The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional text 0275, kill Vauban

In fact, a shrewd person like Liliana is not as simple as a pure surface, no matter whether Nie Kong wins next, she has no choice.Even she, and her bronze black cross will become a sinner.

But compared to Vauban, who played with the lives of dozens of witches, Liliana chose Nie Kong, who was a king but sacrificed herself to "protect" mortals.Anyway, it was the two kings who chose one of them, so they decided on impulse.

When Liliana reacted, she boldly kissed Wang's lips!Although it was to impart Vauban's power explanation to Nie Kong, she still felt very shy when she kissed for the first time.

Having received rigorous training like a knight since childhood, Liliana certainly disliked her "unclean" behavior.However, in order to help Nie Kong defeat Vauban, as a knight, he must help the king.That's right, Liliana has decided to be loyal to the newly emerged king Nie Kong.

"Hmm..." Liliana's eyes widened, letting Wang suck her tongue.Liliana was almost lost in the sense of touch she had never experienced before.The analysis of the power of the Marquis of Vauban was like perfumed liquid, which was sucked into the body by Nie Kong.

I feel soft, everything is overwhelming.Suffocating the suffocating heart palpitations and pleasure, Liliana loosened Nie Kong's neck with both hands.

"Please take my blessing to fight again, my king!" Liliana knelt in front of Nie Kong on one knee with her pretty face flushed with whiteness and flawlessness.

The two sisters blushed and watched the kissing, Yuri was nervous, but only curious.

Analyze the essence of God and understand the myth of God, so as to destroy the power of God.Just like if you know that God's power is the power of steel, then you can use the heat to destroy his power.The analysis of power is necessary in the world of Godkillers.

"The old name is Phobos-the title god with the meaning of light. However, it is also the god who was given the title of night, and the surly god with huge contradictions on the surface and the inside is the god you killed in the past." Lilia Na looked up and saw Vauban who had turned into a giant wolf-his silver body hair, and the fierce wolf body had completely recovered.

"The oldest name is mouse, and Lykaon and Lykeios are the names of wolves. Because the rats and wolves of the beasts of darkness and the earth became the gods of light, the key to interpreting this god is here!" This is Lily Yana knew the attitude and essence of the gods, and Nie Kong, who had obtained this knowledge, felt the spirit of words constantly emerging from the depths of his body.

Nie Kong didn't mean to speak, but his mouth moved by himself, his tongue kept swinging, and he kept saying the information Liliana had imparted.

"A wolf with the connotation of a mouse, a god with light and night attributes-it is Apollo, the twin brother of Artemis, the goddess of the moon, the sun god who blocked the darkness and was born underground! You are the first! The name of a slain god! And the power of the second god you have is that Osiris is one of the nine most important gods in Egypt, the "nine gods", the ruler of the land and the judge of death. He is also resurrected, rain and plants The God of Prosperity is called the God of Abundance. He is the giver of civilization, the king of the underworld, who enforces the judgment of whether a person can receive eternal life after death! So you have the ability to control the dead and you can resurrect yourself."

After analyzing Vauban's power with words, Nie Kong's eyes seemed to be able to see the two equity in Vauban's body can be presented to him.That's right now even without a soul, he can still cut off Vauban's power.

"After the analysis, you want to cut off my god's power, interesting!" Vauban roared tenaciously.

Numerous "wolves" were born from the body hair of the silver giant wolf. The body hair deformed one by one and turned into a wild wolf about the size of an ordinary buffalo, running in the sky like stars.Wolves are terrible, especially the wolves that even the king of beasts dare not provoke.

Nie Kong used the power of steel to create a hard and sharp sword, and assassinated it in one go! The monsters and fierce wolves fought in the air, repeating in the narrow place of the stormy night sky.

In contrast, the giant wolf kicked the ground with its huge monster-like body, and the surrounding ground shook violently.Vauban, who wanted to kick Nie Kongyan Ling away, roared loudly, but couldn't compete with Nie Kong, and the pack of wolves that had been losing ground disappeared from the sky.

As if strolling in a leisurely courtyard, all the wolves that rushed were divided into two by Nie Kong.Nie Kong rushed forward in a straight line, so fast that Vauban did not respond at all.The cold steel pierced the power of Vauban's resurrection!

"Zi!" The sharp blade temporarily cut off the power of Osiris circulating in Vauban, depriving Vauban of the ability to resurrect.Immediately afterwards, Nie Kong looked up and could see the surrounding dead shrinking, and finally disappeared completely in the air.The temporary severance of power caused Vauban to lose the power to control the dead.

"So that's it, this is the spirit of speech that can sever my power. In addition to the power of steel, you should have a cultivation level that surpasses Luo Cuilian's martial arts. No wonder it is so powerful." Obviously, Vauban was still seriously injured. Stand still unmoved.

Anger and calmness, steel will and glory combined these, and shot Nie Kong from Vauban's pupils.The king has dignity and will not beg for mercy even in the face of death.

Although Vauban's resurrection power has been temporarily cut off.But it is impossible to completely subdue it, and it will be fully recovered after a short time. Nie Kong understands this very well.Except for killing the godslayer, otherwise the power in the body will never disappear.What can be done is to temporarily restrain the power of Vauban's rules.

"As long as your rules are bound, then I can kill you more easily! See how you who have lost the power of resurrection can survive?" Without pulling out the steel sword held by Vauban, Nie Kong's left hand formed a hand sword. Splitting away.

Strange waves rippling forward, like ripples on a calm water surface.The Dimensional Knife cut a gap of more than ten meters deep and covered it forward, drowning the Marquis of Vauban in front of him.

The king who had galloped for two hundred years, the demon king who ruled the world, and the godslayer with the most power in the world finally died in front of the Nie Kong dimension sword.Vauban left too much unwillingness, too much regret.

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