The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional body 0299, crushed

"Hehe... Erica was peeping around, so let's go and say hello to her." Yana was the guardian knight and of course wanted to help the king fight, but the king refused the request of several women.

The women knew that this was a duel between the two kings. They were not qualified to participate, so they did not force it.The only thing the women were anxious about was Jinghua. Seeing Tony stopping in front of the king to prevent the king from saving Godou, Jinghua's teeth tickled bitterly.

"I haven't seen each other in four years, Erica, the great knight of the Red Bronze Crusade." Yana leaped and appeared in front of the sexy charming girl, and said hello coldly.Although she was extremely enthusiastic when she accompanied Nie Kong, she was still serious and serious in front of others.

Without the opportunity to meet Yana's licentious begging for pleasure, she might think she is a qualified knight with good chivalry spirit.

"It's Lily, when did you come to Japan? It's been a long time!" Erica's white face showed a noble and charming smile, ignoring Liliana's cold and easy greeting to each other.

"Don't call it so close, Erica Brandry, I am not your friend, and there is no reason to be called so close." Although we know each other, but the relationship seems to be very poor, Yana replied with a strong tone.

"Lily, you are that king's knight, why didn't you fight alongside the king? Could it be that in the past four years, as a bronze black cross, you have abandoned the practice of magic?" Erica was full of dazzling The smile did not fade, as if she didn't care about Yana's retort.

"Wang is already holding the winning ticket, how can we make a move?" Hui Na hummed, carrying the magical heavenly cloud sword.

"That's right, the king possesses mysterious and unfathomable powers. Even if we have served the king for four years, we haven't seen the essence of the king's divine power. How can a trivial god killer compare with the king?" Guang proud said.

Yuri nodded in weakness, even if she possessed a master-level spiritual vision, she couldn't see the king clearly.The golden godhead, which is superior to the power of the gods, shivered every time I saw him.

"Then I have to wait and see, I want to see if he is not worthy of his name or worthy of his name?" Erica, who knew the rumors four years ago, was of course curious about Nie Kong.

Of course Tony was the first to attack. He covered his silver arm and the magic sword could not wait to crush Nie Kong in front of him.

"Just use you to try my newly acquired power, storm, thunder and lightning, listen to my Tony's call and give the verdict to the criminals in front." The hurricane that can knock down hundreds of meters of mountains rushes away from Tony's left hand. It was as if the wind dragon of tens of meters snarled and crashed into Nie Kong.The buildings blocked in front of the hurricane were all blown off the ground, revealing a blank area of ​​kilometers.The dark clouds sealed the sky, and dozens of two-meter-wide lightning flashes descended towards Nie Kong.

"This...this is Mercator's power. Is Salbat Lei Qing able to master it proficiently? With such a terrifying power, how will your king Lily face it?" Attacks spreading over a kilometer, Ai Lika had determined that Nie Kong could not avoid it.

"Erica keep your dog's eyes wide open and watch, Wang's ability is beyond our expectation. Although these natural disaster-like attacks that we can't resist are powerful, Wang can wipe it out in the blink of an eye." Yana Just after speaking, Erica really found that Nie Kong blinked crimson eyes.Before she could react, the supernatural power that filled the space actually disappeared.

"It's a lie, can you really dispel the power of Secretary Salbatre in a blink of an eye." Erica rubbed her dog's eyes and found that she was really not dreaming.The only thing that changed was the king's twin pupils, from scarlet red to golden golden.Erica just stared at Nie Kong for two seconds, her soul seemed to be shaken away.

Erica was not the only shocker, but the heads of the Italian Knights were all sweating on their foreheads.They were within Tony's attack range, and thought they would hang here for no reason.

"Is there the power to eliminate the attack? Didn't you do your best when you started with me four years ago, bastard!!" Tony rushed towards Nie Kong while the thunder and lightning storm was on.

Close weapon warfare is his strength, so Tony did not lose his confidence in winning.He wanted to show Nie Kong the fruits of his four years of swordsmanship practice.

"Shoo..." Suddenly appeared in front of Nie Kong, and Tony's silver magic sword pressed towards him with a vigorous temperament.No matter from which angle you dodge, you will feel the magic sword will hit.

After four years of kendo training, Tony has surpassed his master Gurafiel.

Nie Kong's spiritual sense broke through Tony's blockade, and all his body movements avoided Tony's tricky and swift magic sword attack.The magic sword with crushing power shattered several hundred meters around Nie Kong, but he did not touch the corner of Nie Kong's clothes.

With the power to smash and sever everything, struggling to attack can crush the entire island.But Nie Kong estimated Tony's combat effectiveness, at most he has 200 combat effectiveness.

"Damn it, why the gap between me and him is still so big. Is my four years of practice completely in vain." Unwilling to fill Tony's mind, he was unwilling to give in.

"The game time is over, I don't have time to continue playing with you." The white palms smashed towards Tony out of thin air, slowly without any burst of energy.But Tony still felt terrified, and the sense of crisis of working hard from the bottom to the strong, made him immediately use his power to protect his whole body.

"Wang finally used his proud skill to collapse the Moon Dimensional Sword. This is a good show." Yana, who has learned the Dimensional Sword, looked at Nie Kong with gleaming eyes. She wanted to see the power of the Wang Dimensional Sword.

"Boom..." A huge explosion sounded, and Nie Kong's dimensional knife traversed the front two hundred meters.But Tony, who possesses steel power, was bombarded by Nie Kong for a hundred meters, and his body was full of blood.

Wrapped in torn clothes, bruises, broken bones and cuts, there were various injuries on his body, but because Tony protected the vitals, he was not seriously injured near death.

Other injuries will regenerate at a speed visible to the naked eye, and his vitality and healing power have surpassed human beings, and he has become almost like a god.

After the white flames swallowed the lightning, the young army god unexpectedly spread around him again.The nemesis of the god of steel happened to be high temperature, and Godou luckily became the eighth godslayer.

The backlash of Prometheus' Secret Book, the damage given by Urus Ragnar, and the final lightning strike.After suffering so much damage, Godou didn't die, but rather weird and quickly recovered.

When Godou was so tired that he was about to collapse, Tony just fell to Godou's feet.

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