The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional text 0300, the warrior incarnation is launched

What a shocking thing about the appearance of the eighth godslayer in the world, but the situation before them made the six heads of the Knights of Italy not excited.The king's war has broken out, and no one can stop them.Especially for the powerful Nie Kong, they estimated that Wang Yan fell on the spot.

"Did your brother kill the gods? Does this mean that your brother has the ability to be as great as Wang?" From the information unintentionally revealed by the women's conversation, Jinghua has already understood the matter seven or eight points.

"The eighth new-born godslayer will actually be our Japanese, I hope you don't die in the hands of the king, ha ha..." After the double cultivation of the gods, the strength of the gods has increased exponentially.Although a new God Killer appeared, but the gap between Nie Kong and Nie Kong was too big, Hui Na didn't take him to heart.

"Salbat Leiqing has no chance to resist at all. How will Nie Qing deal with him." Although he is negligent, Tony is the devil of Italy anyway, and Erica certainly does not want him to hang in Nie Kong's hands.

"Ahem..." Godou helped the injured Tony up, and the two looked like brothers.

"You are the Pheasant Godou, let me go! Do you want to prevent me from killing Tony?" Nie Kong appeared 100 meters in front of the two of them, looking at them with warning and killing intent.

"Godou, go away. Although I am injured, I am not enough to protect him. The person he is looking for is me. You don't have to wade into the muddy water." Tony wanted to push away the Godou that held him. But Godou didn't leave, but squeezed his arm firmly.

"It's so annoying! When someone who always brings me trouble says so, how can I do it!" After getting along some time ago, Godou of course regarded the hearty Tony as his friend.

Godou's personality was changed by Nie Kong without influence, and he would always do something stupid to help his friends.Of course, the starting point is good, but I can't help myself.

"It's stupid! Even if you come forward in this situation, at best, you will only die, you know?" Although Tony said coldly, he was a little moved.Speaking of his true friends, he is less pitiful.

"Brother, don't do stupid things, how can you stop their fight." Jinghua shouted out anxiously, but Godou ignored Jinghua's opinion.

"Some things must be done, this is my principle." Godou did not succumb to Nie Kong, his eyes stared at Nie Kong, full of resistance.

"Haha...Since you want to die, then I will fulfill you." Nie Kong didn't intend to kill his brother in front of Jinghua, but Godou really angered him.

"So you are really a fool, do you think we will have a chance to beat him?" Tony was motivated by Godou's words, and his confidence in victory was ignited.

"I don't know! But as a mortal I can kill even a god, what else will not happen?" Godou said.

"When I saw you for the first time, I knew that you would definitely become my strong opponent in the future. I did not see the wrong person! Since Urus Ragnar has been killed by you, then we can use the incarnation of a fighter. There is a chance of victory." Tony knew that the golden sword of the warrior incarnation can have the ability to crush power, so he placed his hope on Godou.

After fighting with Nie Kong, Tony knew that the strength of the two was too far apart. Even the victorious Tony had long since hoped to win against Nie Kong alone.

"What kind of warrior's incarnation, why didn't I have some reflections? God or other knowledge, I just haven't been in contact for a long time, how can I understand?" Several question marks popped up in Godou's head.

"That's right, the sword of words can only be activated after analyzing the enemy's power. It is a bit difficult for you, a godslayer rookie, but..." Of course Tony understands Nie Kong's power, Nie Kong The first god to be killed, he participated in the robbery four years ago.

"He... he's already here, I think if there is no way to deal with it, then run away first."

"I can't run away, unless he can be crushed... the matter is urgent, except that there is no other way except it now!! Godou..." Tony raised his sunny face and looked at the grass pheasant beside him seriously. Hall.

"Wha..." As soon as the grass pheasant Godou uttered a word, Tony's mouth had been sealed.Embarrassment and shame filled Tony's mind, but it was more of the determination to defeat Nie Kong.

The physique of the godkillers is very special, and they can impart knowledge to each other by sticking to their lips.Godou's eyes widened, panic and shame...complex emotions filled his heart.When Tony was about to push away Tony's curse, a lot of analysis about Nie Kong's divine power flowed into his body with Tony's saliva.

"I'm not mistaken, my brother used to like men..." Seeing the "beautiful" scene of the two, Jinghua didn't feel a sense of disobedience, but was full of blessings.

"Bah, baah...Fortunately, the king had us there at the time. We would never forgive if the king kissed the man." The women who are familiar with the truth of magic, of course know that this is the king's teaching.

"Are the two kings going to jointly deal with Nie Qing? The situation has developed into this situation." The Italian leaders had no nasty thoughts, but were worried for the people of Sardinia.

Godou's stiff body began to soften, and the golden color spread out around Godou.When you have a detailed knowledge of the opponent's knowledge of the gods, you can use the word spirit to change the golden sword to attack. If the god is the opponent, it is equivalent to the strongest shield and the strongest sword.

"Language is light. Words spirit is light. So light, words spirit, become my sword and my blade! All evil things, fear me! Those who have power, unrighteous people, I can't fight against me. I am the strongest person who can repel all obstacles." The activation condition of the Sword of Yanling is to be familiar with the divine power of the opponent, and Godou satisfies the requirements for the incarnation of a fighter.

Godou spits out the words of his own accord, and the golden sword flutters in the sky.The golden light spread out with Godou as the center, enclosing the rushing Nie Kong.

"Hey... Although it's a bit disgusting, it works well. After we have the Sword of Ling Ling, we should be able to contend with him." Tony wiped the saliva from the corner of his mouth, fighting intent burning in his heart.

"Your performance is really unexpected, but do you want to defeat me based on this?" I didn't expect that they would use such a method to activate power, even Nie Kong was very surprised.

Without Erica's help, have you already embarked on the road to becoming a foundation?Haha... let me send you two mandarin ducks to hell.

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