The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element Text 0297, Nie Kong goes out

"Hey... I said Cao Pheasant Godou, can you use the Promi Show Cheats to help me hold Urus Ragnar? Wait until I get rid of the other Mercator before I come to help you." Melee, but the two gods of disobedience obviously have the idea of ​​cooperating with Tony first.Even if he has increased a lot with his current strength, it is very difficult to deal with two unconvincing gods.

Especially the sword of the word spirit in the incarnation of the Urus Ragnar warrior has a terrifying existence that can cut off his power.Therefore, Tony's plan is to use Prometheus Cheats to absorb the incarnation of Urus Ragna, and it is best to absorb fighters.And there is nothing wrong with absorbing divine power, as long as Godou didn't use the divine power absorbed by the secret book.

"Don't... stop kidding, okay, I... I'm an ordinary person, how can I fight against the gods?" Cao Pheasant Godou said frantically, holding the rune slab.He would have thought it was a wonderful tour, but he had never thought of being involved in such an absurd world?What a joke, there really are gods in the world.

He actually said that, but Godou was faintly excited.He is just a pacifist in his mouth. It is estimated that his militant character is comparable to Tony.

"We are already friends. Of course we have to share our joys and sorrows. That's OK!" Tony's arm holding the silver magic sword is completely covered with crystal clear silver, like a structure made of mercury.

The torn silver hand is the power Tony usurped from the Celtic god King Nuada.The first is that the hand of flesh and blood changes into a silver metal hand, which is then wrapped around the weapon with a huge magic power, so that it can create a powerful force that can create miracles such as splitting the earth, changing the terrain, and breaking the sea. Has the power to cut everything.

"Hello...When did I become your friend? It was just a drink to accompany you at the bar." But before Godou had time to complain, Tony had already rushed towards Mercator.

Recalling the process of acquaintance, Godou let out a few wry smiles.He was looking for the address of his grandfather's female friend, but when he got lost, he met Tony.Tony kindly took him to the residence of the witch Lukulazia Zola, but the witch Lukulazia Zola did not take back the cheats and gave them to Tony.

Tony wasn't interested at all, so he threw the secret book back to Godou.He took Godou boldly and walked towards the bar, and when the two were happy to drink, they also told Godou the secret of the secret.

Although he didn't admit it, Godou already regarded Tony as his friend."Asshole Tony, it will cause me trouble." After complaining a few times, Godou raised the secret book to find the best time.

Mercator not only possesses the power of Storm, but also many complex powers.Behind the tornado that can roll up hundreds of meters of huge mountains, the army of the dead calling out from the underworld is like a flood.It can wash away all waves, thousands of thunder and other attacks like the spear of the sky.

However, Tony's swordsmanship has been upgraded to a very high level after more than three years of training, and the attack of the torn silver hand could not stop Tony's advancement.The God of Unconformity VS Italy's Godkiller Tony officially kicked off.

"I am the god of disobedience whose essence is struggle and victory. As long as I want an opponent, and an enemy who can fight with me, there will be a suitable opponent. This time I came to this island. This piece of land has a predestined relationship with the strongest enemy to date. When you come to this small island, you will encounter the Demon King of the Godslayer. It would be good to defeat the Godslayer before awakening Mercator."

I am looking for defeat.The young god murmured while smiling.This boy is the culprit of all incidents. It is he who awakens King Mercator of Sardinia.

Godou, who knew this, paused his breathing. It turned out that God would be so messy.

"As long as I come to the sleeping island with powerful enemies, it would be great to meet two strong men. Now I will defeat them all. I am an undefeated army god."

Its fur glowed white under the shower of moonlight.Thanks to the blessing of the white horse, the gloomy dark clouds completely faded away.With the arrival of the white horse, hot white flames descended from the sky and rushed towards Tony and Mercator who were fighting.

High temperature is always the nemesis of steel's power, it can melt hard steel.And Tony yelled out at this moment: "Kusanagodō! Prometheus Secret Book is gathering a strong curse!"

It's not just a metaphor. When he grasped this slate in his hand, Godou felt very hot, as if he was reaching into the fire.The stone slab, which endured the high temperature and grasped hard, suddenly glowed.

Godou placed a picture of a man engraved on the stone slab-probably Prometheus's mimicry at the white horse.At that moment, the magic book of the generation of gods spewed blue flames.

The flame enveloped the strong body of the white horse and successfully swallowed it. After burning for ten seconds, it disappeared immediately.Then together with the flame, the tall white horse's body disappeared without a trace.

At the same time, the weight of Godou Prometheus' Secret Book increased, and the heat that had just been enduring gradually stabilized and became very warm.Suddenly, the impression of the shining sun and white flames came to Godou's mind.

Is this the divine power possessed by Hakuba? Why does the white horse have something to do with the sun? Godou was very confused, but did not use the divine power of the white horse.

Although Erica who was watching the battle on the roof was already a great knight, she couldn't get in the battle between the two gods and the devil.In her anxious heart, she prayed that the battle would end soon, so that the island would soon return to peace.

Erica is not the only one who has this kind of thought. It was because the several commanders who were discussing the arrangement of the Gorgon Stone were particularly worried during the battle.Their battle has spread so much that it is almost going to destroy Sardinia.

"Well, you have already understood how to use this stone? It would be a little troublesome." The boy's eyes were surprised, but when he saw a new obstructer appeared, he smiled with joy and determination.

"Godou, you did a very good job, now it's up to my performance." Tony laughed, and the magic sword in his hand was about to rush over to cut off the godhead of Mercator.At this moment, a strange black hole two meters in size appeared in the sky.

Tony's pupils shrank, his eyes fixed on the figure coming out of the black hole."That's right, he, after hiding for four years, are you finally willing to show up. This time, do you want to snatch the power of the unobservable god again...Haha, it's a pity that Mercator belongs to me!"

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