The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 0306, teach the spirit of words

In the dark room, you can vaguely see that the two are closely sticking to each other.The vague knowledge flowed into Nie Kong's mind along with Erica's movements.

"Following... continue, only what we did just now... not enough... Well, if you don't kiss me for a while..." With her fair skin flushing from her face to her neck, Erica asked in a slight voice.

It turned out that Erica launched an active attack, saying it was teaching the king about Athena before Athena came.

Seeing Erica's lovely attitude, the last confusion in Nie Kong's heart was immediately driven away. The noble and noble initiative to say such words was too attractive.

At first, Erica's body became very stiff, but soon she collapsed.

As if to breathe, the two left each other's lips at the same time.Nie Kong noticed that Erica looked over with a hazy look.

She is the worshipped goddess of wisdom Athena in Greece, and her father is the god king Zeus.With the mother goddess who also dominates the earth and the underworld, as both the goddess of battle and the goddess of wisdom, she can see through the character and power of the other party.

She is the goddess of darkness Metis, as the god of darkness has the highest level of power, able to call owls.As the master of the underworld, he can use the curse of the god of death or expand the dark area to achieve the ability to block the line of sight and produce shields.

She is the snake god Medusa, with the power of evil eyes that can be petrified in sight, and can dominate dragons and snakes.In any case, the enemy is the goddess who boast the strongest in Europe, Africa, and the Middle East!

Through overlapping lips, Erica's knowledge reached Nie Kong's mind.It may be because of the shyness of the girl, she sometimes leaves her lips and whispers softly.But Nie Kong, who didn't want her to talk, pressed his lips again.

, Nie Kong slightly moved away from her lips.Nie Kong pressed Erica's slender limbs to the ground.Although the action was a bit rude, Erica rippled instead.The two now are the king and the asylum, the dominator and the dominated.Did the powerful king finally take the initiative? Well... I look forward to it.

Since Erica took the initiative to harass her, how could she let it go because she is a carnivore.Originally, I planned to find a suitable opportunity to ask Erica, which happened to give him a chance.


If you cultivate yourself for a few years, Erica will be more beautiful.The achievement of turning a girl into a wife is always a man's most proud thing.

All of the facial features, the brain and the whole body are as joyful as immersed in honey.

Although the two maids who stayed in the house couldn't see the specific actions of the two clearly, they gave them more imagination."This...this is so bold, the eldest will...want to push to the king?"

"Erica really planned it this way, to transfer all five women away, then...then take the initiative to attack."

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