The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 0283, the first sight of Susanoo

"Is the You World? Is there any way to go?" Although I have experienced many two-dimensional worlds, my memory is many times stronger due to the enhancement of my soul.You Shi Nie Kong can be found in memory, but it is only a vague description.

"Youshi is the realm of life and immortality. Opening the Youshi is an extremely difficult magic, and you must take a valuable elixir beforehand! So even if it's your request, I can't open the passage." Xin thought. Ena taught Yana a little bit, but she didn't expect to overdo it.

"Is Yana important to the king? Even Youshi is so dangerous to break in." Wanli Guguang's cheeks were like goldfish, and there was jealousy in her delicate voice.

"She is a knight who swore to end my life, of course I will save her. And you are also in danger, I will save you. Not only Yana, I don't want to see any of you injured. In short It is the least ought to resolve disputes with swords, and you should choose a peaceful solution." The girl's Xiuluochang Xiaoxiaoqun Nie Kong was acceptable.

"Really? It turns out that the king can bet on his life in order to protect his own woman. It turns turns out that I...I have been admitted to one of the "my women" by Wang." Yuri's heartbeat seemed to miss a few beats. , The pretty face is hot like a fire.

"Wang, but Xin has already said it. Not only is it necessary to activate the spirit of the elixir, but also to be able to solve the two problems of the magician who can open the secluded world." Xin is the Patriarch of Saya Palace who prepares these without problems, but it needs It's time.

"Since Huina can be opened, of course with my current strength. You only need to pass the Youshi's information to me, I will naturally have a way to open it." He can break through the barriers of the dimension, and the small world of the dimension world is naturally nothing. problem.

"Yes...yes, my king!" Xin closed her eyes, her plump body leaning against Nie Kong's arms.The fragrant lips actively kissed Nie Kong's lips in the sight of Sister Wanligu.

The sound of tweeting is the sound of Nie Kong sucking Xin’s mouth

"En..." The relevant knowledge is already clear, the magic Nie Kong who opens the world is completely capable.Knowing the location of Youshi, Nie Kong could use his soul power to break open.

Teleportation is the result of the concrete manifestation of soul power, but breaking the secluded barrier is the same principle.

The three witches noticed Nie Kong's spreading soul power, and they all looked at the king in awe."Tear!" The sound of paper tearing, a two-meter-long black hole appeared in front of them.

"Let's go!" With the three girls, Nie Kong jumped into the passage to You World.Maid Karen gritted her teeth and followed Nie Kong into the secluded world.

When I was in an unknown mountain forest and swallowed Nie Kong through the darkness, I found myself in this place.The smell of soil and trees is very strong, and there is a gurgling stream beside it.

Without the warm sunshine, it is as if one's self-confidence to avoid the gray.The body was suppressed, but the soul was augmented.The Youshi is like a fish in water for a "god" with a powerful soul.

"Is this Youshi?" A sense of terror was overwhelming, and the three women all felt difficulty breathing.

"It is estimated that it is correct, I have already found Yana." The spiritual sense covered a radius of two kilometers, and he found the two women who were fighting.And Yana's situation is terrible, she is already in danger.

A hundred meters before the fight between the two, there was a small wooden house, and Nie Kong could perceive the divine power coming from the house.The secluded god of disobedience, really interesting.The pure soul power flowed into the body of the three women, eliminating the bad state of the three women.

The three women looked at Nie Kong in surprise, thinking that Nie Kong had given them divine protection.While worrying about their situation, Nie Kong teleported the four women to the front of the two women in the battle.

"Stop it for me!" Nie Kong stopped in front of the two women, trying to stop the death fight between the two women.However, Huina was already controlled by divine power, so Huina didn't stop, but instead slashed with the Sky Congyun sword.

"King, be careful, it is Japan's most powerful artifact of steel-the sky cloud sword." Seeing Nie Kong's rescue, Yana was moved and full of unwillingness.As a knight, but wanting the king to protect, he is too inefficient.

"Yana, take a break next to you, and I will take care of Yuri." Compared to the behind-the-scenes man who is the god of disobedience in the front room, it's really bold to dare to play by yourself.

Just like the simple wooden hut that appears in a costume drama, you can see that this house is absolutely insulated from household electricity, gas, and tap water.

The sliding door of the entrance and exit suddenly opened, and the owner of the cabin appeared in front of them.

He is at least over 180 centimeters tall and he is very tall.He only wore a rough kimono, so he could see that he had a strong body that did not match his age. The muscles all over his body would pale in comparison to most strong men.

From the outside, they are very ordinary, and all the three witches can use Lingshishu to see the amazing divine power in his body.

"The king... the king... he is the most powerful god of incompliance in Japan..." As a god who often appears on the Japanese committee, the three daughters have not seen it but can immediately guess it.

"Is this Nanban girl so happy to be so loved by you?" Susano walked out of the house slowly, seemingly slow, but appeared in front of them in the blink of an eye.

"Wang...Is the king worried about me? Yana died without regret." Yana heard Susano's words, and two beautiful red flowers appeared on her cheeky face that could be broken.The tense and serious expression melted into Susanoo's voice.

"I don't worry about letting you deal with the little girl Hui, how about we go to the house and have a cup of tea? If Yuri, let the little girl Nanban deal with it first." Susano seemed to see the murderous intent in Nie Kong's eyes. The laid-back face was full of seriousness.

"Roar..." Keina looked away from Susano, and after an unconscious roar, he rushed towards Yana with the sky cloud sword, as if she understood Susano's meaning.

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