The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element body 029, Taiyi seeks sister

"Vampire Beast King, Vampire Beast King will wake up soon, and the selected children have already hit here." Outside Nie Kong's bedroom, the little evil Beast's voice hurried in.

"Come in." After getting permission from Nie Kong, the little evil demon dared to open the door and walk in. First, he lay on the ground very proficiently, and performed a standard master and servant etiquette to Nie Kong.

But when it looked at Nie Kong after saluting, it found that it was not the familiar blood-sucking monster king standing in the room at all, but a strange face.Beside that person, there were two complete Digimon that made it terrified, the Celestial Beast and the Flower Fairy Beast.

"Who... who are you, how come you appeared in the room of the Vampire Beast King?" The little evil beast kept backing away in fear, thinking that its owner Vampire Beast had been wiped out.

It's no wonder that the little evil demon can't recognize it. Now Nie Kong has restored his self. If Nie Kong doesn't change his body, he will look like a handsome human being.

"Hehe, can you not recognize me after a little change, Little Evil Beast." A cold smile appeared on Nie Kong's face, but Little Evil Beast was not surprised, because the smile was so familiar.

Every time when he wanted to be taught by his master, the master's face always showed such a smile, the kind of smile that made it fearful and afraid.

"Vampire Beast King, you... how did you become like this? It made me scared to death. I thought you would abandon the little evil Beast that was loyal to you." Because there is no such thing in the Digimon World database. Nie Kong has information about vampires, so the little evil demon doesn't know that Nie Kong has evolved.

"Stop the nonsense and tell me what happened." Nie Kong immediately interrupted the long talk of the little evil demon, if I let it go on, I don't know when it said it.He knows the flattering skills of the little evil beast very well.

"Speaking of which, the Vampire Beast King, you have to call the shots for me! You don't know how abhorrent the group of selected children are, they have wiped out all the men you have brought so hard. Even I was bullied. It’s so miserable. If I hadn’t escaped quickly, I might not have seen you, the Vampire King. If I can’t continue to serve you, I’ll never be at peace.” The little evil beast spit in tears again. Even Nie Kong had to admire how he cultivated such eloquence once he gave a nasty speech.

"Dad, can I hit it? I can hit it!" Jia'er, who held Nie Kong's right hand, asked Nie Kong.Even Jia'er couldn't stand the shelling of the little evil beast's mouth.

"Hehe, Akong, your subordinates are so loyal, so funny." Huaxian Beast looked at Nie Kong's increasingly iron face, and couldn't help but laughed smirkingly.

"Stop, stop for me. You mean that the selected children have defeated the death beasts and they have also found this place, right?" Nie Kong couldn't help interrupting Xiaogui again. WoW, asked what he wanted to know.

Some of the little evil beasts weren't long-winded this time, and they dare not look at Nie Kong with a "yes".Nie Kong frowned and couldn't help but glared at the little evil demon.You don't need to guess, it must be the little evil monster in front of you who couldn't beat the selected children, and then those children put a long line to catch a big fish and followed it to Nie Kong's main base.Otherwise, with the power of a few children selected, it would be impossible to find this villa far away from the city in such a short day.

"Vampire Beast, we are here to pick up Jia'er, and hand over Jia'er as soon as possible." Just as the little evil beast was thinking about how the owner would punish it, Wu's voice was already heard outside the villa.

"Jia'er, Jia'er, can you hear my voice." At this moment, the voice of Iori Taiichi also came in.

"Dad, you won't hand over Jia'er." Jia'er stared at Nie Kong with shining eyes, and the nirvana used on Nie Kong was selling cuteness.

The eighty or nine-year-old Jia'er was at his cutest age. Nie Kong had no resistance to Jia'er like this.

"Well, Dad will not give Jiaer to them." Nie Kong took Jiaer's little hand and stepped out of the villa.

"Really, Akong is so kind to Jia'er. If he is so kind to me, I will be so touched." Huaxian Beast muttered, flapping its wings and following.

"Jia'er is the master's daughter, so she should be treated well. Yes, that's it. Jia'er saved my life. I can't be jealous." The Celestial Beast said so, but her eyes were extremely envy. .

"Vampire Beast King, wait for me." Seeing that Nie Kong didn't punish him, the little evil Beast finally let out a sigh of relief.When he came back this time, he thought he would be taught a miserable lesson.

Five of Nie Kong walked through a huge garden and finally appeared in front of the seven selected children.

At this time, all the opponent's Digimon were ready to fight when Nie Kong arrived.Five complete bodies, standing in a row at a mature stage, appear so majestic.

"Jia'er, it's great that you don't have the facts. Come back to your brother's side quickly." Taiyi saw Jia'er being pulled by Nie Kong, not to mention how excited.He thought he would lose his lovely sister forever.

However, Jia'er glanced at Iori Taiichi indifferently, and didn't move at all, as if he had met a stranger.

Tai Yi's face immediately became stiff, and looked at Jia'er in disbelief.Her sister would actually ignore him.

"How come, how could Jia'er become like this. Is everything the ghost of vampire beasts?" The other six people were also messed up by this situation, and they didn't understand what happened.

"Hey, it's the Flower Fairy Beast! The Flower Fairy Beast, come to my side soon." Meimei directly noticed the Flower Fairy Beast behind and hurriedly shouted to her.

"Mimi, I'm sorry. I can't stay by your side now, and I will stay by Akong forever now." Huaxian Beast still leaned against Nie Kong with a regretful expression.

"Hua Xian Beast, you can do this like this! Have you forgotten our mission?" The other six Digimon looked at Hua Xian Beast incredulously, as if not knowing her.

"I'm sorry, I have decided to leave you." Hua Xian Beast apologized.

"Haha, don't bother in vain, they won't go with you." Nie Kong said with a smile.

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