The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapsed two-dimensional body 0286, attribution

After losing the blessing of the heavenly cloud sword's supernatural power, Huina finally regained consciousness.Although controlled by the magical sword, she can still know what is happening around her.The plan should have been for grandpa to test the king's aura, but grandpa really died, and the king took away his power.

"Miko who served Susanoo, you have already lost." The cold white magic sword was attached to Ena's neck, and Yana's triumphant smile appeared in front of her.He completely lost, and even his grandfather was killed by Wang.

The divine power blessing was due to the heavy burden on Huina's body, coupled with the situation of exhaustion, Huina dizzy with a wry smile.

When Hui Na woke up, she found herself sleeping in a strange bed.She knew the house very well, it was inside the shrine near Yuri's house.But why did he appear here? Didn't Wang punish himself?

Rubbing her head, Keina opened the quilt and got up, chilling very lightly.Looking down, the jade-like skin appeared before him.Especially the apple-sized breasts blocked most of my realization.

"I...what about my clothes, who took it off?" I panicked looking for the clothes, but the sheets were only white sheets.

"Yuri...Are you awake?" It was her childhood sweetheart Yuri who ran over. She was wearing an unchanged white witch costume.Below the brown hair is the joyful face of the Wanligu sisters.

"Yuri, why am I here? Where's Grandpa, where's the king?" Without concealing her white body, Keina sat up.Before she fell into a coma, she thought that she was dreaming.

"The old gentleman has been killed by the king, and the king has gained his power. But don't worry Huina, God can't die, the old gentleman just returned to the mythical world he belongs to." Yuri comforted.

"Grandpa has announced that he is living in seclusion, why did the king kill Grandpa? Are all the kings eager to kill the gods and gain more power?" Huina murmured.

"This is definitely not the case. Even if the king does not have the power of the old gentleman, he is already the strongest king in the world. He said that... it was the old gentleman who controlled you and caused you to kill each other, so Wang was angry and killed the old gentleman. So... So the king is innocent, Hui Na don't misunderstand the king." Guang defended Nie Kong.

Although Susano has a great influence in Japan, Yuri has only heard his name seem strange.Compared to seeing Nie Kong's two deaths of God with his own eyes, You Li worshipped Nie Kong for granted.

It was Grandpa who measured the king's temperament, so would this result?But Grandpa has already left, where will Hui go from now on.

"The king didn't blame Hui for that, and he took care of you very tenderly. Originally, Yana didn't promise you to stay at the shrine, but Wang strongly suppressed Yana. Ignoring Yana's objection, Wang said that he would accept your loyalty. Promise you to stay with him. And your Heavenly Cloud Sword King said that he has helped you eliminate the hidden danger, and now it is returned to you for use." Youli told Youli what Nie Kong had said.

"That is to say, Wang is so good to Sister Hui that even Guang is jealous. You must know that Guang is Wang's regular wife."

After taking the previous divine tools, Ena didn't notice the violent divine power that left her inside and made her lose control, but it was a warm current like sunshine.The warm current poured into Ena's body, and she found her body full of power.

"It's so warm and reassuring, is this the power of the king." Hui Na closed her eyes, feeling the aura contained in the power.Yes, it is the taste of the king.I lost my grandfather, but got the care of the king.

"Hina has decided. I have nowhere to go without Grandpa. Besides, Grandpa originally asked me to be the king's concubine, so Huina wanted to serve the king." Huina Huode got up from the bed, his eyes restored to his gaze.

"But there is Sister Yana, is Sister Hui confident to defeat her?" Guang said with a grin.

"I have the magical equipment given by the king and I should be able to tell her the victory or defeat, but I am afraid that the king does not like us killing each other! So I have to change my strategy, first of all to win the king's doting. With the three of us in battle together, Are you afraid of losing to Yana who is like a bamboo pole?" Eina is very confident now regardless of strength and beauty.

"With the help of Sister Hui, you will have confidence." Just regaining her lively smile, Yuri blushed and said something about etiquette and shame, and taught these two grinning women with her arms akimbo.

The Saya Palace in Sanbancho, Tokyo, gathered the top four of Japan’s four major families.The death of Susanoo seemed to shock the high-level Japanese forces.

Shaye Gongxin, dressed in men's clothing, stood beside the old people in the house and had no right to speak.Old men over half a hundred years old from Qingqiuyuan, Liancheng, Shaye Palace, and Jiufa Tomb gathered around the conference table, discussing the impact of the death of the old man.

The forces have been reshuffled. Some people are happy to lose the suppression of Susanoo, and some regret that Japan has lost its backing.

"After Susano was killed, the king has accepted Miss Ena's allegiance. And the Tiancong Yunjian still has powerful divine power hidden in it, but the king gave it to Ena to use it, and the current situation is probably like this." Xin putyou Tell the old people about the major events in the world in detail.

"The rumor that the king killed Vauban is true. I didn't expect that even the old man could not escape the king's palm. Now the situation is very delicate. The king is the strongest demon king in the world. After the loss of Susao, we are more The king of entanglement stays with us in Japan. In short, the ownership of the king, we must not let the magic association of Italy." Xin's grandfather said slowly.

"Should we choose a dozen witches from Jiufa Tomb to serve the king?" The Patriarch of Jiufa Tomb asked with a smile.

"It's useless, Wang shouldn't be kind of feminine. Look at the girl Xin Xin has served the king for a long time, but she hasn't broken her body." Liancheng Patriarch shook his head and said.

"What's more, Yana from Nanban is a strong opponent. Wang seems to like her very much." Qingqiuyuan Patriarch replied with a drink.

"I heard something from Dongma. In addition to Wang's liking for Yana, he seems to have a development in the harem. Hmm... Xin girl, you have to work hard to become a member of the palace." Xin's grandfather compared Xin, who is in men's clothing, prefers the woman who Xin becomes king.

"That's right, Wang Ke has all the powers of the strongest steel in Japan. Xinmai, please help tell the king that we are willing to follow his hegemony." Without the god Susano, the Japanese power Nie Kong served as a backer.

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