The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element Text 0279, Qingqiuin Ena

Yana's personality is upright, and she is a type that is easy to get into the corner.So if you see the situation in front of you, all the mistakes are pushed to the three women.

"Wang, it's enough to take care of me and Sister Wanligu, should I find a third person?" said Xin Youyou, who was dressed in a pure white witch costume.

When Nie Kong was about to speak, Yana was the first to refute."You must have misunderstood what you are saying now. Although I have the blood of a maiden, I never intended to be a maid of the king. I, Yana, are for the king and a knight who has spent her life with him, similar to this relationship. "

"Miss Yana, please don't use those weird terms!" Hearing Yana categorically said these words, You Li rolled his eyes with anger.

"I said Yana, don't give a stubborn look. They take care of my daily life out of good intentions, it shouldn't be a problem." Yana is good at everything, but her personality is too rigid.

"No, I can't make that assertion yet. In my own opinion, Wang should choose the type that won't be broken. In short, it is the type that can be discarded at will after playing." After speaking, Ya Na looked up and down the three lovely ladies in front of her with eyes like an inspector.

"Miss Yana, your words seem to be too much now..." Yuri said madly.

"That's right! You are just a knight, you are not qualified to control the king's freedom." Xin leaned provocatively in Nie Kong's arms, with a very affectionate attitude.Although she has a habit of wearing men's clothing, Xin has a great body development.

There was lightning and thunder, and sparks appeared in the eyes of the two women.The forces of the two countries began to confront each other head-on, and the situation could no longer be resolved.Nie Kong has too much experience, so he has no worries at all.

Xin Clash failed, and the failure was in Yana's strength.The aggressive Yana took advantage of the force to take the king so that they had no chance to get close.

Originally, Yana couldn't stop Yuri in terms of food, but she was interrupted by her superb cooking skills.According to this development, it is estimated that Wang Hui will be taken away by Italy.

A few days have passed in a hurry, and finally calm Xin has recovered, wearing a suit and trousers in men's clothing.Get out of the shrine and walk towards the main hall of the office.

Due to the need to take care of Nie Kong, she temporarily handed over the affairs of the official history compilation committee to Dongma.The past is to understand the situation of the official history compilation committee in the past few days and find a solution to Yana's blockade by the way.

The other witches working in the priesthood on the road babbled each other, waiting in the main hall is Dongma and a certain female witch.

"Miss Ena, it's been a long time since I saw you! Anyway, I didn't expect you to appear here suddenly. If you need a shrine, should I help you choose a more suitable place?" The horse asked.In the committee where masters gathered, he belonged directly to the men from the Saya Palace who haunted all over Kanto.

The witches in the main hall are 13 or 4 years old.The pure cheeks reveal the charm of beauty, and the slender figure is hidden in the white hakama.And she was holding a slender cloth bag in her hand, which contained the mysterious power of Taito.

"Are you the maiden of the Qingqiu Academy, what's the so-called going out this time?" Xin walked into the main hall and asked strangely.

"I heard from the head of the Qingqiuyuan that you three maidens lost to the bronze black cross, so what should I say..." Hui Na squinted and sneered.

"Wait..." Xin stopped, but Hui Na interrupted immediately.

"Do you want me to stop doing unnecessary actions?" Hui Na continued to sneer, while Kanazawa showed a wry smile.

"I didn't say it so blatantly, but honestly we hoped so, we can't publicly confess your behavior." If she hadn't taken care of it, Xin she would have done it.

"It was the request made by my grandfather himself, and I deeply sympathize with it. I have investigated Yana with the bronze and black cross, and it is really cute to charm men." Huina said.

"The strength of the bronze knight with the black cross in the shrine is indeed extraordinary. If you can, please try to avoid shooting her." Xin sighed.

"Why? It's rare that the newly-appearing king has no power to belong to. Would you like the king to follow the foreign woman? It would be fine to drive her out of Japan!" Ena touched the long sword in the bag and spoke provocatively.

"If it is in ancient times, it is okay, but the bronze black cross is a very powerful magic association. This is equivalent to attacking other countries' diplomatic envoys. The worst case may cause the fuse of the war between the two countries." Xin is concerned about that. this point.

Although Huina understood this truth, she still had to implement her own course of action.Complicated matters such as politics and diplomacy are too complicated. It should be more interesting to win or lose simply, right? It's like a knight using a sword to decide the winner.

"Sorry! The task of driving Yana back was entrusted by the mother-in-law of her hometown to Huina, so it can't be stopped. Besides, Huina really wants to fight her with her, this can only be done, right?" Shrugged and answered without any apologies.

"Is it an instruction from the head of the Qingqiuyuan? And you still have the old man's approval, but he is interested in power struggles on the ground, and he has no style at all. It is strange to think, the old man would want to intervene in this matter?" Xin smiled bitterly.

"Who knows? Although Grandpa looks like a very bold person, he is actually surprisingly strong. Maybe he is making a bad idea."

Hearing what the old man had agreed to, Xin showed a refreshing and charming smile."Ena, you haven't changed as before. Now that they have agreed, we can't stop you anymore."

After the interview with Keina in Qingqiuyuan, Xin and Dongma were left in the main hall.

"Speaking of which, why do high-level officials want to send Ms. Huina now." Facing the boss who wears men's clothes but doesn't feel like the same sex, Touma Kanazawa tried to raise his own question.

"They should also have their own considerations. How many high-level witches only sent Hui Na over. The key should be her." Xin replied after thinking for a while.

"Is the Qingqiu Institute exerting pressure to force the others to make this decision?" Dongma became a little interested.

"How is this possible? The Qingqiu Academy and the Shaye Palace belong to the same four families. This kind of arbitrary practice makes it impossible for those high-level officials, especially the old gentlemen, to eat this one. The purpose of the high-level officials is probably to measure the king. Some kind of action." Xin guessed.

"It's not bad if Miss Hui can replace Miss Xin, you can get away from Wang."

"Can you get out? It's too late." Xin touched her heart with one hand, her pretty face showing a complicated wry smile.

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