The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional text 0267, the battle against the devil

Since Youludi is a high-level teleportation demon, and has been promoted through double cultivation, it is not difficult to teleport all the women to the familiar Nie Kong.The black hole appeared strangely in front of Nie Kong, and eight beautiful girls appeared in front of him.

"His Majesty the Demon King really came to the world to take revenge. After all, the master killed the Grand Prince Yanwang some time ago." When they saw the demon king in the sky, all but Griffia's daughters changed their colors.

"Is the devil who waited for my son Yan King actually involved in harming my son? No wonder my son will die tragically in the human world! The little ones don't hesitate to tear them up for me!" Seeing the appearance of several women, The green-haired demon looked even more angry.

"Yes, my king!" The demons in black robes were full of magic power and used their full strength.The blue sky was spread with black ink due to the catharsis of their magic.

"It's not ashamed, do you low-level demons want to kill my master?" The silver-haired Greffia fought first, and the richness of the magic power even compared all the sky demons.

"Boom..." One of the demon who rushed down was hit by Griffia's magic bullet, and even his body was broken into pieces.

"Since I have already followed the master, there is no way out. Big sister, let's help you!" The militant Akiel was very excited, perhaps because he could fight the devil.

"Since the master has been re-selected, there is nothing left to say, fight." Isabella's magic words summoned her weapons and leaped towards the melee sky.

"It's our personal maid's responsibility to protect the master. It's time to go to Yuludi!" Xiludi had already chased Zhujue in magic power before, and now she has mentioned Behmot's level due to double repair.

"Go!" The maid team all dispatched to shield their master from the wind and rain.The one who didn't fight was Lamia's little Lolita, who belonged to the back-up staff and was specialized in treating medical staff.

The Demon King had a large number of servants, but the maids did not let the wind go, but instead pressed them under the leadership of Griffia.

"Old...teacher, what...what's going on?" Xiaokui and the others in amazement finally woke up. They wanted to run next to Nie Kong, but they were stopped by Nie Kong: "It's dangerous here, you guys now The farther away the better. The teacher will handle this little thing, don't worry."

Their fighting at this level spreads too much, and it's dangerous if they get closer.Nie Kong, a powerful demon king, doesn't know how strong he will be, but it is estimated that he will fight with Alkad.

Different dimensions, the level of strength division will also change.

"The demon king of the demon world, you should come to me for revenge, let's do it." Without any reservation, the magic power lurking in his body boiled.The magic power is scarlet, and the darkness of the demon world is two extremes.But the degree of magical horror was to shatter all the land in a radius of several hundred meters.The violent hurricane with him as the center screamed out, blowing all the women fighting in the sky more than ten meters.

"Haha..." Scarlet eyes were full of domineering at this moment, two sharp and cute fangs stick out from Nie Kong's mouth.The true ancestor of the vampire was shown in front of everyone for the first time.

"It's the lord...Is the lord really, so cute. I really want to hold the lord in her arms." Griffia covered her red and pretty face with her hands, stopped fighting and stared at Nie Kong obsessively.

"This...this completely explodes the magical power, is it the real strength of the owner. It turns out that the owner is a demon, and he is the devil." Isabella is very happy to be able to dedicate her body and mind to the devil.

"Didn't you use all your strength when killing the Behmot Legion? It's so deep." Akiel murmured.

"That's it! It's no wonder that you will kill my son without fear. Is this your support." The devil has no fear, but the intention to kill is even greater.Due to Nie Kong's magical pull, the magic in his body began to boil.

Within a kilometer, the collision of the two magical forces of red and black caused a huge disaster in the human world.No battle has destroyed such a horror, but you can imagine how destructive it will be if you wait for it to really fight.The daughters of Xiaokui thanked the teacher to remind them, otherwise they would not even know how to die.

The green-haired demon jumped full of blue electric currents, and he finally took the lead in launching the attack amid the sizzle of cutting through the air.The magic power of the demon can undergo two transformations, one is the extremely destructive flame, and the other is the strengthening physical lightning.It can be said that his two sons inherited his magical powers of two natures respectively.

The lightning flashed, and the devil had rushed to the front of Nie Kong from the sky.With a raging flame from his right fist, he hit Nie Kong's face.With the demon king's punch, Fang Yuan Qianm turned into a hell of flames.

It was supposed to spread the flames for dozens of miles, but at this moment, in order to kill Nie Kong, the range of kilometers was compressed.Especially in the fist, the flaming red fist was condensed enough to burn everything.

"Asshole devil, you are going to destroy the human world." How can parents and younger sisters escape this world-destroying fire?Gushi got power from nowhere, gritted his teeth and rushed towards home.

It's not just the ancient city that is worried, Xiaokui and others are all."Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!Especially Xiao Jian, his eyes were filled with anxiety.

Saotome Zenjuro, the headmaster of the sacred Ishiya demon Shi Dongmoyuan, the few powerhouses in the daddy world were all attracted.The three of them worked together to push the surrounding flames back 100 meters.

"The teacher warned us not to get too close. He is dueling the great demon king who claims to be from the Demon World!" Although Qi Haijing said so, his eyes were full of worry.

"The Great Demon King is here?" Zen Shiro's pupils shrank, his face pale instantly.

"Oh... the old man and grandson-in-law are too powerful, they can actually fight the devil!" Bangzhi Yidaozhai said in surprise.

"Grandpa, you...what are you talking nonsense, old... the teacher didn't marry me." Xiao Kui completely forgot his own situation and looked panicked.Grandpa announced in front of outsiders that the shy Xiaokui naturally couldn't bear it.

"Don't say it, let's go and see the battle first. If they fail to stop them, it is estimated that the human world will be destroyed." Shi Dong's muscles bulged, and he slammed the front flame back.

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