The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional text 0265, the Great Devil Descends (Part 1)

When Nie Kong came to the school, he found that the old school building was likely to collapse at any time, and most of the damage that had been done was now even more faltering.

"What happened?" A confused Nie Kong walked into the special class, and he was presented with more than 30 students with bruised noses and swollen noses.Kanzaki, Himekawa, MK5, Chugoku, Miki... All male classmates were wiped out except for Kioga Tojo.Of course, the beautiful girls in the class did not suffer any injuries.

"Xiaokui, you answer, what happened? Who dared to hurt my students, the teacher will go to avenge you!" Because the class was suppressed by him, Shiya Demon did not have the frequent fights in the past.So Nie Kong's first thought was that someone came to trouble them.

"Old...Teacher, you finally came, but things are too surprising. I guess you don't believe me when I say it." Until now, Xiaokui feels dreaming, things are too weird.

"Xiaojing, let's talk about it!" Nie Kong said in an angry voice.

"Don't... don't, the teacher wants me to say it!" Xiao Kui hurriedly took the teacher's arm, and said desperately.The appearance of Xiaokui acting like a baby is so cute.

"Okay! But don't talk too much, but go directly to the subject." Nie Kong touched Xiao Kui's hair, unable to resist the cute little Kui.It's over, Sister Kwai is completely hopeless.The women of Liewu Diru patted their foreheads with one hand, looking helpless.The teacher is too lethal, even their resistance is very weak, let alone the teacher cares about Sister Kwai so much.

Except for sister Qianqiu, the girls in the class looked at Xiaokui with envy in their eyes.

"Teacher, listen well, Kanzaki and the others were all defeated by passers-by. It was as powerful as a horse, and they didn't stop him with a few tricks. Today's ancient city seems to be reborn, not comparable to the past." Xiaokui exclaimed.

Even with the help of the teacher's strength, I think it is very difficult to deal with the ancient city.I really don't understand why such a big change happened in the ancient city without seeing me all night.

"Gushi classmate is too much, I hope the teacher can give him a good look." The time that was supposed to be the teacher's class is now all messed up by Gushi, no wonder Qi Haijing will be angry.

The ancient city with a combat power of 0 unexpectedly put Kanzaki and the others with his might?I heard it wrong.We must know that even the girls can easily break down the cowardly ancient city. This change is going against the sky.

"Gushi classmate, where is he now? Did he skip class?" Nie Kong scanned the classroom, but Nie Kong didn't find the Gushi classmate who was supposed to be triumphant.Diaosi has a counterattack one day, the world is really crazy.

"He has been out for a fight by the Eastern Treaty now, and the male deer who came to the school after a long time has also followed out. It is estimated that the three of them will decide the outcome somewhere." Ning Ning interrupted.

"I'm so courageous. I didn't want to fight without my approval, and I skipped the teacher's class. I haven't received a lesson for a few days, it seems to be itchy!" Nie Kong hummed.

"Teacher, let me show you the way, Yujia knows where they are." Yujia raised his small hand and said excitedly.

"Teacher, take us all, anyway, there are no classes today." The teacher's brave performance can't be missed, Ning Ning said in his heart.

"Anyway, there is no class, so let's be a teacher and take you out to play." Nie Kong couldn't ask for it with the beautiful girl.Following Yujia MM, Nie Kong led the beautiful girl army toward the direction of the three people in the ancient city.

There is nothing new in the ancient city where they chose the dry rack location. They are all on the roadside lawn.Although they did not arrive, the thunderous noise has already reached their ears.

"What a powerful magic! Just to deal with the ancient city, the male deer has already used Little Beiru's magic." Nie Kong speeded up his steps and walked towards the sound. From a distance, he saw two fast-moving shadows.

And Tojo, known as the strongest Ishiya Demon, has fallen on the lawn beyond recognition, and it seems that the winner has already been decided.It's just that I don't know if it was killed by the male deer, or the ancient city king who counterattacked.

The power of the two collided head-on, shaking the river into the air.At this time, the male deer had already resorted to dark fighting and swallowed 120cc of milk.The violent magic power flooded his body, full of power, the right fist bombarded his lower abdomen when the ancient city had no time to react, without any mercy.

"Forget it, go to the ancient city. Even if you have the magic power now, you still can't beat me. You are already very powerful if you can force me to drink 120cc of milk. But if you want to kill me, it's a wishful thinking." Oga looked down at the ancient city, his His eyes were filled with arrogance and contentment.This is the male deer, always vying for power, just like the fighting race Saiyan in Dragon Ball.

"Be less wordy, it's good for once, I... I want to beat you once! This is a battle for my dignity. What kind of a passerby city, what a pervert, what a disgusting city... I still have to laugh. Even my sister has hated me since I was young. I vowed secretly last night that I will change myself today." Gu Shi stood up swayingly, without any cowardice in his eyes.

With a bang, the ancient city's body unexpectedly exploded with magic power that surpassed the male deer.The pitch black is like realizing magic, shaking the river to the sky.The magic continued to improve, even reaching Behmot's existence.

"This is my strength, male deer, let me take it."

"Troublesome guy." The male deer narrowed his eyes and drank 240CC milk directly, knowing that the ancient city was great.The battle between the two was very fierce, and the women watching the battle were dumbfounded.

The magic of the two collided fiercely, but it was Fushi overpowering the male deer.Facing the ancient city that was getting more and more powerful, the male deer cried out and drank the milk from the bottle.All the magic power in Little Beilu's body was completely transferred to the male deer's body.

Terrorist forces split the earth in a radius of 100 meters by an earthquake, and even the river was affected by the force and began to flow upstream.It turned out that the male deer who drank all the milk would be possessed by the little Beru, but after the dark fighting taught by Turtledove Zuitian, he was able to control it freely.

"Don't be proud of the male deer, it's not just that you can hang up." With the roar of the ancient city, the magic power in his body has skyrocketed again, and the male deer who actually passed the super breastfeeding time.

The turbulent magic power radiating from the two bodies collided with each other, causing violent wind pressure around them.The battle comparable to the strength of the superior demon was so wonderful that it attracted the attention of the women.

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