his head, and then looked at Irie Masaichi, "You want to say that the first use may cause adverse effects, and this factor should also be included. Are you thinking about it?"

"Ah! Yes!"

Ru Jiangzheng didn't expect that he was just asking a question, and Nie Kong immediately guessed his thoughts, and couldn't help but admire Nie Kong even more.

"No hurry, I don't expect to be able to study the specific laws of the rocket launcher in the past ten years after using it twice."

Nie Kong said that he didn't particularly care.

After all, this is something that even the future self has not fully developed, and what's more, the rocket launcher in ten years can't compare with Bulma's time machine effect.It is not the first time for Nie Kong to travel through time.

"Although I really want to keep trying, it's too early now, I still have to go back first."

Although I roughly speculated about the law of the ten-year-old rocket launcher after the transformation, it was useless, and the time of return could not be analyzed and judged. This is not suitable for Nie Kong, who is now relatively tight, to keep experimenting.

"Ah! Okay!"

Rujiang Zhengyi, who had been nervous for Nie Kong, didn't realize that it was getting dark outside now. After exclaiming in a low voice, he was a little at a loss.

"Then, Teacher Nie Kong, be careful on the way."

When facing Nie Kong, Rujiang Zhengyi was always at a loss.

"This is my contact information and address."

Nie Kong didn’t pay much attention to Rujiang Zhengyi’s reaction. Instead, he took the pen on the desk and wrote down his contact information and address on a piece of paper, and handed it to Rujiang Zhengyi, "If you have anything, you can do it. Contact me or come to me."


Irue took it quickly, and nodded solemnly.

"I know."

"When facing me, you seem to have been very nervous." Nie Kong slowly moved closer to Rujiang Zhengyi's face, watching his delicate face become redder as he approached, and he couldn't help but ridicule. Tao.

"May I know the reason?"

Seeing Rujiang Zhengyi's reaction, even if Nie Kong didn't want to pay attention, it was difficult.

"I, I accidentally went to the future before—"

Looking at Nie Kong, who was close at hand, Rujiang Zheng swallowed his saliva nervously, trembling, and explained in a serious manner, "When I was killed, Teacher Nie Kong gave me a lot of help, so I was very Thank you, Teacher Nie Kong, and respect you very much!"

I don’t know what the destiny guides, or because of what, when Iru Jiang Zhengyi was killed in the future, if he hadn't been rescued by Nie Kong, he might have died!

Even though this kind of behavior is just a trivial matter to the powerful Nie Kong, to Irie Masaichi, it is a great event that can be thankful for a lifetime!

"I'm not allowed to see each other often in the future. If you've been so nervous when facing me, this won't work!"

Nie Kong gently patted Iruji Zhengyi on the shoulder, trying to calm his nervousness.

However, after seeing him become more nervous about his touch, he had no choice but to withdraw his hand.

Forget it, take your time.

Just after leaving the home of Rujiang Zhengyi, Nie Kong received a call from Jingzi.

"Xiao Jing——"

After answering the phone, Nie Kong just called out, and then he was cut off by Jingzi's hasty voice.

"Teacher?! Where are you now?"

Although he couldn't see Jingzi's face, Nie Kong also felt Jingzi's emotional excitement and tension in his voice.

"Xiao Jing? Don't worry, what's the matter?"

Nie Kong quickly calmed Jingzi's emotions and at the same time judged her location, speeding up and rushing over.

"You finally answered the phone!"

Kyoko's voice was a little choked, "You keep not answering the phone, I'm worried about what happened to you..."

"Ah, I worried you."

Nie Kong took a look at the call notification and found that Jingzi had called himself quite a few times before then.

There have been cases where it was inconvenient for him to answer the phone before, but Nie Kong would reply in a timely manner to inform him of the situation, so this time there has been no news. It is normal for Kyoko to be worried.

Jingzi originally wanted to call Nie Kong and ask if she had any requests for dinner, but when the call was directly blocked, and there was no reply, this made her worry.

"Something happened just now, so I didn't reply to you in time, sorry!"

Although the mobile phone was always with him, Nie Kong never heard a call from anyone. This should be because of the bazooka for ten years.

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