The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element body 0273, Tony in seconds

The sharp black light struck, completely disregarding Nie Kong and their lives.He is a demon king who has destroyed several planes, and of course he failed to say others.But if you dare to attack yourself, then you must be aware of being destroyed.

"It turns out that it is the god of disobedience, then I want the title of God Killer." The scarlet pupils exude strange fluctuations, it is Nie Kong's message.Tony's power to sever any object was resolved by Nie Kong's moves, and it disappeared in the air.Nie Kong is not clear about the power system of power, but the skills used with soul power are of course unsatisfactory.

"The god of noncompliance is mine!" In the horrified eyes of the two godslayers, Nie Kong crushed Siegfried's head with his right foot.With a bang, the god of noncompliance turned into a primitive element and melted into Nie Kong's body.

Suddenly, Nie Kong unconsciously understood the power he had obtained.The protection of steel is to turn the whole body into a semi-immortal body that is harder than steel.Normal collapse is not even comparable to rain for a toughened body.Turning oneself into steel is unmatched in terms of weight and hardness, and such a body is also very effective in hitting the enemy.On top of this, the body of steel will not suffocate or be afraid of low temperatures, and can become a suspended animation state.The only drawback is that it is difficult to withstand the nemesis of high temperature.

"It's too tasteless, it's just to improve one's own defensive power." The god of infidelity in the world of Godslayer, is it just this strength.The power system is fundamentally the power of law, but the power of the god Nie Kong killed is too weak.

"Did...appear, Godslayer." Liliana's eyes widened, her pretty face full of incredible expressions.Is it luck or strength to win prey in front of two dignified godslayers?

"Great, my sister is all right." The shocked You Li was relieved and quietly relieved.

"Are you provoking? It's too much for me to attack the prey knowing that someone is there!" Salvatore waved the sword in his hand and said: "Show me your power, the new one Godslayer."

"Haha... dare to take my prey again and again, you all deserve to die." Vauban roared to the sky, and the howl of the wolf spread out with the killing intent.

In a blink of an eye, the two godslayers vented all their anger on Nie Kong.No wonder it's like this, Nie Kong is a bitch.

"Is the new king going to be destroyed? He is too unlucky." Facing the two famous godslayers, Liliana certainly felt that Nie Kong had no hope of survival.

"Wang, please don't involve my sister in it!" The ups and downs of the plot made Yuri cry.God, are you playing with me? Don't give me hope, just crush it right away.

"Don't think that becoming a godslayer is invincible, let me give you something to taste." First, he shot at Tony who rushed forward, and his fist blasted over directly, ignoring his sharp rapier.

"Kacha!" Having the law to cut everything cut Nie Kong's fist through a terrifying wound, but Nie Kong, who had an immortal body, immediately recovered completely.In Tony's shocked eyes, Nie Kong's fist first slammed his rapier and then drew it on his arrogant handsome face.

Click!With the sound of broken bones, Tony shot out a hundred meters away like a cannonball from a cannon.Amidst the bang, Tony sank deep into the mud to survive.

"Strong is a bit abnormal, he just became the king." Liliana was stunned again. The new king is a bit weird, and the development of things is completely beyond her expectations.

"Is this the king who claims to be the demon king, the overlord, and the king over the world, really weak." Nie Kong faced Vauban, his tone full of provocation.Seeing Nie Kong's faint expression, Vauban laughed instead.

"Your strength has been recognized by me, the new king will say your name!" Nie Kong's performance is already enough to get Vauban's attention, so he has some interest.

"The devil's name is Nie Kong, don't forget to mention my name when you go to Hades." The Wanli Valley light hiding in Nie Kong's arms flashed with hope. Can the elder brother rescue her sister.

"Devil King Nie Kong, I hope someone will recognize your name tomorrow!" Vauban's evil eyes gleamed with coquettish brilliance, and Nie Kong's legs that he saw in his sight began to turn into salt.

This is the power usurped from the Celtic Demon God Barol, and the living beings seen in the line of sight will turn into solid salt.The power of salinization is not much different from that of Medusa Petrochemical, all of which are the same type of power.

"Be careful that this is the salting power of the Marquis of Vauban, don't be stared at by his eyes." Liliana, who shouted out, regretted it, knowing that Vauban is the king of the bronze black cross.But compared to King Vauban, she would rather Nie Kong win.The shocking maiden who died before her eyes touched her kind heart.

Liliana, the bronze black cross, learned about the powers that Vauban possessed.Of course Vauban killed too many gods, and no one knew how much power he had.The only thing that is clear is just a few of his frequently used ones.

"It's too late, you have been eroded by my salted power, no one can save you." Vauban laughed wildly.

"Although the law of power is very troublesome in this world, this little power can't seal me." Entering the world of the godslayer, of course, will be affected by the law.Otherwise, how could Tony's rapier cut his arm.

"Kacha!" Nie Kong's blood energy rioted, and the salt block completely formed powder in the explosion.Evil Eye belongs to the law of sealing, but it cannot seal Nie Kong who is stronger than Vauban.

"What! What kind of power does he possess, and why is there such a terrifying energy?" Vauban was taken aback when the seal power was forcibly broken.I thought Tony had been killed carelessly, but his opponent had a powerful force beyond imagination.

"The power of steel should not be so powerful. Is he a godslayer before. But why hasn't he heard of his name? Such a powerful king should not be silent." Vauban's expression is not arrogant, but rather arrogant. It is completely solemn and war-conscious.

The godslayers are warlike, especially Vauban and Tony.Of course, it is the Godou of pacifists on the surface, but the real idea is to like fighting.It is already a part of their lives to fight with the godslayer to fight against the gods to gain power.

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