The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element Text 0303, Erica who was demonstrating?

The air on the sea is really fresh, and the hot summer will make people feel so.Italy belongs to the Mediterranean coast, and the summer climate is very pleasant.

In a group of all girls, there is only Nie Kong and a boy. This situation is indeed paradise.An emerald-like coast in the northeast of the villa is a beach specially used by celebrities and nobles.But because Nie Kong lives here, a radius of ten kilometers belongs to Nie Kong's sphere of influence.

And more attractive than any scenic spot is the sea and beach here.Except for a little overheating, it is indeed a good place to spend a long vacation happily.

Nie Kong was wearing a pair of beach pants lying in the sun umbrella, leisurely watching the women playing in the sea.Among them, Nie Kong's gold and silver double-riding duel was particularly exciting.Erica's character was really strong. After declaring allegiance to Nie Kong, Nie Kong was under her very enthusiastic pursuit.Usually Erica would ignore the presence of several women around and show her body in front of Nie Kong.

The women couldn't stand it anymore, and they instigated Yana to go and teach Erica, which triggered a battle between the two women.The silver hair is Yana bronze black cross, while the blond hair is red bronze black cross.

Of course, they are now wearing bikini swimsuits, and their skin is very bold.

The maids of the two knights, Karen and Arianna, brought fruits and drinks to Nie Kong and the others.

The two best of the knights will confront each other, and they should be evenly matched.However, Yana has undergone many double repairs by Nie Kong, and of course the curse power far exceeds that of Erica.Yana estimated her own strength, maybe Erica's uncle Paul appeared and she was confident to win.After all, the dimensional knife taught by Nie Kong had a power that exceeded the level of human magic.

The increase in magic power caused Yana to use powerful magic.Although Erica was very good, she still couldn't resist her.Ding...It was the sound of Erica's magic sword falling, and Yana's silver magic sword sealed her pink neck.

Erica did not expect that she would be defeated by Yana so quickly.Since I was young, I was obviously better than Yana, but I haven't seen a big gap for Yana in four years.

Erica's face was very bad now, and she looked very embarrassed.

"No, how could your curse power suddenly become so strong? Are you cheating? It's the king who secretly used divine power to protect you."

After surpassing Erica, Yana is completely indifferent.

"The king didn't use his divine power to help me. If you lose, you lose. As for the king, of course, you don't have the strength to force me to use it. For the sake of knowing you since childhood, I will show you what the king gave. My ability." Yana was very curious about how powerful the Dimensional Sword would be when it was cut with all its strength.

"Dimensional knife..." Four years ago, Professor Nie Kong's skills were released by Yana with all his strength, and the faint fluctuations followed her hand knife.There was a bang, and the sea area in front cut out a flat surface.

Spreading a plane of forty meters, it was as if the sea had automatically separated the two sides, allowing an empty walkway to come out.

"She... Didn't she use all her strength just now, but she only used a few tricks to defeat me. If she fights with all her strength, I don't think she can stop her with a trick, it's amazing!" Erica showed Yana The strength that came out was shocked.

Then just like Yuri demonstrating one after another at Erica, the two women are weak in combat but still make Erica scorched.Erica sweats her head and temporarily suppresses her pride in her heart.

Seeing the women serving Nie Kong intimately, it seemed that there was no gap between them.Follow

They were so bold that even Erica felt stunned. They were too open.What is the reason that makes their intimacy so high?A lot of questions filled Erica's head.

"Would you like something to drink!" While watching Nie Kong help Yana and the others put on sunscreen, the voice of Maid Karen awakened Erica who was sitting inside the beach umbrella with her knees and thinking.

Looking up, I saw the swimsuit she was wearing and the waiter's plate in her hand."It's Karen, how are the things I entrusted to you?"

"Hehe... after stealing it a few years ago, the master learned to hide her secretly. But I have served her for a few years, Karen, how can I not know her tricky?" Karen handed from the tray. He pulled it out and shook the notebook hidden inside.

"I know, you money fan! Just remember it, and I will give you a check tomorrow." Erica has worked with Karen many times since she was a child, of course, except for Japan's four years of no way to contact.

Hearing Erica's promise, Karen smiled sweetly and gave her the notebook.

"What happened to Lily in four years and why it became so strong? Let me uncover her secrets." Erica knew that Lily was writing novels and diaries, so she bought the card. Ren took a look at Yana's diary.

"Look hurry up, I have to send it back." Karen secretly looked at the surroundings and found that the owner was playing H with Wang.

"Okay." Erica opened the diary written by Yana, which tells what she has seen, heard and felt in Japan over the past four years.

"On October 20th, the Japanese sent a maiden to teleport me to You World. My strength was too low and I didn't have the power to resist. The king appeared to save me when I died, and taught him through words. My prince’s stunt. My feelings are unforgettable so far. On December 5th, I discovered that the witches were acting strangely, but I didn’t expect them to seduce the king to do such an unclean thing. And they stole my novel. And I saw it to the king. The H thing written in Wuwu was completely discovered by the king. But the king did not blame me, but realized the things written in my book. On December 6, my chastity was dedicated to the king. . The next day when I was guarding the king, I discovered that my strength had increased several times... It turned out... Did the king’s divine power be used by me in this way? It turns out that we can already use the divine power by doing this with the king. , Count as half a godslayer..." The diary describes Yana's four years of experience, making the pure Erika all red.

Erica couldn't even hold the notebook.With a click, the notebook sank into the soft sand."What the hell did the master write? Erica has too much reaction."

Karen was puzzled, curiosity drove her to pick up the notebook and read it.It didn't take long for Xiaocai fan Karen's face to be redder than Erica.It's no wonder that during the four years, I often saw the master sneak out of the royal room." master can't be so H?"

"Origin... It turns out that Lily's strength was improved in this way, so that all the doubts in my heart are solved." Erica muttered to herself.

The strong and proud Erica, of course, refused to admit that she lost to Yana's daughters. She wants to surpass Yana and get more attention from the king than Yana.

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