The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element Text 0264, the ancient city also has a great day

Far away from the city of Tokyo, the black hole swallowed the full moon hanging in the sky, showing boundless darkness.The office worker who had been exhausted all day looked up, his numb heart was not much surprised.

The numb and boring life from work to get off work has wiped out all their dreams and pleasures in their hearts. This is the sorrow of office workers.

The pitch black hole like a lunar eclipse, suddenly and strangely appeared dozens of people in black robes.They rode huge monsters in two neat rows in the sky, as if respectfully welcoming a certain big man.

First appeared were two helmets with curved horns, and then a man wearing a rope king cloak.And the moment he appeared, it was as if the black magic power was materialized, spreading in all directions with his center.

"Human world? I have finally come here again. Kill my beloved enemy and wait for me to destroy you." The green-haired demon roared, but the terrifying black magic changed its nature to form a blazing flame.

The flame spreads over a wide range, and it covers most of Tokyo from a high altitude.Hot flames spread across the steel-like city, and many tall buildings melted into the flames he released.

Especially the Japanese apartments are mostly made out of wood, so the flames burn more.The burning flames illuminate the dark sky extremely red.Even faraway cities can find fires in Tokyo.

"His Majesty the Great Demon King, did you go to the little Prince Belu first, or destroy the world to find the murderer who killed the Young Master Yan Wang?" It turns out that this person is the Demon King of the Demon Realm, so it is no wonder that he has such strength.

"My strength has been suppressed too much, I thought I could completely destroy these small cities. First go to find the contractor, and then follow me to destroy the world!!" The demon king gritted his teeth, but endured it.

"Yes... Your Majesty the Demon King, first summon Yalandron. He has followed Prince Belu for a long time, and he should know a little bit that the world is worthy of the Demon King Contractor. Moreover, he should know the truth about the death of Prince Yan Wang!" The loyal demon who followed from the demon world nodded respectfully.

"Then make arrangements like this first." The big devil's murderous intent slowly calmed down, and his anger did not affect his heart.Far away Shishi Demon Nie Kong didn't know that his enemy had already reached the human world.

Should have heard the call in the ancient city home Alandron, it didn't take long before he appeared in front of the big demon.Arlandron knelt in front of the Great Demon King, with a hint of fear in his respect.

The Great Demon King himself appeared in the human world, what purpose would he have besides destroying the human world and avenging his son.

"You know the purpose of my calling you, tell me who killed King Yan?" Terrorist oppressive force pressed Yalandron to the ground, and he could only tremble.

"Yes... it's your Majesty the Great Demon King, first... let's visit the humble house first. Prince Beiru's earthly friend Gu Shijun, should... I should know something!"

"Really, let me first listen to how the humans utterly speak out!" The big devil possesses higher-dimensional demons, so Alandron led them to the ancient city home.

In the early morning of the next day, passers-by went to the school refreshedly.Today he is reborn, but his eyes have incomparable confidence, no longer the cowardice he used to be.

"Morning, male deer!" Gushi greeted the male deer in front of the road, but the male deer felt that Gushi was very annoying today.In the ancient city, it should be hiding behind him forever.

"Morning!" The male deer didn't look at the ancient city anymore, but walked out of the school by himself.It turned out that after ten days of cultivation, Oga had already learned dark fighting.Originally, the male deer thought he would show his talents, but the demons of the Behmot Division all disappeared cleanly.He even served Yuludi, the maid of Beiru, and moved out of his house.He was very curious about what happened here during this period of practice?

"Wait, the male deer don't move..." Gushi stopped and moved forward.

"Why?" The male deer turned his head and asked unhappy.

"There are bed bugs on your cheek, just don't move." The doctor snapped, Gu Shi's palm was thrown on the right cheek of Male Lu.There is not much power, but the voice is very loud.Especially where the male deer was hit, the pink palm prints were exposed.

"Hehe, look, I shot it to death." Gu Shi twisted the bug and happily handed it to the male deer.

"Very good ancient city, it seems that you are ready to die." The angry male deer's face was gloomy, looking very scary.Due to the oppression of Oga classmates since childhood, the ancient city has long been cast a shadow.

"Wrong misunderstanding, there are really insects." The male deer's powerful fist bombarded the ancient city, scared that the ancient city ran away in a hurry, embarrassed.

"No matter what you misunderstand, you will have the consciousness of being killed if you dare to do it to me!" The male deer's fists danced quickly, and the wind pressure brought it blew the ancient city hair and floated backward.But to the surprise of Oga, the ancient city, who thought he would be killed by a spike, easily escaped his fist.

"It's feasible, I'm already reborn!" Slightly sideways avoiding the male deer's fist, Gu Shi lifted his leg and chewed vigorously towards the back of the male deer's head.With a bang, the heads of the poor male deer were all sunk in the mud.

"Unexpectedly, did I really kill the male deer?" Panicked, excitement and excitement were not enough to express Gushi's mood at this time."Haha, I have a great day in the ancient city. What Toho Shinki, the era of my ancient city has come."

He happily ran to the ancient city of the school and wondered how to kill Kanzaki Tojo in the school."I was taken care of by you before, so I will take care of you from now on. Especially the bastard teacher, who actually occupied all the beautiful girls in the class. If you kill the teacher, Xiaokui students will..." YY In the ancient city, disgusting saliva flowed from the corner of his mouth.

"With its source of power, there shouldn't be any big problems for them to defeat the school." Gu Shi opened his collar and looked inward, and the scarlet Demon King brand covered his chest.The shape of the sun is similar to that of the king of fighters' snake.

And the male deer, who pulled his head out of the soil, found that the ancient city had already left, and his eyes were filled with monstrous anger.Never thought that Gu Shi would rebel against him, did he want to die?

"Where is the little Beilu ancient city?" The horrible face was full of anger, and the male deer asked Beilu on the ground.

Little Beilu pointed to the direction of the school and called out.

"Asshole don't find you for me, you are dead." The male deer picked up Beiru and chased after him.

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