The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 0285, kill Susanoo

Without Three Emperor Xuanyuan's cultivation base, the cultivation technique can be directly imprinted on the human soul, but within the rules of the Godkiller world, he can use his current soul cultivation base to impart knowledge to others.

"The blade that tears the space, please give me the power to defeat the enemy." Ignoring the sky cloud sword that Hui Na hit, Yana's magic sword smashed into the black light void.Weird fluctuations flashed, and the black light could not absorb the power of the Dimensional Knife, but was scattered by the Dimensional Knife.

"It works!" The first exhibition of the Dimensional Knife didn't have much power, but Yana became excited when she saw the effect.The two women fought again, and Yana used Ena to practice the dimensional sword she had just learned.

The sound of clanging, golden and iron clashing sounded, and the four women who were watching the battle turned their eyes to Yana and Hui in the fierce battle.The four girls were all very surprised. Yana, who had no resistance at all, actually forced Hui Na to retreat.

"In an instant, Nanban's little girl was raised to this level. He just used the power of protection, right? Juli, steel, and protection of the three powers, he is actually the devil who killed the three gods! Be careful, don't capsize in the gutter." Originally I just wanted to test Nie Kong's strength, but Susanoo now regrets a bit.The godslayers are all domineering kings, and even if they offend them, they will be killed by gods.

The pseudo-celestial cloud sword groaned softly due to the power of the man of Susao, and the pressure on his face was more shocking than the real one in Huina's hand.After all, the power of Ena's Sky Cloud Sword was too small, and it really couldn't be compared with the strongest steel in Japan.

The sword swung by Susano, the wind swirled into a whirlpool.A whirlpool of wind suddenly blew up from the vicinity of the sword, forming a small tornado.At this moment, the Pseudo Sky Cloud Sword swept over in a horizontal posture.

"I see, your power seems to be more than steel." The strong wind chased Vauban's Feng Bo power, which belongs to the god with the power of storm.It turns out that in ancient times, strong wind was the biggest boost in iron forging.Wind will affect the strength of the fire, and raging fire can melt steel.

The storm was triggered by the cloud sword in the sky, like a sharp blade slashing towards Nie Kong, and the mud of Youshi was rolled up in a trench more than ten meters wide, showing the extraordinary power of his power.

A meat grinder-like storm appeared in front of Nie Kong, his golden pupils glanced lightly, and the storm disappeared.With a silver-haired golden pupil, Nie Kong's posture is more like a god than Susano.

"What kind of power can actually resolve my storm's attack!" Susano looked at Nie Kong's golden pupils, and his heart was a little hairy!He was regarded as the god of disobedience at the top level, but his full attack did not work.

"Suzano, you are very powerful, but even if you are the hardest steel in Japan, I will break you. The gods who don’t follow should die in the hands of our godslayers. This is a matter of course. "The power of steel killer is high temperature, and using flames to deal with it will do more with less.If you use force to force a breakthrough, it will have the effect of getting twice the result with half the effort.

"Old man, I have lived in seclusion, but I never thought about going out and wandering and becoming a god of incompliance." Seeing Nie Kong rushing over in a curious manner, Suzuozhi's man handed the pseudo-sky cloud sword to intercept him.The sword that blessed the man of Susano's divine power, the sound of the sound made the four women who watched the battle from a distance covered their ears with pale faces.

The sword is very fast, but it has nowhere to hide in Nie Kong's spiritual consciousness.

"Living in seclusion in the secluded world but intervening in Japan's mortal affairs is considered a seclusion. What a joke, how can our human world forgive you for such an inconsistent god who disturbs the human world."

Nie Kong held the Sky Cong Yun Sword tightly in his palm again, squeezing the scarlet magic inside his body a little.Click!The sword body formed with the supernatural power of Susano's body was shattered clean.

"What is this power? How can my divine power be vulnerable to a blow before it?" Susano took a few steps back, but Nie Kong immediately approached.A powerful fist hit his face.

boom!The explosive force exploded on his face, causing his facial features to begin to twist.But because of the gods, there is no bleeding characteristic.A big hole hit the hill a hundred meters away.

The smoke dissipated, and Susano jumped out in embarrassment.Because of the characteristics of steel, he did not suffer any serious injuries, and the characteristics of steel were perfectly reflected.

"You're pretty amazing. I didn't die if I took 20% of my strength! In this case, I should use 40% of the move. By the way, I added steel power." Hearing Nie Kong's words, Susano's face was green.

"He... is what he said true, how can there be such a perverted Godkiller in the world?" But Susano didn't have a chance to admit defeat, and Nie Kong had already appeared in front of him.He could perceive the power of terror contained in the pressure of the fist.

"Even if you have the power of steel, you will definitely die if you insist on it!" After the death of the gods, they will resurrect, but they will be limited to their myths.

"Pretend..." His deceptive power can even deceive the Japanese sun god Amaterasu, so Susano hopes to use it to avoid the blow of Nie Kong.The shadow of Susano's man became blurred, and it was pitch black when he stayed in place.

"Do you want to deceive my eyes? The strategy is successful but it's a shame." The spiritual sense has covered the surrounding kilometers, and all his actions are directly presented in Nie Kong's mind.

"Your power belongs to me!" Nearly four layers of power exploded, pressing against Susano's unbelievable eyes on his face.Irresistible, the power is beyond his imagination.

The strong are easy to break, and the strongest steel in Japan is exploded into pieces by Nie Kong.All three powers of Susano Man poured into Nie Kong's body.The powerful soul analyzed the power of his god, and it didn't take long before he could comprehend his three powers.

"Japan...Is the Japanese patron saint known as Japan's strongest Gunzu Sano man killed by the king!" The four women glanced at each other and couldn't help being shocked.Especially Xin, she knows how powerful Susanoo is in Japan.

"Now the Japanese committee will reshuffle the cards. No one in Japan can stop the king's hegemonic path. King...our Saya Palace is surrendered to you, accept Xin's surrender." Xin's eyes revealed Wang Shuiguang .

"It turns out that this is the killing of gods. It's worth coming to Japan to see such a magnanimous scene." Karen exclaimed.

"Woo..." As Yana wielded the Dimensional Sword with all his strength, of course, Nie Kong killed the owner Susaozhinan for both reasons, the Sky Cong Yun Sword was knocked out by Yana Conghui's hands.

The sky cluster cloud sword was like a psychic, and it shot at Nie Kong.

"Are you revenge? Interesting!" Nie Kong clamped the hilt with his fingers in both hands, and the flames from his soul flooded the Sky Cong Yunjian.Before long, the spirituality in the sword was wiped out by Nie Kong.

After being refined by Nie Kong, using the Sky Cloud Cloud Sword will have no backlash in the future.And the supernatural power in the sword can be used at will with the master.

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