The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 0314, first heard of Monkey King

The origin of the Five Prison Sacred Religion should be the organization established by Luo Hao himself during the Qing Dynasty.

Mount Lu is the headquarters of the Five Prisons Sacred Sect, and in the deep mountains of Lushan is the forbidden place of the Five Prison Sacred Sects.Among them, the only person who has the right to enter the log cabin in the deep mountains is Lu Yinghua, a disciple passed down by Luo Hao.But no one dared to enter the wooden house next to the silver waterfall, which belonged to Luo Hao.Usually Luo Hao would hide in the house when practicing martial arts in retreat.

Upon hearing the news of the master's departure today, Lu Yinghua hurried back to Lushan and knelt in front of the wooden house to wait for his master.After a while, the sound of squeaking the door opened, and his beautiful and unparalleled master walked out of it.Although the master is very feminine, Lu Yinghua seems to be in awe of the devil.He buried his head and didn't have the courage to look directly at the majestic eyes of the master.

"Yinghua, you are back, I just have something to arrange for you to do it!" Luo Cuilian nodded a little delicate face, obviously very satisfied with the performance of her apprentice.

"Master, despite your arrangements, the apprentice will do everything possible." Yinghua nodded heavily.

"Now that the snake god has voluntarily dedicated himself, we will once again go to the country to kill Monkey King who was willing to be raised as a Japanese! So your task is to take the dying god Anjiela to Japan and wait for me to break the seal of the Japanese. Luo Hao said solemnly,

"This..." Lu Yinghua had a different color on his face, obviously he was hesitant to say something.

"What kind of mother-in-law look like, you are my disciple of Luo Hao!"

"Yes... it's such a master. A few days ago, our Five Prisons Sacred Church got news from Italy. The truth about the disappearance of the Vauban Demon four years ago has finally been solved. It's... it's a godslayer named Nie Kong. Killed the Demon King Vauban. I heard... I heard that he killed the Demon King Tony in Italy some time ago. If it hadn’t been too much for Athena, the god of disobedience a few days ago, we might not have done so yet. His news. Even Athena can't resist King Nie Kong, and he seems to have a relationship with the Japanese committee... If we are going to Japan, the master must be careful of him." Eagle Hua got it from Italy a few days ago The news was poured out.Even the demon king who has been riding in Europe for hundreds of years died in his hands, how strong is the opponent king.

"It turns out that such a strong king appeared during my retreat? That's really a very happy thing. Eagle Hua, don't you have confidence in being a teacher? I, Luo Hao, reached the peak of martial arts and was called the supreme martial artist. The person. Yinghua obeyed, and the teacher instructs you to bring the ancestors to appear in the territory of the country tomorrow." Luo Hao's pure and bright eyes are full of confidence and fighting spirit.

"Yes, Master!" Lu Yinghua had already reminded Master, as to whether she listened to him, there was nothing about him.

The summer vacation took more than ten days to end, but Nie Kong and the others rushed back to Japan at this moment.

In the airport, the faces of the six leaders of the Knights of Italy were full of numbness, and they stared at the plane heading for Japan.No matter how many times they saw it, they felt shocked physically and mentally.

Nie Qing actually regained Athena, the god of inconsistency in the Trinity, and was tamed so well.Is Athena still the god of disobedience, she is more obedient than the maid.

In this case, with the power Nie Qing has now, no one can stop him from going to the world.Fortunately, we sent the two best knights to serve the king earlier, and laid the foundation for a relationship with the king.

The buzzing sound was a sign of the plane taking off.A large white mechanical bird with a length of several hundred meters hovered up and drove towards the distant country of Japan.In the luxurious cabin of the plane, ten women accompanied Nie Kong in the box.

"We are very sorry for interrupting Wang Kai's mood. It is because Xitian Temple has something to help, so we have to go back early." Huina said apologetically.

"What is the reason why the shrine in Xitian Temple must let Hikari go back?" They should have known that Hikari has become their own maiden. The Japanese guys dare to move her?

"That's because I can use misfortune. The maidens of the Western Heaven Palace must be skilled in using this power to be competent... By the way, let me show it to the king. Sister, use any spell." Hear At light request, Yuri took out the white square washi from his arms.She folds with her slender fingers, and immediately a familiar animal, a crane, appears. Yuri uses the method of origami to fold the washi into a white crane.

The paper crane that was placed in the hands of the witch maiden fluttered into the air.The blessing of the magical power allows several women to use the spells possessed by the witches.Of course, most of the techniques can already be used by them after double repairs.After that, Yuri grabbed the paper crane and tore it into two, letting go of the torn piece of paper. He thought it would fall directly to the ground, but unexpectedly the two pieces of paper flew again, and they were the same cranes as before.

Yuri kept adding paper cranes, but stopped after twelve.

"Wang, it's nothing great, it's just a very simple spell..." Yuri smiled shyly.The paper cranes floated slowly in the air, and the moment one of them was caught by the light, all the twelve cranes disappeared.

However, the paper crane held by bare hands turned back into a piece of white paper. Although there were still complicated creases, it had lost the shape of a crane and was the original square.

"King, you see this is a disaster! Although it is a very simple ability. Simply put, it can eliminate spells and magic, and light can eliminate those non-existent supernatural forces."

"The witch is indeed the descendant of the god ancestor, she can actually eliminate the curse power, no wonder the death of the concubine body has no effect on you." The slender and noble goddess of wisdom Athena, who was lying in Nie Kong's arms, whispered.

"Xitiangong is part of Nikko Dongshogu, an important spiritual place for the patron saint. The information about this place is the secret in the secrets of the Jiufazhong family. Although we are the maidens, the Wanligu family alone has no background. , They don’t need to explain at all. Now Yuxin tells the king, the king already knows about the four Japanese schools, right? Saya Palace, Qingqiuin, Liancheng, and Jiufa Mound, which lead the Japanese incantation world, have their own The job of the Jiufa Mound is to guard the Xitian Palace of Nikko Toshogu Shrine. This palace was originally built to worship the gods of the early Edo period, and the Xitian Palace was guarded by powerful enchantments and sealing spells. In the temple, according to the teachings of the Jiufazhong family, let the maidens who can use the evil to weaken the seal. In doing so, their family will obtain the martial power of the god-that is, they can use the power of the god."

At this time, Xin giggled and laughed, with a slightly unkind smile, but very charming."In other words, if there were no maidens, the Jiufazuka family would be a family that could not complete its mission. But that is a job that has been vacant for nearly a hundred years. Whether the gods really exist, no one can directly confirm. , So it’s difficult to judge."

"Although the god is sealed, but this job is for the witch to serve the god of disobedience." Yuri explained in a frivolous tone.

"Huh... I even dare to dig into the corner of my wall. The West Heaven Palace seems to be trying to provoke me." Although the voice was flat, the women knew that Nie Kong was angry.

"Wang, let the concubines help you clean up these magicians of the East." Athena showed the beauty of Medusa, and she looked charming and charming while biting her mouth.

"Wang, don't be angry with yourself, I and Lily will guard you after the matter." Erica seemed to be gloating. The more Wang hated Japan, the better they had the chance to bring Wang back to Italy.

It turns out that the king cares about himself so much, I just feel so happy.Wanli Guguang smiled sweetly, and didn't even think of Xitian Temple in his heart.

"Yes... they are confused, I will scold them!" Xin immediately called through the phone and explained that it was a means to invite Wang back.Xitian Palace is just an excuse, it is up to her to decide whether the light can pass.Through understanding Nie Kong, I know that the seal in the Xitian Palace was originally a monkey god, and it was a seal designed by everyone in Japan three hundred years ago.

"It turned out to be the Xitian Palace that sealed the Monkey King. If you say so, you have to see how the second dimension has destroyed our three-dimensional gods." Of course, the goddess Athena MM is an exception. I really like her nobleness and wisdom. , The feminine charm exuded by three kinds of delicate temperament.Especially after several times of irrigation by herself, the beautiful goddess completely burst the surrounding women.

The precipitation of thousands of years has made women evolve in the direction of perfection.It's normal for a few women to be inferior to Athena. After waiting for a few years, Nie Kong's irrigation will probably catch up with Athena.

"Huh...In this case, let's go to the Xitian Palace first, and wait until I destroy the gods sealed there." Seeing that the gods I worship are destroyed too badly, I am willing to kill him personally, lest he is destroyed. The image in your own mind.

"Yes...yes, if the king is going to see the gods in the Xitian Palace, no one should dare to stop the king. The king is the king of the world, and they have the right to obey the king's orders." Xin nodded and sent the message directly to the Xitian Palace. The person in charge, the head of Jiufazhong quickly responded that he was willing to obey the king's order.

The advancing plane landed at a Japanese airport with a thud. After a long voyage, they finally returned to Japan.

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