The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 0315, come to the Xitian Palace

When Nie Kong appeared at the Japanese airport, Luo Hao's apprentice Lu Yinghua had already brought two beautiful ancestors to Japan.The three of them waited for the opportunity to wait on the floor of the intersection that must pass through in the Xitian Temple, and they were monitored by the ancestor Angela Shuangtong.

To know the specific method to unlock the seal, of course, you must find the master of Xitian Palace, Jiufazuka, Mikihiko.

"That guy has come out, and the concubine will catch up. You should go over and get ready." When the target appeared, Angela said in a deep voice.

"Understand." Following the instructions given by An Jiela, who felt the aura of the target, Lu Yinghua split his fists into palms, and his attitude became serious.

Lu Yinghua looked down from the edge of the roof, and from the exit of the Xitian Temple, the target youth was walking out.With the luck of both eyes passing through the dantian under the navel, even on the twenty-first floor, Lu Yinghua could recognize the target's face.

Then, it was An Jiela's eyes that detected the youth's movements.She uses magic to expand her eyesight and hearing to monitor the interior of the hotel.The high-class car that confirmed the target is going out from the parking lot of Xitian Temple.

Lu Yinghua jumped out, using a jump without any approach, falling towards the ground like a parabola.He jumped from the tall building, gliding as if using a hang glider, landed on the lower building, and then jumped up again.Of course, the incarnation of Lu Ying who inherited Luo Hao's light work and mastery was a great skill.For example, what he uses now is Luo Hao's proud light work.

Superman's light work keeps moving from height to height, and his sight is in front of the target driving in the lane-Jiufazuka's high-end car, he moved to the roof of the car driven by Jiufazuka.

Then he squatted down, tapped the roof of the car lightly with his palm, and Feifeng lifted his twelve palms.

With the thumping sound, all the windows of the car shattered.This light palm without leaving any marks on the roof of the car shattered all the windows. This was a miracle brought about by Lu Yinghua's palm.

The unexpected accident forced Mikihiko Jiufazuka to step on the brakes.Lu Yinghua jumped over the target's head and landed on the concrete road.No sound was made, and the air did not fluctuate.

Jiufa tomb knew it was an enemy attack.Walking out of the car with a wooden knife in both hands.After seeing the enemy, he suddenly stabbed it with a wooden knife.The target is the throat, no mercy at all.

Lu Yinghua still smiled and faced the unexpected resistance of the target, and cut the wooden knife with a hand knife.Immediately after he flicked the enemy's forehead with his fingertips, the head of the Jiufazhong family fell down and lost consciousness.

The fierce and beautiful girl An Jiela, instead of jumping constantly like Eagle Hua, she really jumped out of the air using the witch's flying technique.

"It seems to be ready. Then, this person's brain and heart are the things of the concubine body." The witch approached the fallen Jiufazuka Mikihiko and performed the magic of reading memory.

"Yes, the steel they guard is the god of disobedience, your master's old enemy." An Jiela's evil eyes checked the fainted young man.

"I already know the key to sacrificing a rare generation of heroes to unlocking the seal. But not only the maiden who is the key, but also the new King Nie Kong has come to Japan. This is a little bit wrong, and King Nie Kong happens to be visiting The god of disobedience in the Western Tiangong. Lu Yinghua, hurry up and convey these two news to the leader!" Knowing Nie Kong's coming from memory made Angela startled.

Originally, Angela dared to fight even the king of the United States, but after knowing that Nie Kong had killed the men of Vauban, Tony, and Susuo, he was very cautious.

"It's best to let the king and the king face off. We just need to do our job well." Lu Yinghua sweated on his forehead and directly rejected the idea of ​​a direct confrontation.

"Then you... do you want to call your master?" The most fierce, extremely powerful, undefeated Godkiller who has reached the stage of seeking defeat.

Lu Yinghua nodded and said: "Tell the master that if you don't come forward, the plan will be hindered. Try to persuade her and welcome her to come. Anyway, the master will come sooner or later in order to meet the gods."

Lu Yinghua sighed thinking of Master's rudeness.

"Otherwise, if we fail, we don't know what torture we will suffer. I can't even think about it. It would be better to invite the lazy master out and give her a few hard punches..."

After returning to Japan, Jinghua went home first and told her grandparents about the death of Godou.After hearing that Godou died, they didn't believe it at first, but they saw Jinghua's serious expression all silently weeping.Especially Grandpa Ichiro regretted why he had to hand over the slate to Godou.

The parents who heard the news returned unexpectedly, and were heartbroken to handle the funeral for Godou.Poor son Godou, don’t you even have a dead body left?

After finishing her brother's funeral, Jinghua returned to her former cheerfulness after a few days of venting.When she went to the shrine, she just ran into Nie Kong and they were going to Xitian Temple.Xitian Temple is a shrine built at a certain corner of Nikko Mountain. It is separated from an area that can be used as a tourist spot, and it is a sanctuary forbidden to ordinary people.

A participant of a maid volunteered to be a driver, but he politely refused to Nie Kong.Even if you have no threats, there is no need to cause unnecessary trouble for yourself.Anna MM's driving skills, even Erica feels a headache.What's more, the improvement in strength after receiving Nie Kong's double repairs, I am afraid it is even crazier.

"If the king is going to the Xitian Temple, let Xin drive the car." Xin volunteered to take the responsibility, and after a long journey for several hours, they came to the Xitian Temple.

"Then, let's go to the Xitian Temple, and ask the king to follow me." You Li took out the rectangular spell and opened the enchantment set in the Xitian Temple.

Youli took the charm and entered the vast woods behind the god's stable, and Nie Kong and the others followed behind.And Athena's glamorous eyebrows wrinkled, and she felt the breath of her old enemy Steel Hero.This breath is very strong, even surpassing Perseus who killed and sealed his Medusa incarnation!

But now she has no worries, because she has already surpassed twice her strength in her heyday.

"It turns out that Monkey King is the hero of steel, the enemy of the concubine, but he will be raised by the concubine here. It really feels sad for the concubine."

It is not very noticeable here, so dozens of tourists did not notice.After entering the woods behind Yuri for ten minutes, they finally came to an old shrine.

At the same time, Luo Hao had already arrived in Japan after learning about his apprentice.She worked so fast that she had surpassed the plane and jumped across the sea from China.

The four appeared outside the West Tiangong barrier, and Angela took the lead in using magic to control the Mikihiko Nine Dharma to open the barrier.After Luo Hao instructed them to wait outside, the brush changed into a lizard and got into the Xitian Palace.

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