The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 0308, a few women fighting

In the dark night, six beautiful girls faced each other in a deserted street.The sea breeze was grimly blowing around.It turned out that it was relying on the spiritual vision technique of the rationale, and the other four women stopped the strongest goddess Athena from appearing.

Athena, who did not recapture the Gorgon Stone, lost the incarnation of Medusa and did not truly become the Goddess of the Trinity.Despite this, Athena's power is still very powerful.

It took away the light and plunged ordinary people in the city into panic.Only a magician who possesses magic has the ability to see through the darkness.

Yana, who carried the magic sword, sang out loudly, and belonged to her strongest spell."If you don’t take the blood of the enemy, the bow of Jonathan will never retreat! If you don’t eat the flesh of a warrior, Thor’s sword will never go back! Until this body is defeated! The bow of Jonathan, a brave as fast as a eagle and stronger than a lion Weapon. Run and defeat your enemies!" This is the song of the bow to be summoned. It is Yana's strongest magic except the Dimensional Sword.When Yan Ling was called, Yana's left hand gathered blue light.Behind her appeared a longbow the same height as hers, and four arrows appeared on the right hand that also glowed blue light.Performing his strongest magic is now very simple for Yana.

"Dear King, come and help me, and give me the power to defeat the enemy! Get out of the sheath, Heavenly Cloud Sword!" Huina chanted the incantation, and the Heavenly Cloud Sword spread its magical power.After Nie Kong's refining of the divine equipment, Huina was able to completely control the docile power of the Tiancong Yunjian.

The other three witches surrounded Athena in a triangle shape, with their hands emitting pure magical powers.This is the exclusive sealing technique of the witch, which can suppress the power of the gods.As soon as they took action, they used their own proud tricks.Even though they have improved a lot after double cultivation, they dare not say that they are sure of winning.

"The concubine admires your courage very much. It's amazing. Anyone who takes the snake away from the concubine is an enemy, no matter who it is. The maiden who serves an unknown god, hand over the snake's seal on your hand." Even as magicians, they are just ordinary human beings, but they plan to fight against God.Although Athena in a mini skirt has a very cute face, her voice is extremely majestic.Needless to say, her reason is to restore a complete self.

"I am the strongest person who holds all victories in my hand. Destroy all enemies who dare to stand in front of me and smash all obstacles!" A silent night, a night surrounded by abnormal silence and silence.The sound was like a cool night breeze, and it didn't disturb this unusually quiet night.

"The concubine's name is Athena. Daughter of Zeus, people over there, the concubine wants to take the snake from your hand. The concubine hereby apologizes for the rude behavior of the foreign gods."

The strong breath full of sacredness is approaching step by step, and one glance can make people see that the girl who is slowly walking is Athena.When bathed in the moonlight, the goddess looks slender and slender, but it makes people feel an unusually powerful force.The night wind was blowing Athena's hair, but this situation actually gave people an unlucky feeling.The shining silver-white hair strands looked like snakes to Yuri.

"The strongest goddess Athena, let us decide the outcome first, my lord, you can't see it if you say you see it." Yana aimed at Athena with her bow and performed her strongest magic.

Huh, four blue lights shot Yana out in a flash.Chasing the goddess Athena in the seal circle in a straight line, she hurried to the moon like a meteor.

Ena who attacked with a sword, gathered around the terrifying whirlwind, and began to lodge at the sword body of the Heavenly Congyun sword that loved the sword.Yana, who has magical equipment, is already comparable to half a god.Of course, Liliana, who owns the Dimensional Sword, is not much different from Ena's strength.

"The concubine body is the strongest goddess, you magicians, don't underestimate the gods." The circular golden light circle surrounds her, which is a shield formed by divine power.The four blue rays of light stuck halfway through the aperture, failing to hurt Athena.

Rao is so elegant and elegant, even though she has not recovered her full strength, but the magic almost broke her defense, it is really powerful and weird.

Hui Na raised the Sky Cong Yun Sword that had condensed the power of the storm, and she began to run.In an instant, Ena shortened the distance with Athena, and Ena slashed with a sword.Yana didn't give up the attack, and her left hand once again condensed the blue bow and arrow by magic.

"Kacha..." Yana's bow and arrow came first, and Yu Hui entered the divine defense shield first.Kaka Kaka, the four blue lights were deep in the defensive cover, only half a meter away from Athena.

What followed was Ena's Sky Cloud Sword, a magical tool blessed with the supernatural power of the storm, which shattered Athena's defense.

The frowning Goddess Loli shook her body slightly, and she avoided Ena's slash with a slight flash.God had the power to cut off most of Athena's beautiful silver hair.But the god has the ability to regenerate, and within a few seconds the silver wire returned to its original length.

However, Ena's sword did not stop because of this.Face, side of head, left shoulder, leg, flanks, heart, carotid artery, right wrist.She aimed at these parts and swiped continuously.Without the slightest hesitation, the sword light, like a gust of thunder, continued its offensive.

Whenever the blade approached, Athena turned to dodge.Facing Ena's unpredictable attack, Athena finally leaned against the seal circle and couldn't avoid it, so she could only block the sword blade with her back.

"Zizi..." A black terrifying wound appeared on the back of Athena's hand, and it seemed that the Sky Cong Yunjian had injured her.From the bright red scars, blood was slowly flowing out.Some of the flesh and blood are the circulation of black power, which belongs to the goddess of darkness.The goddess's slender hands were like steel, but Tian Cong Yun Jian still hurt.

Shoo... the blue light pierced the defenseless Athena, and a thumb-big wound appeared on her belly.The cooperation of the two women can already threaten God.

"That's it, you deserve to be someone who dared to challenge your concubine body. There is indeed a set." Weapons made on the ground are unlikely to hurt the slightest, not to mention swords, even guns, explosives or even chemical weapons. It is impossible to do any harm to God.

Two new wounds appeared on the body that was supposed to be immortal.Athena became serious, staring at the blood flowing out of her hand and said: "It's really rare, I have forgotten how long ago it was the last time I was injured by humans." She didn't need to say it in Greece, even in the West. Among the goddesses is also the highest rank.

"My sacred tools were made by the king himself. Even if you are Athena, you won't be unharmed by my sword." The girlish soprano spoke classical words.

"Is it a magical tool? No wonder it has magical power. And the silver-haired girl over there is a magician. It is really good to reach the peak of magician in your teens. Then the battle will officially begin, and bet on the ancient snake showdown. !" The gray whirlwind spread out gently, with a clicking sound, the seal ring was the sound of the seal ring breaking.

The women around were blown by the cool breeze, and they all felt very uncomfortable.The coughing sound was the coughing of a few women in pain.Affected by the cold air of the underworld released by the goddess, they noticed that their body temperature was dropping.

This is the wind of Athena's death, and ordinary people can blow it to the terrifying power of sudden death.If it hadn't been for the reason that the souls of Nie Kong were constantly condensed and strengthened, the women would not be able to stand up early.

"Quaqua..." A huge number of owls were summoned by Athena and swarmed towards the coughing women in the sky.

"Children, please play with them first, the concubine is going to retrieve the ancient snake." After saying this, Athena's petite body disappeared into the darkness.

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