The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapsed two-dimensional body text 0262, the two women who fought again

It has been ten days since Jun Nie has not been contacted, and Misaki's heart is upset.No one would understand how she missed Nie Kong.Lovers who are in love should be like glue.

"Can't bear it, how can I spend my days without Jun Nie?" Misaki was irritated, pulling her short black hair frantically.Too irresponsible, disappeared for more than ten days without a trace.Could it be that the bastard brother forced Nie Jun to practice? It is possible.

"It doesn't matter, now go to the holy stone arrow demon to find Nie Jun." Misaki stood up abruptly, but she forgot that it was time for class.

"Misaki-san, do you have any comments or questions?" The pale-haired professor in front of the podium said with a smile.

"'s okay." Mi Saki sat back quietly, helplessly, waiting for the end of get out of class.But at the podium, Professor Qian did not listen to any knowledge.

Waiting extremely hard until the end of get out of class, Misaki rushed out of the classroom like a gust of wind.Even the professor thought that Misaki was in a hurry to go to the bathroom.This was the first absence from school since Misaki University, which made Misaki feel very nostalgic.

In high school, she was Ishiya Demon Rage Emperor Rubancho, and she didn't do anything like skipping classes and fighting.But by the third year of high school, she retired and became a three-good student.Otherwise, she will not be admitted to university if she continues to miss school.

Knowing that Nie Kong was the teacher of the Holy Stone Arrow, Misaki rushed towards the Holy Stone Arrow in memory after escaping from the university.The speed of Misaki, who has been strengthened by double repairs, is beyond the scope of human imagination.

The special class classrooms were not affected by the damage caused by the fighting the night before. Except for the friends from Ogako City, almost all of them have arrived.Nie Kong knew that the male deer should go to practice, but the fate of Gushijun was a mystery.It seems that the ancient city was not injured in the battle the day before yesterday.I asked other students, and none of them knew.

At this time, it was just time for get out of class to end, and Qi Haijing, the assistant teacher, collected the classmates' workbooks and followed Nie Kong's tail to the office.The conscientious student Qi Haijing has some secretarial qualities.

The sound of clicking the door opened, Nie Kong stepped into his office in the old school building.Sitting in front of the window, he stretched comfortably.

Qi Haijing closed the door and came to the teacher with a stack of homework."There are three classmates absent today, Gushi, Oga, and Xiludi. Teacher, do we want to learn about their home situation?"

"It's okay if they didn't cause me trouble, what can you do? In our Shishi Demon College, it is normal to be absent. Taking care of these little bunnies, their heads are about to explode." Nie Kong said with squinting eyes.

The ancient city and the male deer are irrelevant, but Xiludi is because of Nie Kong's prevention.Sheludi, who has lost her memory, has no need to come to the school to join in the fun.

"The teacher is tired, I...I can massage the teacher to relieve fatigue at any time!" Qi Haijing said courageously, her tone full of firmness.

"It's a blessing for the teacher to have such a well-behaved student. Please help me massage my swollen head." Qi Haijing did not react, and Nie Kong's head was already pressed on Qihai's quiet and plump thigh.

As he was wearing a thin skirt, Nie Kong's head clearly sensed the elasticity of Qi Haijing's thighs.The rich and poignant feminine beauty came from between her legs, and the Xun Nie Kong was already three points drunk.

"This... is this the legendary knee pillow, the teacher pillowed my thigh?" The dizzy happiness filled Qi Hai Jing's atrium, making her almost yelled in surprise.

Qianqianyu touched Nie Kong's silver hair and gently pressed it on the teacher's head.But when the teacher's hot breath penetrated her skirt and came between her sharp legs, it still made her feel weak.

"Old... teacher, turn your head to the front, okay?" Qi Hai stammered quietly.

"Does it matter? Classmate Qi Haijing smells very fragrant, so that's good." Nie Kong rubbed Qi Haijing's thigh a few times, causing most of the thin skirt to be opened.It was as if Nie Kong was directly resting on the elastic skin of her thighs.The black silk did not spread to the thighs, but only covered the calf area.

And the light yellow panties at the bottom of Qi Haijing's skirt were already in front of Nie Kong's eyes.Several dark, smooth curly hair strands came out naughty from the panties, and almost touched Nie Kong's nostrils.A faint itching sensation caused Nie Kong to reach out and grab it.

"Ah... old... teacher, what are you doing, it hurts." Qi Haijing quickly pressed Nie Kong's head to stop him from moving.The pain between the legs, is it...

Qi Haijing cast his eyes between Nie Kong's two fingers, where there was a black curly hair.The fair and pretty face turned pink, then bright red, and finally covered with Qi Hai Jing's face.

"Oh...nothing, classmate Qi Haijing, please continue." Nie Kong put Hei Si in her little hand, as if nothing had happened.But Qi Hai Jing was already ashamed and angered.

"I'm so ashamed, let the teacher pull... pull out the hairs there... woo... It's all my fault, why didn't I fix them neatly." Qi Hai Jingyan's pretty red face showed no signs of fading.

"Teacher, please come here first, shall we continue when we have time?"

"It doesn't matter, the teacher didn't care about this little problem? Huh... there is still a root exposed, the teacher will help you unplug it." Nie Kong moved his gaze to the inside of Qi Haijing pants, and turned towards It stretches out its magic claws.

"Ah... the teacher is so annoying..." How could Chun Qi Haijing stand such a molestation, and jumped up in a panic and rushed out of the office.

At the same time, outside the school gate... the two girls stood out on the spot, and they were full of a strong smell of gunpowder.

"Want to enter the school to see the teacher, pass my level first." Xiaokui, who had already pulled out the wooden knife, didn't give up, and bravely faced Misaki who had defeated him.

"You haven't given up yet, your strength is not my opponent at all. You are still far behind me to grab Nie Jun." Misaki put her hands around her chest and didn't put Xiao Aoi in her eyes.

"You'll know if you have a try." The light of the knife flashed, and a strand of hair in front of Misaki's forehead was smoothly cut in half.After double repairing and strengthening, Xiaokui's knife speed has been several times faster.

"I haven't seen the strength increase to this level in ten days?" Misaki was startled, her body quickly stepped back.Xiaokui now has enough strength to threaten her.

"Teacher, I will never let you go." Xiaokui Chao Misaki rushed over, and the two women's war broke out again.There is not much difference in strength, and they are completely evenly matched.

The rumbling and shaking scared the surrounding students away.

"Come on, sister Kwai!" The girls around Lie Anger Emperor Ru were all cheering for Xiao Kwai.

"Is Jun Nie already helping you improve? That's how it is." After hitting Xiaokui with a stab, Misaki stepped back and suddenly realized.

"Yes, the teacher has improved my strength, and now I have enough to defeat you." Xiao Kui said proudly.

"Your name is Bang Zhikui, right? I officially admit that you have the right to fight for Jun Nie. We leave it to Jun Nie to decide whether we win or lose. Whoever wins Jun Nie will be the winner." Misaki said After this sentence, I left here.

"You have no chance to win, but I have Xiaojian's secret weapon. We two sisters join hands, how can we be afraid of you alone?" Xiaokui smiled like a victory.

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