The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional body text 0268, kill Beilu his dad

The magical power of the Dad Demon King is comparable to Alkad who has not devoured humans, but he has the saneness, but it is several times more difficult than Alkad.If you use the combat power analogy, Nie Kong’s magic power burst out of combat power is about 500+, while the demon king of the devil is 400.But the soul source of Nie Kong's infinite potential is beyond measure for combat effectiveness.

"Fast speed." With the blessing of electric magic power, it is difficult for the naked eye to keep up with the speed of the Demon King, but Nie Kong has spiritual knowledge so it is easy to catch him.Consciousness can react, and the rest is action.

Aiming at the fist of the green-haired Demon King, Nie Kong threw his right fist with all his strength.The two brilliant and colorful meteors, scarlet and fiery red, touched each other, causing the nearby land to shake.

Especially in the center of the explosion of power, a huge hole with a depth of 100 meters appeared."Die me!" Nie Kong's arm muscles swelled up a bit, like a cannon barrel spraying the green-haired demon out.

"Boom..." The green-haired demon dragged the ground out of a hundred-meter-long gap, and knocked down the huge building in front of him.The struggle of the two strengths gave Nie Kong an absolute advantage.

Nie Kong's right fist was like a roasted pig's hoof, which seemed to be burned by the hot flame compressed by the demon king's fist.However, the vampire possesses an extraordinary recovery ability, and his fists are fully recovered in the blink of an eye.

"Ahem... The power is terrifying, it seems that we must defeat him with a speed advantage!" The demon king rose from the ruins, his body was not much injured except for a little embarrassment.The world's top powerhouse, of course, will not be killed by a single move.

"Drink!" The green-haired demon shouted with all his strength, and the magic of terror spread out with the nature of flame.Ten miles, twenty miles, and it didn't take long to cover a hundred miles!Burning the sky and boiling the sea may describe the situation at this time.

When the Yan King had no contract, he could already cover the flames in a radius of ten li. Of course, the Demon King would be stronger!The flames are so high that there is nowhere to hide.The site advantage created by the Demon King wanted to suppress Nie Kong's strength.

"Now you can't use your full strength, let me blast you into scum." The green-haired demon king crossed hundreds of meters like lightning, and his fists blessed the two destructive magic powers of lightning and flame respectively.

"Too naive, it's up to me to break the flames!" The temperature of the sky flames is indeed fatal to humans, but the stronger the strength, the less the threat.At most, it consumes energy to get rid of the flames, and it doesn't make much difference.

It's just that the details in the death match are the factors that determine success or failure, so the Great Demon King did not intend to burn Nie Kong to death.His purpose was to consume Nie Kong's physical strength and distract his mind.

"Resolve the moves!" The weird fluctuations spread out from Nie Kong's eyes, dispelling all the flames wherever he looked.Xiaokui, who had been struggling to resist the flame erosion, was relieved when the flame disappeared.

They looked at the battlefield. The Maid Corps had already killed all of His Majesty's over twenty men.The battle belonging to the teacher did not end.The strength of the two constantly collided, and the energy of the battle spread and destroyed all around.

The human world is like sinking into eighteen layers of hell, and countless people died in the flames.Except for the strong to survive the disaster, no one can avoid the flames that cover a huge area.

Misaki, who was in college, was taken aback by the sudden fire. Seeing all her classmates and teachers were caught in the flames, she was unable to save her.Anxiously, she rushed towards the house, and the tragic pictures she saw along the way touched her soft heart.But she is too weak to save humanity.When she returned to the front of the house, she found that her parents had been drowned in the raging fire with the house.

Despair, helplessness, and sadness filled Misaki's heart."Have your parents died in the fire, Nie Jun...Nie Jun, don't have an accident." Misaki, who lost her parents, had only Nie Kong to rely on.

Misaki, anxious and panicked, suddenly heard a loud noise.Without even thinking about it, Misaki hurried to the source of the battle.Before long, she came to Xiaokui and the others.But Xiao Aoi ignored Misaki and kept his eyes on the dazzling battle in the distance.

"It's Jun Nie! Who is he fighting with? That's too powerful." Misaki stayed beside the women, her expression all as if they were women.

The two hit Hokkaido from Shishima, and from east to west.Before long, they returned from Hokkaido to Shiya Mo.Although Japan is long, but the width is very small, the two half-day fighting destroyed most of the small Japan.

Nie Kong laughed happily, and the strength he had held for several years finally vented out, so he felt very happy.On the contrary, the green-haired demon looked very embarrassed, with injuries to his body more or less.Never thought of fighting as hard as he could, but the human world suddenly appeared and killed his son's strong man.

"Thank you very much for practising with me, now I will send you to the underworld to accompany your son." Nie Kong, standing a kilometer in front of the green-haired demon, seemed as simple as saying that an ant was pinched to death.

"Come if you have the ability, don't think I will lose to you." The Demon King roared.He stands on the top of His Majesty the Demon King, he is proud.

"Boom!" The devil clasped his hands together, as if a sister cannon was emitting electricity.But the amount of electricity released by the Demon King has completely surpassed that of Sister Cannon.The hundred-meter-wide electric pillar slashed towards Nie Kong like a thunderbolt on a sunny day.

The attack that condensed his entire body of magic power was indeed very powerful.

"Resolve moves!" One hand stretched out, as if Kamijou Touma's fantasy killer had resolved the electromagnetic cannon of Sister Cannon.The electric column was 100 meters wide, but all the weirdness disappeared cleanly.

"Blood burst!" Taking advantage of the time when the Demon King's full attack, Nie Kong's index finger showed a ball of golden liquid the size of a baseball.One drop can destroy a 500-meter radius of blood, but at this time Nie Kong directly condensed fifty or sixty drops.

"Then... what is that?" The people who were facing Nie Kong from a thousand meters away were all full of confused expressions.The golden blood cells are as dazzling as 24K gold.

"What a terrifying life, how could his blood contain such terrifying energy?" That was something that had never happened before, and the green-haired demon suddenly had a premonition of danger.

"Go!" With a light flick, the golden blood ball slammed towards the demon king.Halfway through, the shape of the golden blood cell changed rapidly, but a small golden sword abruptly formed.With Nie Kong's ability to drive objects, the speed of the Golden Sword increased several times.

"If there is a sharp sword, it would be too cool to be used as a flying sword!" Nie Kong flashed past the scene of himself sitting on the flying sword and galloping across the world, feeling a little eager.

The green-haired demon never thought that the flying sword speed was a bit faster than the speed of his lightning blessing, and he did not react at all, the golden small sword pierced into his body.

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