The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 0302, Erica allegiance

Sardinia was half destroyed, and two-thirds of the buildings were chipped away, just like a hill of butter was chipped off by a knife, completely disappeared.Only magicians with extraordinary powers can survive the battle.

Of course, the blood burst caused by Godou from the inside out, even if he has the power to resurrect the male goat, it is impossible to restore the shattered body.Sardinia was destroyed, so Nie Kong went to the bronze and black headquarters to play with Yana's grandfather.The six Italian leaders accompanied Nie Kong carefully, for fear that he would be angry and ruin Italy.By observing Nie Kong, they found that Nie Kong's character was not as cruel as they thought.Especially Nie Kong's gentle treatment of the women, even they felt jealous.

"Sure enough, the Japanese side has laid down the blood, and actually used four witches to serve Nie Qing. No wonder Yana has not drawn the king from Ruben to Italy in four years." The six heads of the Knights showed a suddenly realized expression.

When they came to the Bronze Black Cross headquarters, which was a city near the sea, Yana's grandfather arranged a luxury villa near the sea for Nie Kong and the others to live in.Jinghua was hit and hid in the room and didn't come out, probably because of her brother.Jinghua didn't hate him and was already fine, so Nie Kong didn't disturb Jinghua's emotional recovery.

When Nie Kong just wanted to swim with the women, Yana told her grandfather that she had something to ask herself.

When they came to the reception room, the six members of the Knights were chatting.Seeing Nie Kong's appearance, the six of them sat tightly and immediately calmed down.In the countries along the Mediterranean Sea, there seem to be many associations based on the Knights Templar in the Middle Ages.

"Nie Qingmian, I am very sorry to disturb you during your busy schedule."

Nie Kong responded indifferently to Yana’s grandfather’s respectful greeting: “Although I have become a peculiar physique due to various factors, I have become a king that you must respect. Please treat me as an ordinary person.”

"You are too modest, just now these words prove that you are not an ordinary person." Several old people took turns admiring.

"Don't talk nonsense, just tell me what's wrong with me?" Nie Kong sat in the highest position of the conference room accompanied by five women.The six were embarrassed, but no one dared to say anything.

"Then please forgive me. Some time ago, we unearthed the sacred tool that sealed the goddess of Athena-the Gorgon Stone! In order to restore the goddess of the Trinity, the goddess Athena should soon discover and snatch the Gorgon. Stone. Because our magic society does not have the power to deal with the gods, so we want to give the Gorgon Stone to the king for safekeeping! I am extremely sorry for the trouble, but we have no choice.” The king of Italy has been killed by Nie Kong. Now, while they were sad, they had to cast hope on Nie Kong.

Can the Gorgon stone attract the goddess Athena? He just needs it.Can Nie Kong have it? Nie Kong wanted to try it.The goddess Athena converted by Miss Loli is very cute.

"I can save the Gorgon Stone for you, and you can rest assured that I will fix Athena." Nie Kong said.

"Thank you very much for your understanding of our difficulties. The Gorgon Stone will be entrusted to you." The commander-in-chief Lily sighed with a sigh of relief, with a smile on the old cheek.

"The Gorgon Stone is now in my niece's hands. I'll tell her to come in!" The bronze captain Paul clapped his hands and called "Erica come in."Erica, who was waiting outside the door, opened the door with a click and walked in.

With long blond hair floating, dressed in a red dress, the red feeling is more prominent against the set of golden and noble long hair.It is as beautiful as a slender figure, more correct than any doll, and full of nobility and confidence.Seeing Nie Kong paying attention to herself, Erica smiled sweetly at Nie Kong.

"Vixie..." Hikaru seemed to know that Erica had a position to threaten her wife, so he stared at Erica with hostility.

And what she held in both hands was a wooden magic pattern box, full of magical fluctuations, which seemed to be a seal to weaken the fluctuations of the Gorgon Stone.

"Open the box, Erica!" Hearing Uncle Paul's instructions, Erica opened the box.

Although it looked like a stone, it was not a stone, and something like a badge appeared in front of everyone.Nie Kong could feel the power contained in the Gorgon Stone, the so-called divine power.

"That's how things are. There is a fire that may become an unprecedented disaster in our country. We feel a little bit tricky, so we hope to use the power of the king." Erica gracefully performed knightly etiquette, full of intellectual beauty.

"Of course, during this period of time, Erica of the bronze and black cross will assist the king and do her best." Paul promoted his niece, hoping to charm Nie Kong.

Since the bronze Liliana can be reused by the king, it is impossible for my beautiful niece to lose to her.

"Is that so? Then stay." The beautiful Erica took the initiative to cling to herself, and Nie Kong was happy of course.

"From now on, please take care of me. I am Erica Browntree, the great knight of the red bronze and black cross, and I am willing to swear loyalty to the king!" Erica knelt in front of Nie Kong on one knee, holding it in her arms. The Gorgon Stone in the palm of his hand was handed to Nie Kong.

Nie Kong felt a slight warmth in the palm of his hand, like a sacred tool like a badge.Yes, this is the bait that can attract Athena!Getting Erica's allegiance and the Gorgon Stone is really a double happiness.

"It's okay now, then let's say goodbye first. If there is anything in the future, please don't hesitate to ask the king, and we will work hard to help Wang complete it." The six commanders did not interrupt Nie Kong's rest and respectfully bid farewell to Nie Kong.

And when the Gorgon Stone broke through the sealed box, little Lolita, who was wandering somewhere in Italy, suddenly looked far away in the direction of Nie Kong, as if something attracted her.

"That's right, it's the wave of the Gorgon Stone that seals the concubine's body. I didn't expect it has appeared in the world now, and it's time for the concubine to retrieve the Trinity..." The silver-white hair fell on her shoulders, she Gujing Wubo's pretty face was full of excitement at the moment.

"The concubine has been waiting for this moment for a long time..."

It turns out that she is the god of disobedience, Athena, but the cute and cute goddess will be the eleven or twelve-year-old Lori, which is simply incredible.

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