The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional body text 030, the sky changes

"You give up." The Heavenly Girl Beast also sighed. No one knows how terrifying Nie Kong's strength is, and can use his power to maintain her in full body.

"How come, why even the celestial beast said that." The surrounding Digimon felt a panic. As a holy angelic celestial beast, it would stand beside the evil dark power.

"Who are you, Vampire Beastman?" Taiyi frowned and looked at the women surrounding the loyal Nie Kong.Because Tai Yi couldn't recognize Nie Kong at all, he thought that standing in front of him was a human being just like them.

"Just let my little evil beast tell you that the one standing in front of you is my master, the vampire king. If you are willing to behave, the vampire king will probably let you go. Otherwise, wait for the vampire king to get angry. You just wait for me to collect the corpses for you." The little evil beast said frantically, not at all the embarrassment just now.

"Impossible, Vampire Beast is not like this at all!" Tai Yi's eyes widened, because the contrast between the two is too great.

"Isn't he a human? How could he be a Digimon." Suna also couldn't believe why Nie Kong had changed so much.

"Is it another evolution? Let me see." A bad premonition rose in Guangzi Lang's heart. He tapped the keyboard of the notebook with both hands, trying to find out Nie Kong's information.

"How about it, Kokoro! Have you found his information? What kind of Digimon is he?" All of them looked over and saw a scene that made them dumbfounded.

"Is the information wrong, there is no information about him."

A bunch of garbled codes and question marks appeared on the computer screen. The data book that the old man Xuan Nei gave him for Digimon around the world did not contain any information from Nie Kong.

"Don't guess, I'm a Vampire Beast. Jia'er and Huaxian Beast belong to me alone, and they won't go with you!! Do you think they are, Jia'er." Nie Kong lowered his body and touched Jia Er's little head.

"Yes, I won't leave my father's side." Jiaer showed a happy expression on her face, as if she was satisfied with Nie Kong's caress.

"Asshole, you must have deceived Jia'er. Angel beast, snatch Jia'er over for me." Wu was angry, and Jia'er, whom he had always liked in his heart, was so far away from him at this time.

"Leave it to me, Wu." The angel beast also felt the anger in Wu's heart, and the three pairs of white wings behind him flew towards Nie Kong and the others.

"Mechanical Tyrannosaurus, you also helped to grab my sister back. My sister must have been cheated by the Vampire Beast, otherwise she would not ignore me!" Taiyi's face was full of worries, and learned that Jia'er had no life. The dangerous joy disappeared completely.

"Dear friends, let's go together." The Tyrannosaurus Mecha and the rest of the whole body looked at each other, and rushed over with the determination to die.

"I said no, why are you trying to force me. I am not your sister anymore, I am just my father's daughter now." Jia Er couldn't help screaming, and her body began to transform into a vampire state.The silver-white short hair was draped around her ears, her black eyes turned red, and two cute little fangs grew out of her mouth.

"Night Demon Flying Attack!" In front of Jia'er, a group of bats actually appeared.The number of this group of bats is huge, not inferior to the original vampire beast.

Countless bats smashed into the six Digimon who came in the impact, and those Digimon didn't dare to use their tricks because they were worried about Jiaer's safety.Therefore, I was a little embarrassed by this group of bats.

Even if he inherited one tenth of Nie Kong's own strength at this time, Jia'er had the same strength as the original Vampiric Beast, and there was no pressure at all to face the major players in front of him.

"What the hell, how could Jia'er possess the power of Vampire Beast? Am I dreaming?" Tai Yi stared at the scene in front of him blankly, and couldn't help but wipe his eyes.

"It seems that Jiaer has been transformed into a Digimon by the Vampire Monster, and he is still a Digimon with the same ability as the Vampire Monster. What a terrifying guy." Although Guangzi Lang didn't want to admit it, he only had to tell this fact.

"The damn blood-sucking beast turned the lovely Jia'er into that human and ghost. If only my angel beast can evolve into a complete body. That way, Jia'er can be transformed from the blood-sucking beast. Let me save it by my side. Damn it, I really don't use it at all." Wu firmly squeezed his hope badge, wishing it to shine immediately.

"The ability of the Vampire King is really envious." The little evil beast looked at Jia'er with bright eyes, but in his heart he wished that he could use such a move.

"Mimi, you leave quickly, otherwise Akong will do something next time, and I can't stop it." Huaxian Beast comforted Meimei and the others.

"If you don't save Jia'er, I will never be reconciled." Taiyi said firmly.

"Yes, don't give up the orc Garuru!" Ah He also encouraged.

"Galuda beast, you have to cheer too." Looking at Jia'er's strange appearance, Suna felt a little heartache, and the urge to save Jia'er rose in her heart.

"Only by defeating the Vampire Beast, our world will return to its original state and save this distorted world." Guangzi Lang said in a condensed voice.

"Go on, everyone." Asuke also said.

"I was in a good mood today, and I planned to let you live. Since you are looking for death, don't blame me for being cruel." Nie Kong has already obtained the celestial beast, and the selected child is no longer useful to him.

And now his strength, even if the angel beast is forced to evolve into the sacred angel beast, he believes that he can defeat the sacred angel beast.His current strength, even he didn't know where it was.

"It's miserable, you still don't believe me if you let you go. Hey, I hope Akong can let them go once." Hua Xian Beast sighed.

Just as Nie Kong was preparing to kill all the selected children, the dense fog he had created to envelop Odaiba in the sky was instantly destroyed, revealing the scorching sun.

"How is it possible, who can crack my dense fog in this world?" Nie Kong was a little surprised, he couldn't help but raised his head and looked at the sky.Under the summer heat, I saw the originally blue sky began to twist and became very strange.

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