The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapsed two-dimensional text 0296, the chaotic battlefield

As the plane crossed the vast ocean, Nie Kong and the seven landed from Japan to Sardinia, Italy.

"It's really weird. As far as I know, Brother Godou should have taken our plane on the same flight." Jinghua wanted to appear in front of her elder brother proudly, but she didn't find him after careful observation.

"Sister Jinghua actually cares about your brother so much. Is it really your brother?" Guang giggled and teased Jinghua.

" must be your brother who knows your evil habits, so he deliberately fooled you." Yuri then teased Jinghua, and the two women cooperated quite tacitly.

"What nonsense are you talking about, it's because I kindly told you about my brother's flight." Jinghua said angrily.Since seeing Nie Kong, Jinghua Gekong's thoughts have faded a lot.At the age of thirteen, the thinking is not mature, and the angle of thinking about things is a little immature.

While the girls were laughing, Yuri was abnormally silent.Her eyes exudes the pure curse power of the witch, and the enhanced spiritual vision technique of double cultivation has been supernormally used by You Li.As soon as he stepped into the mainland of Sardinia, Yuri noticed some surging powers.

"The king... the king came out of Sardinia... there are many gods haunt, the king must be careful."

"Sister Yuri is right. There are indeed a few defiant gods in Sardinia. That's amazing, is it the gods gathering on the island?" Xin exclaimed, her brows faintly worried.

"Sardinia will have a few defiant gods, are you kidding me?" Yana was startled, her hometown could not stand the ravages of several gods.

"They are right. There are indeed a few gods wandering in the island, but there is nothing remarkable." As soon as Nie Kong finished speaking, Sardinia began to shake violently.Nie Kong's spiritual consciousness covered a radius of more than 2,000 meters, printing the surrounding environment into his mind.

A huge wild boar with a body length of more than 50 meters suddenly appeared in the spiritual sense, and it appeared with a very strong aura around the Tama Church Square in Sardinia.

There are many ancient Roman buildings in Cagliari, such as the Elephant Tower, the Tower of San Pancrazio, etc... There are also many medieval churches built in Gothic and Baroque styles.

Where these historic buildings are located, a tornado that has just occurred has rolled up huge boars and flew everywhere in the sky.How strong is the wind of this tornado?

Engulfed by the spiral wind, the boar hangs in midair.

At that moment, the sharp black mang quickly traversed the arc and cut the boar's body open.The roar of the boar sounded like a scream before death.

The black giant that had lost its support fell to the ground with an unusually alarming roar, and a tower collapsed like this, and the fallen stones scattered around, destroying many houses.

Then the boar's body slowly turned into sand and collapsed.

The black awn that cut the huge boar did not stop, but completely shattered the object that was a kilometer ahead.The strong wind from the black awn took away along with the sand formed by the boar.

"Boom..." The bright and dazzling blue sky was completely covered by dark clouds, as if the cloudless clear sky an hour ago was fake.Jinghua had an unknown foreboding of the cloudy sky she saw for the first time after coming to Sardinia.

Then the raindrops hit Sardinia immediately.Finally it started to rain.Heavy rain as strong as showers, but it is probably not the important thing.The thunder and lightning in the sky is like a punishment from the sky, completely destroying the surrounding area of ​​Sardinia from the sky.Even the women felt a terrible depression, and the golden light suddenly flashed.

Boom boom boom! Thunder vibrated, lightning struck, and the wind began to increase rapidly.The dazzling blue arc, the golden ideal homeland all over the sky, and the black cut off any black awns to construct a world-like scene.

The violent explosion shook the island a few times, and the four-legged beast, the goat, which was flying leisurely in the storm, existed in the sky.Just like a Chinese dragon hovering in the air, a huge goat without feathers or wings, leading the wind and clouds and rain, and thunder flying in the air.

Because it was far away, Nie Kong knew its exact size.It's a huge monster similar in size to the wild boar that appeared not long ago.And its double horns glowed with dazzling thunder.

Following the chaotic battlefield spiritual sense covering the past, several people in the battle appeared before him.Among them, Godou, who had been lost, was in it, and there was a sexy beautiful girl who was anxiously watching.

On European benchmarks, the height is not too high, just over one hundred and sixty centimeters.Standing proudly like a queen, standing there.Her long blonde hair drifted with the sea breeze, and she was dressed in red. With the orange sunlight and long golden hair, the feeling of red became more prominent.

The hair that burns gold like flames, like a warrior wearing a crown, is gorgeously decorated on her head.However, Nie Kong's eyes were completely attracted by the beauty of the girl more important than finding someone.It's as beautiful as a slender figure, more upright than any doll, full of nobility and confidence.

Even if Yana with a pretty face didn't have Nie Kong's watering, it was a bit worse than the beautiful girl observed in the spiritual sense.Of course, now Yana's charm is almost as good as the beauty of spiritual consciousness. Although she is slender, she should be very big and thin.

And three men were fighting, one of them was Tony the Godkiller who was familiar to Nie Kong.As for the remaining two, one is a muscular warrior-like uncle, and the other is a teenager riding a huge goat smiling proudly.

"Is it a battle between the god-killer and the unfollowing god? It doesn't seem to fit the plot." Nie Kong was slightly surprised, and his eyes filled with smiles.Erica hadn't spoiled Godou, time was still too late.

"It's a battle between the gods of disobedience, Wang... Wang please save Sardinia and drive away the gods of disobedience." Yana's eyes were full of anxiety, and she wished to rush towards the battle.

"Is there really a god in the world?" How could Jinghua believe in these absurd things, but seeing the strange scene of the island plus Nie Kong's serious expressions, she was very convinced.While curious, Jinghua was a little scared.No mortal person is afraid of natural disasters brought by God.

"Let's go, how can the battle of killing the gods lack us?" Nie Kong's spiritual sense was covered, and the powerful soul power burst directly to break the space barrier.Using the teleporting skill, Nie Kong moved towards the battlefield with a few women.

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