The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 031, back to the digital world

Today is a very special day for both the so-called real world and the Digimon world.The thick fog that has been shrouded in Tokyo Odaiba for a long time finally began to disperse today, revealing the long-lost sky.

"Get out of the way, I don't have time to play with you kids right now." Nie Kong held a red glamorous blood whip in his hand, and the blood that was condensed with corrupting and filthy breath was lightly waved out of thin air.

The speed of the blood whip was so fast that it appeared in front of the six Digimon that rushed over in the blink of an eye.When they couldn't react, it fell on them.

The extremely sturdy armor of the superbido beast that was on the brunt was pumped and burst open, revealing a terrifying wound.And the angel beast in the sky just got close to the blood whip, and most of the sacred light power in his body had been lost, and Seta degenerated into a Bada beast.

The huge bodies of the rest of the Digimon simply couldn't escape Nie Kong's whip speed several times faster than before. After being hit, the body's data actually began to collapse, and the white light flashed into a baby state.

After defeating all the Digimon, Nie Kong fixed his eyes on the sky, and didn't bother to care about the Digimon he was facing.

"What's that? Dad, it's terrible." Jia'er followed Nie Kong's gaze and hugged Nie Kong's legs in fear and hid behind him.

However, before they waited for the partner Digimon, who had fallen to the ground by Nie Kong's sinful blood whip, picked it up, they saw the shocking scene in the sky.Looking up along the weird sky, in the sky after being covered by dense fog, it is not the blue sky and white clouds that people are familiar with, but weird streamers like mirages.The scene reflected in the streamer is not at all a scene on the earth, but a scene in another strange world.Countless towering mountains stand in it, forming a continent with unique charm.

Only in the interval between the streamers of the mirage, a small patch of clear sky appeared.If you don't look closely, you really think that the sky has completely become a scene of another world.It's just that the streamer slowly swallows the sky, and if this continues, the sky of the whole world will be covered by the world on the other side, and nothing can be seen.

The Japanese in Tokyo, who thought they could finally escape from the monster incident, were once again stimulated by the scene in front of them.Panic and ignorance spread throughout the world.

Countless countries sent airplanes into the air to confirm whether the continents in the sky exist, but they only touched the floating continents, and the airplanes were all petrified and dropped from the sky.

"What the hell happened, why did these things appear in the sky?" With some crying voices, Meimei felt exhausted, thinking that as long as he defeated Nie Kong, all abnormalities would return to their original state.For this girl who has some eldest temperaments, she has been bored by the successive conditions during this period of time, and if she can, she really wants to get out of this matter.

"Vampire Beast, did you do all this? Could it be that you really want to destroy this world?" Taiyi stared at Nie Kong with hatred.

"Ignorance, do you think that the dark forces in Digimon are just me. Take a good look, the world opposite is the Digimon world you just left." Nie Kong sneered.

"Taiyi, please look at that mountain with your spectacles." After hearing Nie Kong's words, Guangzilang noticed that on the small island in the center of the opposite continent, there was a mountain that he seemed familiar with.

"Is that Falui Island?" Taiyi took out the sight glasses and followed Guangzilang's fingers to look up, but there were too many mountains, and it took him a long time to see the mountains that Guangzilang was referring to.

The familiar Yamagata, and the Digimon flying in the sky, all of this made Taiyi stunned on the spot.

"How come there is such a thing, we only come back for a few days, why does this happen to the Digimon World?" Ah He couldn't help but asked in a hurry.

"The time in this world is completely out of sync with the time in the Digimon world. We have been back for a few days, which means that after a few years in Digimon, it is no longer the Digimon world we are familiar with." Guangzilang replied .

"Because we didn't correct its distortion when we left the Digimon world, something big may happen now." Rolling Ball Beast said that he knew everything.

"In other words, will the distortion of the Digimon world affect the world we live in now?" Suna raised her head to look at the continent, her face full of anxiety.

"Haha, it’s good to know! The selected children, if you can’t defeat the four dark kings who are now ruling the folder continent, just wait for this world to slowly merge with Digimon. Tell you, the dark four won’t be to me. Kindness. Then I hope you can still see you in the Digimon world, the selected children." Nie Kong floated in the sky holding Jia'er, looking down at Tai Seven.

"Dad, is that the world you've been living in? It's so beautiful." Jia Er looked at the opposite world curiously, her eyes full of yearning.

"Good girl, now Dad will take you to play." Nie Kong squeezed Jia'er's face, and then said to the two women next to him: "Let's go, it's time to go back after so long."

"Goodbye Meimei, I hope you don't come to us again." Huaxian Beast glanced at Meimei last, and flew to Nie Kong's side.

The celestial beast was not far behind, and the four pairs of white wings appeared on Nie Kong's right.After hesitating for a while, he embraced Nie Kong's arm boldly.

"Wait for your servant, Vampire Beast King." The little evil Beast cried and followed. When everyone was ready, the space Nie Kong was in began to twist.

"Then, are we going back to the digital world again?" Looking up at Nie Kong and his party who gradually disappeared from the sky, Ah He couldn't see what he was thinking on his calm face.

"Of course! Even if it is not to save the world, I will return to the Digimon world for Jia'er and find a way to rescue Jia'er from the vampire beast." Taiichi said firmly.

"I...I really don't want to go there anymore, Hua Xian Beast has left me, and I don't want to go to any Digimon world anymore." Meimei squatted, covering her face with her hands.

"Mei Mei..." Sona gently embraced Mei Mei's head with her hands, gently comforting her who was about to lose her pressure.Why do the rest of the people want to pass, but the heavy task of saving the world has been weighed on their shoulders.

"Mimei, rest assured! Although you don't have a flower fairy, we will protect you even if we sacrifice our lives. The six of us are all your partners." The ball beast jumped to Meimei's feet and firmly Said.

"Yes, Meimei, we are all your partners." The other five Digimons also responded.

"Sorry, I'm too capricious, I still say this at this time." After venting for a while, Meimei smiled at the others with a calm face.

"Meimei, you are fine." The other six people finally breathed a sigh of relief when they saw that Meimei had recovered.

"Since we were originally brought to the digital world by the Divine Plan, we should also be able to use its power to go to the digital world. Everyone prepare and start our adventure again, in order to save Jia'er and the others, and to save the world." Kokoro took the lead in putting out the sacred plan, and the others did it without hesitation.When the seven sacred plans were assembled, the sacred plan burst into the sky with colorful rays of light and connected with the Digimon world, like a teleportation array.

The beam of light composed of colorful rays rose slowly, leading a few children to float up to the digital world full of unknown crises again.

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