The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 0284, anti-teaching

"What if I say no?" Without Susano's approval, would Ena MM do such a thing?Although he didn't understand what his purpose was, it was unforgivable to hurt his own woman.

"Don't worry, Wang, as your knight, I can continue to fight!" Yana shook her body and held the magic sword in front of Nie Kong, her silver eyes full of indomitability.

"Don't force it, you can't deal with the witch who borrowed divine power." Nie Kong's right hand showed a cold steel color, blocking the slashing Heaven Cong Yun Sword in his palm.The squeaking sound rang, and the collision of steel and steel power flashed out a lot of sparks.Divinely twisted, leading to a cold whirlwind.

"The power of steel!" Seeing Nie Kong's steel fist hit Hui Na, Susano finally made a move.How could he let the talented Miko he recognized be hurt in Nie Kong's hands.Besides, the purpose of eliciting Nie Kong is to understand his power.

"Boom..." Nie Kong's powerful fist fell into Susano's palm and was caught by him.And this didn't add Nie Kong's other powers, just the power gained by the godslayer.

"The god of disobedience who lives in the secluded world, are you finally going to make a move." Nie Kong laughed, his fist increased and he bombarded Susano.

"What a great power, do you have other powers besides the power of steel?" Susano was not injured, and once again stood in front of Miko Ena from a distance.

"You don't need to know, but I want your power later."

"Haha...the godslayers are really tyrants. Old man, I live in seclusion, but I won't be slaughtered." Susano's right hand showed a vaguely similar Tachi, which seemed to be used by him. Divine power constructed a false sky cloud sword.

"Wang...Does the king want to kill the god of incompliance, but does he know the knowledge about Suzuo Nenghu?" The witches looked at Nie Kong rather speechlessly, and did not believe that Nie Kong had a chance to win.

"Come on, Wang! The old gentleman is not malicious, even if you fail, there should be nothing wrong."

The three maidens on the spot naturally did not have the possibility of teaching Nie Kong's knowledge. You must know that Susanohu has a lot of power in the Japanese committee.Basically what he said, no one on the committee dared to object.The awe that the three daughters have endured since childhood is not that simple to overcome.Yana didn't have much information about the Japanese gods and couldn't analyze the power of the gods.

"Yana..." Nie Kong lowered his head and glanced at her cherry lips.

"Yes...Yes, Wang!" Yana raised her head, her timid gaze met Nie Kong at each other.Then he moved his head close, Nie Kong's lips slowly approached her charming thin lips, and then covered them!

"Woo..." Yana's eyes widened, but she didn't mean to resist.The only thought I have is that I regret not being able to see the nature of the man in the sequel.Without understanding the power of God, it would be difficult for the king to deal with it several times.

"Suzano is the strongest steel in Japan..." A brief message flowed into Nie Kong's mouth with her small tongue, and she was obsessed with the joy that the king gave her to kiss.Obviously in such a crisis, her face is full of happiness and satisfaction.The heart of the upright knight melted in Nie Kong's gentle wet kiss.On the contrary, Susano looked at the two with interest, and did not take the opportunity to make a move.

The other three women looked at Yana enviously, and hated to pull Yana out of Nie Kong.And Karen grinned, as if seeing the master she served for the first time showed this expression.If it weren't for the camera, she would like to take pictures of Yana's expression and send it to the bronze and black people to see.

After kissing each other, they kept this action for a long time, and Yana came back sober.The satisfaction is gone, and what is left is the feeling of loving and loving the king, and the fear of losing the king.The anxiety of having to think of a way, all kinds of feelings attacked Yana's heart like a white paper at the same time.However, the strongest emotion among them is anger.I was angry at the situation where I couldn't protect the king, I was angry at my weakness.

The most important thing is that her own woman must have the strength to protect herself in the future! Nie Kong's red eyes exudes light, this is full of majesty and the power of the king.

"Bengyue Dimensional Knife staggers the position of the object space and can be transformed into an indestructible blade..." The knowledge of the Dimensional Knife learned by the Cross poured into Yana's mind from Nie Kong's mouth.

The speechless movement eroded Yana's heart, and her heart has been completely handed over to Nie Kong.Bronze black cross?Now it is not as important as the king's hair.Dare to hurt my king, I will meet the gods and kill the gods, and the Buddhas will kill the Buddha!

"All evil people are afraid of the victory lodged in my body!"

The shining eyes are full of self-confidence. I already have the power bestowed by the king. Let's decide the victory or defeat, the witch blessed by the sky cloud sword.The power that the king gave me is beyond your estimation.

"I...I have fully understood, Wang thank you."

"Is the intimacy over, old man, I have been waiting for you for a long time. The maiden I recognized was originally dedicated to you as a concubine, but in this way, let’s wait for your knight to defeat it. Let’s see how our Japanese maiden is. Defeated the magician of Nanban." Susano took the pseudo-sky cloud sword and walked to the side, meaning that he gave this place to the two girls for a decisive battle.

"Just rest assured, the king, I will win. The king's dignity and glory, Yana as a knight will desperately defend." Yana rushed towards Ena with the magic sword that was once again condensed.

"Shoo..." The power of the sky cluster cloud sword swallowing power can easily crush the magic sword.So Ena was a little slower, but the threat was still great.

"Suzano, let's start, I'm going to kill you before Yana's battle is over." With the Dimensional Sword Guardian, Nie Kong finally felt relieved to give Huina to Yana.

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