The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 0280, three women secret talk

"Huina, how come you are here today?" Wanligu's home, when he was going to school early in the morning, welcomed guests familiar to Youli.

"It's Sister Hui Na, you came out of the deep mountains and forests." Little Lori hugged Hui Na's little arm, and the two girls looked very close.

"It's been a long time. I came out of the mountain to say hello to your sisters." With beautiful black hair reaching waist-length and the face of a pretty and elegant oriental girl, Ena showed a beautiful cheerful smile.

She wore the witch costume that Sister Yuri had been used to, and the loose clothes covered her well-developed body.And on the floor of the house, there is a long thin cloth bag lying horizontally.

At the moment when he saw that cloth bag, Yuri's heart was beating rapidly, and this thing had terrible power.The cloth bag is specially woven to block the power of the spell, and even this way, the inspiration of Yuri can still sense the rich breath of God.The extremely talented Yuri has mastered the spiritual vision of the Miko.

"Youri, are you staying by Wang's side as his concubine now?" Hui Na asked with interest.

"Little...little concubine..." Yuli Petrochemical was dumbfounded on the spot.

"If it's okay for sister Hui to say that, I'm the king's righteous wife." Wanli Guguang proudly erected the egg-big breast, and it was the kind that had been fried.

"Really, it turns out that Guang's ambition is to be the king's wife, great!" Hui Na gave a thumbs up and praised this, which made Xiao Guang very happy.

"Sister, don't talk nonsense, we don't have that kind of shameless relationship with Wang!" The recovered Yuri hurriedly explained to Yuri.

"But the committee said that the Wanligu sisters voluntarily became the tribute and sworn to serve the king faithfully as a maiden. Could it be that the committee made a mistake." It turned out that this was the case, and Yuri regretted his failure.

There are many forces that want to get close to the godslayers for benefits, so this is a strategy used by Sister Xin to keep the king's heart.

"This matter was not intended to be made public. Ms. Xin and Mr. Gansu said so, so we can't refuse. Besides... we are only serving the king's daily life, which... how can you say so? Dirty." Yuri hurriedly said.

"Well, those people are sure to do bad things. No problem, leave it to me." Hui Na replied indifferently.

Worthy of being the leading maiden of the contemporary era, Yuri feels relieved. Although Keiqiuin Keina looks a bit rash, she is also the most qualified maiden in the whole country.

"Then, Yuena will become the king's concubine. Um... this task is really a heavy responsibility." Hearing her abrupt speech, Yuri stayed in place.

"what did you say?"

"Sister Hui, don't worry, as a regular wife, I will approve you to be the king's concubine." Guang patted her chest and promised.

"Actually, this time I am coming to be the king, Xiaoyu, the head of Qingqiuyuan. Grandpa thought this plan was very interesting, so he recommended Ena to join. You should know the old man, right? That's why the committee members I don't dare to have any opinions." Huinamo whispered with light brown hair.

"Do you mean that old gentleman?" Even the official history compilation committee has to look at his face. As one of the great elders-Susanoo who lives in seclusion in the world.

Among the maidens, there is only the magic sword that Hui Na has taught secretly.Yuri hadn't seen him either. It was estimated that she had met him directly, probably only Hui.Ena called Susano's grandfather, and the relationship between the two is grandfather and grandson.

"Yeah, original Megumi was holding the errand of not wanting to lose to Yuri or anyone taking over the service of the king. I thought she would be very sorry, but since Yuri did not become the king's concubine, that would be great. If Sister Guang's goal is to become a regular wife, then I will be a concubine." Hui Na nodded and said.

"I definitely can't agree with your decision!" Seeing Ena's leisurely tone, Yuri couldn't help but yell when she kept nodding to drink.It's horrible, it's almost expelled me.

Seeing Yuri's sudden act of indignation, Keina stared at her in surprise and said, "Why not? Is it possible that you have any hidden secrets?"

"It's because..." Yuri hesitated.

"Since it was the grandfather's personal order, Ena and the committee members can't disobey him. There is no way. Besides, Yuri never thought of being a real concubine, right?" Ena snickered slightly. Showing a treacherous expression.

And the pure and pure eyes have been deliberately staring at Yuri, whose face is flushed with shame, and they are very skillful in cooperating with her sister Yuri.When the two girls were bored when they were young, they often molested the serious sister Yuri for fun.

"Hehe, Yuri's shy look is really cute. Is that true, Yuri, you have a good impression of the king?" Hui Naruo said.

"It's not like this, please don't use such strange expressions! Yes, I'm just worried about my sister. My sister is so young, it's not time to talk about these things." My sister Yuri said in denial with a blush. .

"I'm not young anymore, Wang Ke likes Guang's very much. When I grow up, I will marry Wang." Guangxi said.

"Haha... In this case, Yuri should just make it clear from the beginning. Now that Yuri quits, let's make arrangements like this."

Qingqiu Yuanhui smiled and clapped his palms and said: "The work of being intimate with the king is given to Guanghao, and the arduous task of having a child with the king should be handed over to the little concubine Keina. All other service work Yuri is done, what do you think of Sister Guang?"

"It's so decided." Sister Guang Ye and Ena patted their hands together, completely ignoring Yuri's opinion.

" can you..." Yuri blinked with pity, Wang Wang's eyes.

Ena gave Yuri a dazzling smile: "So the Italian concubine will let me drive her away, and the two of us will serve the king from now on." She picked up the cloth bag on the floor and opened the seal. , Take out what is inside.

It was the sword that was housed in the pitch-black scabbard, and it released a strong spell from the sword, which made Yuri feel dizzy.

"Let’s get rid of Liliana first. I heard that she is an elite cultivated by the Cyan and Black Crusades. She seems very capable. But Hui Na has a powerful partner by her side and shouldn’t lose to her. "The Sky Cong Yunjian is the top magic sword in Japan, and Yuri cannot estimate how much power it contains.

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