The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional text 0272, Wanli Guguang

Among all the little girls captured by Vauban, excluding the two women with high spiritual power, dozens of others were shocked and died on the spot, serving as sacrifices to summon the gods.

His body was sore and feeble, as if his soul had been taken away.The beautiful girl with the dark brown shawl shook her hands, but the weak strength in her body was not enough to support her to stand up.

"Boom!" A violent gale blowing around, blew the weak Wanligu Yuri away.

I would have thought it was a happy summer vacation. The whole family could be invited by relatives in Austria to come to Europe for a vacation. Why would I be involved in this misfortune?Just as Yuri was full of despair, a loli with silver threads appeared behind him.

"Be careful not to get too close. The battle between their kings will spread to the surroundings." Although his face is slightly immature, he has very rich experience in dealing with things.Even seeing the superhuman fighting around, the silver-haired girl is not surprised as usual.

She is Liliana of the Bronze Black Cross organization.Kranichal can use the European "witchcraft" and has the blood of a witch.This time, Vauban wanted to come to perform the ceremony, so Liliana was dispatched by the organization.

Rao was so, after experiencing the ceremony, she felt that there was no power in her body.But the surprise is that there will be people living besides himself at the scene. The girl in front of her has too much magic power.

"You...who are you? What's the situation now?" Leaning in Liliana's arms, Yuri asked weakly.

"I am Liliana of the European Bronze Black Cross Organization. Kranichal, as you can see, now the two kings are fighting for the power of God." The god of disobedience is the god who can destroy the world, but between the two Is it like a lamb in front of a king?

"God... God-killer?" She had been trained as a witch since she was a child, and she was shocked at this time, but she didn't expect to meet a legendary character.

"Anyway, it's right to stay away. This level of fighting has too much influence." After Liliana dragged Yuri to a distance, she carefully observed the battle of the three in the field.

"Sister... Sister, are you here?" A delicate voice came from outside, is it my sister's voice.I used to take my sister out to play in Austria during the day, but I never thought I would be caught.So if she left her sister alone in a strange street, she would panic when she was eight years old.But why now I can hear her voice, am I dreaming?Yuri cast his gaze toward the source of the sound, but it wasn't his sister who just appeared before him?

"Oh, my sister is fine!"

Opposite Yuri, the eight-year-old sister was approaching them with a big hand.The silver-haired and red-eyed pupils are so handsome that they are a bit evil.Yuri didn't know the person who brought his sister here. Maybe he didn't care because he thought he was a native of Austria.She is more worried about the safety of her sister.For no reason, the younger sister will pass through the battle of the kings on her way.

"Sister, don't come here, it's dangerous here!" Yuri roared out with the power from nowhere.The voice was so loud that it even covered the sound of fighting.

But it was too late, and the battle had spread to the vicinity of my sister.

The blond Tony wields his sword, which is the swordsmanship inherited from Saint George.What is striking is his hand, completely covered by silver.Since defeating the god king Nuada, he has gained power and has the power to tear everything apart.Even if it is to deal with Vauban, who has been famous for more than two hundred years, it has not fallen behind."It's a well-deserved reputation, Marquis Vauban, is this your strength."

Rip any force to slash Vauban’s dead servants from the cage, but Vauban used the power of wind and waves to completely crush Tony.Tony's rapier slashed at the wolf-like Vauban, but the wound could heal quickly.

"Storm!" Seeing Tony abandoning himself cleverly and rushing towards the half-dead god of disobedience, Vauban controlled the storm and blew Siegfried away from Tony.The half-dead god of disobedience fell to the front of the two who had just arrived.

The two godslayers rushed forward, completely ignoring the two humans behind Siegfried.Vauban is a demon king, and he has not put human life and death in his eyes.And Tony is completely fighting freak, he is not interested in anything except breakthroughs and battles.

Originally, Nie Kong was completely confused about what world he was in, but finally realized it after seeing Vauban.Was it the world of the godslayer, it was so interesting.In that case, who is the loli I'm holding?

After sending away Xiao Liyasi, Nie Kong once again launched the Breaking Yuan Formation, breaking through the barriers of the dimension and leaving the world of Dad.During the travel time, he entered Dingtianjie to accompany his girls.

The time ratio is 1:3. Nie Kong spent three years in Dingtianjie, and overthrew a large number of beautiful girls in the IS world.Enjoying the girl's gentle service every day is happier than the emperor.And three years later, after Angelika informed that he had come to the new world, Nie Kong left Dingtianjie.

After breaking through the barriers to come to the world, many blond and blue-eyed foreigners appeared before him.Wandering around the city streets that appeared, I did not expect to meet the eight-year-old Lori crying for help.

Foreigners could not understand the little girl's language at all, and wanted to help but were powerless.Of course, Nie Kong, the Japanese language of the second element, understood that the lovely Lori cried very sadly and Nie Kong simply walked over.

It turns out that Loli is called Wanli Guguang. Hearing that her sister was caught by the bad guy, she begged Nie Kong to help her rescue her sister.

From the clues Lori learned, Nie Kong's spiritual sense soon discovered Lori's sister.The two sisters are very similar, their heads are all dark brown hair.Especially the face is very kawaii.

This is how things developed, and then Nie Kong took Lori's little hand to the battlefield, only to find Lori's corpse all over the floor.It's disgusting, who killed all the lovely loli so cruelly.

When Nie Kong was angry, the very handsome man threw himself in front of them and was dying.The delighted Wanli Guguang finally noticed the surrounding situation, and when he saw the werewolf Vauban and the surrounding corpses, he hugged Nie Kong's arm in shock.

"Fa...what happened? It's terrible." The pale little face was buried in Nie Kong's arms, and he didn't dare to look at the tragic situation around him.

"The god of disobedience belongs to my Tony, haha!" Tony, who appeared in front of Nie Kong first, laughed, and then the silver arm drove the sharp silver sword and slashed towards the god of disobedience.

The mud in front was torn in half, and the black light like a sword connected Nie Kong and Siegfried in a straight line.

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