The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element Text 6 120. Chuanping strikes

"I am not worried about my brother's safety."

Kulom shook his head, "I only worry about whether my brother is in trouble."

Nie Kong's strength, as Kulom, who has been by Nie Kong's side, knew a lot, so she was not worried that Nie Kong would be in danger.

Nie Kong chuckled and soothed Kulom's emotions, and then raised his eyes to look at the people who followed.

"Sorry, I worried you."

"Teacher Nie Kong, did something happen this time?"

Never before had Nie Kong disappeared suddenly without a trace of news, and Nie Kong had always been invincible in their hearts, so after such a situation, they suddenly panicked.

"It's just doing a few experiments. I didn't care about it for a while, sorry."

Nie Kong didn't expect to cause them to worry, so he apologized very sincerely.


The prison temple Hayato was puzzled.

"What kind of experiment is that? Master Nie Kong, is there anything we can help?"

"It's hard to say now. When the time is right, I will naturally tell you."

Nie Kong didn't intend to explain it yet, and because of the ten-year bazooka, he now felt a little tired.

"I'll talk about it later, I'll take a rest now."

Once Nie Kong made a decision, apart from changing his mind, there was always no room for others to discuss.

What's more, Jingzi and the others also noticed that Nie Kong, who had always been very energetic, was no longer in the mood, so they closed their mouths and quietly watched Nie Kong go to rest.

"Teacher, do you want to keep a copy for your dinner?"

Because of the unexpected situation, Jingzi and others did not have time to eat dinner, so Jingzi asked Nie Kong unsurely.

"No need."

Nie Kong paused, shook his head and refused.

"If I'm hungry, I will get something to eat myself."

"Well then, I won't bother you to rest."

Kyoko nodded, then turned and left.

"Master Nie Kong!"

After Jingzi left, a figure suddenly appeared behind Nie Kong.

"Is it urgent?"

"Uh... not..."

Hearing Nie Kong's bad tone, Vittorio hesitated slightly, considering the words, for fear that it might cause any displeasure to Nie Kong.

"It's just that you said before... as long as the news is reported to you as soon as possible..."

"Go find Enzo and Kulom, and report your situation with both of them. They will naturally report to me after that."

Although Kulom knew Nie Kong better, he was not as proficient in Mafia affairs as Enzo, and it would be better if the two cooperated together.

"Yes, I understand."

Vittorio quickly nodded in response, and then suddenly disappeared like when he came, and the room was quiet.

Nie Kong had already made the bed at this time. He took off his clothes and shoes as he was very tired. He went to bed and closed his eyes. After a while, he fell asleep.

Nie Kong has never been alert to sleep, and no one has the ability to hurt him.

But suddenly, Nie Kong noticed something strange in his sleep.

Nie Kong looked at the foggy and indistinct surroundings and didn't panic. Instead, he first silently checked his situation before he began to think about the situation.

If I remember correctly, I should be resting now.

"It's not a dream here~"

A long, ethereal voice came from all directions, completely unable to distinguish the direction and location of the voice owner.

Nie Kong frowned and scanned the surrounding environment.The extremely powerful mental power immediately swept into the void.Under the glance of the spiritual sense, everything was invisible, and he was even able to hide himself.

"Did you come out so soon?"

Nie Kong raised his eyebrows, glanced at the surrounding area, and raised a mocking smile at the corner of his mouth, "I thought, at least you will hide for a while!"

Nie Kong, who had already told Kyoko how to judge his safety, didn't mind staying here for a while.

"Teacher Nie Kong is really calm!"

The voice was still coming from all directions, and the ending sound went up, which showed that the other party looked good.

"Don't play this little trick anymore. If I can't even see through this little trick, then I don't need to stay in this world anymore."

The rest is interrupted, no matter who it is, the temper is not very good.

Nie Kong is no exception.

"Teacher Nie Kong is really no ordinary person!"

This time, the sound did not come from all directions, but fixed a direction.

"I don't think you will specially invite an ordinary person to such a place!" Nie Kong has clearly shown his impatience, but the other party seems to have not seen it at all, teasing Nie Kong for himself.

"That's really a shame, but I came with the feeling of having a detailed discussion with Teacher Nie Kong.

It seemed that it was irritated by Nie Kong's lack of patience at the beginning, and now the other party was chatting with Nie idle time and time again, but refused to get into the topic.

"If you want to chat, please next time, Mr. Kawahira!"

Although Nie Kong had already sensed the other party's intentions, if he continued to chat, it would make Nie Kong understand something.

The other party paused, and the original flat voice suddenly became deep, "I don't want your plan to be implemented now?"

Nie Kong sneered, "If you can do it, I naturally have nothing to say."

"You are really funny!"

Faced with Nie Kong’s threat, the other party laughed without anger, “If it wasn’t for your identity, I really want to make friends with you!”

"Either a friend or an enemy. Obviously you chose the second one."

Nie Kong chuckled lightly, disregarding what the other party said.

The scenes are nice, but who knows what the real idea is!

For Chuanping, the only thing Nie Kong was interested in was the ability of the other party, and he did not have much interest in people.

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