The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element Text 6 119, and Kyoko's tenderness

"It's not convenient for me to explain the situation now. After I go back, I will explain it to you slowly."

"It doesn't matter, I can rest assured as long as I know you are safe!"

Kyoko's mood calmed down a lot, but she still choked up a bit, and Nie Kong felt distressed by her trembling voice.

"Teacher, you must be fine!"

"Yeah." Nie Kong responded gently, "I will definitely be fine."

"Colom and the others must still be worried about your safety. I will contact them first to report safety."

Jingzi thought for a while, and after confirming that Nie Kong was safe, he decided to report his safety with a few other people who were outside to investigate Nie Kong's situation.

"it is good."

Nie Kong's heart was a little touched, and after a low voice, he hung up the phone and accelerated the pace of going home.

Jingzi reported Nie Kong's safety one by one, and finally heaved a sigh of relief, hung up the phone, and when he looked up, he saw Nie Kong suddenly appeared in front of him.


Although I knew that Nie Kong was okay, but when I saw Nie Kong, Jingzi couldn't control his emotions and pounced on Nie Kong's arms, tears clouded his hands, as if to confirm Nie Kong's entity, Jingzi tightly Holding Nie Kong.

"Fool, how could something happen to me?"

Nie Kong held Jingzi tenderly, responding to Jingzi's feelings.

For Nie Kong, all the problems are just a matter of time.

In this world, apart from Uncle Chuanping whose power is unknown, I am afraid that no one can have the power on par with his Nie Kong.

"You have my power in your ring. If something happens to me, the power will change accordingly. If you are worried, you can use this as a judgment."

After Nie Kong explained it, he found that it didn't seem to be very soothing for the current Jingzi, so he had to hug Jingzi tightly in distress to ease her inner anxiety.


Jingzi's voice was a bit hoarse, and because the entire face was covered on Nie Kong's chest, the voice that came out was a bit muffled.


Nie Kong gently patted Jingzi on the back, soothing her emotions, and gently looked at Jingzi in his arms.

"I, I'm afraid..."

Kyoko's trembling voice came out intermittently, accompanied by the sound of sobbing.

"Xiao Jing——"

Nie Kong moved his hands gently, making Jingzi look at him."I promise you that I will never be in danger of life before you allow it."

Looking at the tearful Jingzi, with a pitiful appearance, Nie Kong couldn't help but feel distressed.

"Is this all right?"

"I know, Sora you kept the promise best."

Kyoko nodded vigorously, "So, I believe you will not lie to me!"

Nie Kong chuckled, "When did I lie to you?"

After getting Nie Kong's assurance, Kyoko, who was finally relieved, calmed down.

"Xiao Jing..." Nie Kong's voice was low and deep, and his voice became ambiguous.

Looking at Jingzi with tears in her eyes, Nie Kong unconsciously remembered the unpleasant kiss with Jingzi ten years later.


After hearing Nie Kong's call, Kyoko instinctively raised his head and looked at Nie Kong. After looking at him affectionately at Shang Nie Kong's black pupils, he was suddenly bewitched, with pink lips. He opened slightly, closed his eyes slowly, raised his head, and slowly moved closer to Nie Kong.

"What a charming girl who doesn't even know it!"

Jingzi took the initiative, and if Nie Kong didn't say anything, then he should really doubt his gender.

Different from the previous fierceness, facing the young Kyoko, Nie Kong adopted a light peck method from the beginning, first slowly letting the nervous Kyoko relax, and then deepened the kiss.

Although Nie Kong wanted to have a romantic French kiss, Kyoko who kissed for the first time was obviously inexperienced, and soon blushed nervously. Nie Kong had to slowly guide Jingzi step by step.

Before he knew it, Jingzi was half hung on Nie Kong's body. Under Nie Kong's gentle guidance, Jingzi's legs became weak and he could not stand on his own, so he had to rely on Nie Kong's strength.

After a kiss, Kyoko's face flushed, her breathing was a little short of her consciousness, her pink lips were a little red and swollen, but with an unknown temptation, she constantly challenged the reason in Nie Kong's mind.

"Xiao Jing..."

Nie Kong hugged Jingzi, looking at her flushed face, shyly buried her face in her arms.

"Jun Nie..." I don't know if it is because of shyness or the inability to extricate himself from the depths of love, Jingzi unconsciously hugged Nie Kong's movements, but he was constantly stimulating Nie Kong's sanity.

"I want to eat you now!"

Nie Kong lowered his head, leaning against Jingzi's ear and said.

Nie Kong's low groan made Jingzi's beautiful body tremble, but soon Jingzi responded, "Woo."

When he understood Nie Kong's position in his heart, Jingzi had already regarded himself as Nie Kong's person.

Therefore, as long as Nie Kong thinks, she is also willing.

In other words, she was looking forward to it.

Hearing what Jingzi said, Nie Kong's Adam's apple moved and tightened his arms holding Jingzi's thin waist.

"Colom and the others are back."

Nie Kong was not worried about this matter.

He believes that Kyoko is desperately trying to follow him, so since everyone is already his own, then what else does he have to worry about?

Jingzi, who was initially a little confused and sentimental, did not react when he heard Nie Kong's words. After hearing the sound from the stairs, she suddenly reacted and immediately withdrew from Nie Kong's embrace.

Although she now regards herself as Nie Kong's person, she still feels embarrassed to be too close to Nie Kong in front of everyone.

This is Kyoko's reservedness as a girl's family.


When he saw Nie Kong, Kulom was very excited and rushed forward.

"Worried about my safety?"

Nie Kong opened his arms, greeted Kulom who was leaping over, gently hugged him in his arms, and asked gently.

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