The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 0274, Liliana Yan Ling imparts knowledge

"Servant of the dead cage!" With a wave of Vauban's right paw, he summoned dozens of strong men from his lifetime.This trick is pretty cool, it's a DK reproduction of the game.However, Vauban’s call did not end. The werewolf Vauban shouted: "Haha... let me go hunting! What a beautiful night tonight. My hounds, go and tear up my prey!"

Soon, the form of hundreds of wolves appeared in the darkness behind him, and they galloped through the town at night, as if it echoed his smile.The wind became stronger, and the lightning became stronger.The roar of wind and thunder, the sound of heavy rain violently hitting the earth, dominate the towns at night.The silent night was full of horror.Even if this place is already in ruins, Vauban shouting loudly there is like the king of ruins.

"It's terrible, did he want to eat us? He is a monster, right?" The little Lolita hiding in Nie Kong's arms trembled with fright. She probably heard a fairy tale.

The strong men from thirty to forty previous lives, dozens of wolves with dark mouse body hair color surrounded Nie Kong.But the size of wolves can make people mistaken for the burly body of a horse, and the number can reach several hundred.He has a very sensitive nose, and of course swift movements that don't match the huge body drive.

Training has developed the power for two hundred years, which has been fully utilized by Vauban.It is estimated that there is not much difference in power compared to the gods.This is why Vauban felt that the new godkiller would not be the opponent of the godkiller who had been famous for a long time.

"Have the Marquis of Vauban finally begun to be serious? Now the new king is in trouble." Liliana muttered to herself.

The monsters that filled the space of 100 meters around Nie Kong began to charge, and hundreds of powerful monsters attacked at the same time, even if the mountain blocked in front, they would be beaten down.

"Bengyue Dimensional Knife." Nie Kong formed a hand knife with his right hand, and then slashed away with all his strength.The space spreading for a hundred meters was chaotic, tearing all the monsters charging into pieces.

The Dimensional Knife staggers the space of the object and achieves the purpose of harming the opponent. This is the principle of the Dimensional Knife.Hundreds of wild wolves, as big as oxen, all disappeared.

Although the deceased was torn apart, under the control of Vauban's power, he returned to form.

"It's a terrifying power, but my deceased is invincible, and you can't break it." Vauban laughed.

"It's just to imprison their souls and drive them, what's so great?" Nie Kong ignored the queue of the dead, but rushed towards Vauban at a very fast speed.

The deceased was manipulated by him, but his flexibility was not comparable to that of the living.Nie Kong rushed to their encirclement, and they still didn't realize where the disappeared Nie Kong went.

"Rapid wind and raging waves!" A gust of wind surpassing thirteenth level, even a large mountain, could blow, and this wind directly faced Nie Kong.Nie Kong, who had appeared in front of Vauban in an instant, was directly driven back by the wind a few steps.

Vauban was sweating on his forehead, which was too dangerous.Fortunately, I have used Feng Bo's power with vigilance in my heart, otherwise I don't even know how to die.

"Thunder and lightning follow my call and show up." The light of thunder and lightning surpassed ten meters, illuminating the dark night like daytime.Thunder and lightning, full of destructive power, threw away from Vauban.

Raiden controls the power deprived of Lei Gong, which belongs to the power of judgment. At this moment, he wants to give Nie Kong the criminal punishment.

"Is it a thunder and lightning after the wind? The strength is really stronger than Tony, and it has caused me so much trouble." If it weren't for her own protection, Lolita might have been blown to death by the storm.

"Let's solve you with the next move." Nie Kong's golden pupils flickered, his soul power spread out, and he used the move-resolving skills again.As if it had been raining and the sky had cleared, all the strange storms and lightning disappeared cleanly.

In Vauban's astonished evil eyes, Nie Kong appeared in front of him instantly.Without the obstacle of the wind, the powerful fist completely blasted on Vauban's face.

"Peng..." Vauban's head was like a watermelon shattered by violence, turned into powder in Nie Kong's terrorist power.It’s just that Nie Kong’s strange thing is that Vauban has no blood or brains.

"Has the new king defeated the Marquis of Vauban? No, it's wrong!" Suddenly thinking of Vauban's power, Liliana just wanted to remind Nie Kong, but it was too late.

The place where Vauban was standing just now did not know when sand was piled up, it was not the dust from his body!The dust rose quickly, suddenly forming a human shape, and finally restored the old marquis with an intellectual appearance.

Marquis Vauban was resurrected unexpectedly by Nie Kong, so strangely."You are great, but you want to get rid of the point I am too tender." The marquis suddenly resurrected without any hesitation, and immediately released storm lightning towards Nie Kong with all his strength.

The hurricane mixed with violent thunder and lightning hit the abdomen of Nie Kong who was close to him like a tornado of thunder and lightning. Nie Kong covered the light all over his body, but his body was blasted hundreds of meters away by the two powers of Vauban.

With a thump, Nie Kong, who was protecting the light, fell in front of the two girls watching the battle.

"I... Am I not dead?" The light that rose from Nie Kong's arms cried out in surprise.

"Will the godslayer known as the king protect mortals with all his strength? He... he is really a different king, but please stand up and defeat Vauban, king!" Liliana prayed Said.

"That's great, sister, you're all right, it's great that my sister is not in fact." Yuri hugged the eight-year-old sister in front of her, tears of joy in her eyes.Did the King of the Godslayer protect his sister? I can't believe it.But...thank you for everything, the new king of the world.

"Ahem...Is the strength too strong? I was a little too careless." All of the clothes in Nie's stomach were burned, exposing the big wound inside.But instantly under the immortal body of the vampire, he completely recovered his health.

"Do you have the power to resurrect? There is no way but to use the power of the soul to completely erase his soul." Standing Nie Kong just wanted to take action, but a loli behind him stopped him.

"Wait first, don't be impulsive, king. If you don't know the power of Vauban, it is impossible to really defeat him. Now...I will tell you all the power of Vauban now." Silver-haired slender beauty The girl is very tall, but not very mature.If you guess based on your body, you might be fourteen years old.The pretty and lovely cheeks are the embryo of a beauty.

"Now tell me it's too late, the duel is urgent." Nie Kong shook his head and refused.My soul is not a vegetarian, and even God himself can completely obliterate it.

"Don't...don't worry, I can use spells to gain knowledge!" Knowing that the situation is urgent, Liliana couldn't estimate what she was ashamed of.She rushed to Nie Kong, stood on her toes and stretched out her arms around Nie Kong's neck.

The soft fragrance lips were printed on Nie Kong's big mouth.Numerous information was conveyed to Nie Kong's mind from Liliana's mouth.Kissing Nie Kong jerky, without any skill.

And due to the influence of the characteristics of the godslayer, it is necessary to teach knowledge from mouth to mouth.Nie Kong was astonished while enjoying the girl's young and sweet first kiss, while digesting the knowledge in his mind.

The huge amount of knowledge was completely melted into Nie Kong's knowledge, and Vauban's several abilities were clearly resolved in his head.It turns out that the power of resurrection is the power of Pluto Osiris.

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